
tiě lù yùn shū ān quán
  • Railway transportation safety;safety of rail transportation
  1. 中国铁路运输安全工作的回顾与思考

    Review and Thoughts on the Safety Work of China Railway Transportation

  2. 应用高新技术实现铁路运输安全提效&RSD-I型车站占用线路同步显示器研究

    Applying High Tech to Realize Transportation Safety and Raising of Efficiency

  3. 协调有关部门做好铁路运输安全管理工作。

    Coordinate with relevant departments with safety management on Railway transportation .

  4. 铁路运输安全有序可控管理

    An Ordered and Controllable Management for the Safety of Railway Transportation

  5. 影响炼油厂铁路运输安全的因素分析及措施

    Analysis and measures against factors influencing railway transportation safety of refineries

  6. 易燃品包装对铁路运输安全影响研究

    Research on Packaging of Flammable Chemicals ' Impact on Rail Transportation Safety

  7. 相应地,铁路运输安全成为日益关注的重要问题。

    Accordingly , railway transportation safety has been becoming issue .

  8. 铁路运输安全的产权分析

    Analysis on the Property Rights of the Railway Transportation Safety

  9. 这样一来,就有可能显著地提高铁路运输安全防范能力。

    Remarkable will sharpen the railway transportation safe guard ability .

  10. 铁路运输安全虚拟现实模拟培训系统研究

    Research on Virtual Reality Simulation Training System of railway transportation

  11. 试论标准化管理与铁路运输安全的关联度

    Discussing the Correlation Between Standardization Management and Railway Transport Safety

  12. 略论铁路运输安全技术装备的发展问题

    Some Ideas on the Issue of Developing Safety Technical Equipments for Railway Transportation

  13. 铁路运输安全事故灰色预测方法研究

    Study on Obscure Prediction Method for Railway Transportation Accident

  14. 铁路运输安全理论与技术体系

    Theoretic and Technical Research Framework of Railway Transportation Safety

  15. 基于可靠性的铁路运输安全预警理论研究

    Railway Transport Safety Pre-warning Theory Research Based on Reliability

  16. 信息的正确传输是影响铁路运输安全的关键因素之一。

    Precise information transmission was one of the key factors for safe transportation .

  17. 从而严重制约运输效率,威胁铁路运输安全。

    That restricts the transport efficiency badly , and threats railroad conveyance safety .

  18. 集对分析在矿区铁路运输安全系统工程中的应用

    The Application of SPA in Safe System Engineering

  19. 基层站段的科学管理,是保证铁路运输安全的重要基础。

    The scientific management of base station and district is essential to railway transport safety .

  20. 其发出的行车指令直接影响铁路运输安全和效率。

    The command signals they send out directly affect the safety and efficiency of railway transportations .

  21. 实施全过程和关键要素控制确保铁路运输安全

    To implement controlling of whole process and key factors , to insure rail transportation 's safety

  22. 微机监测系统是保证铁路运输安全的重要行车设备之一。

    Signal supervision system is one of the critical train operation equipment for ensuring railway transportation safety .

  23. 分析了铁路运输安全生产的关键是协调人和物的关系。

    The Keyto safety production of railway transportation is to coordinate the relationship between people and materials .

  24. 论述了机车可靠性对铁路运输安全生产的重要作用。

    The importance of locomotive reliability on the safety of railway transportation is discussed in the paper .

  25. 铁路运输安全报警系统

    Safety Alarm System of Railways

  26. 轴箱弹簧作为连接轮对和构架的支撑与缓冲装置,其可靠性是保证铁路运输安全的重要因素。

    Box spring is the support and cushioning device whose reliability is an important factor to ensure the safety of railway traffic .

  27. 铁路运输安全的新形势要求企业进一步改善轮对压装质量管理工作。

    The new situation of the railway transportation safety requires enterprises to further improve the quality management work of wheelset fitting process .

  28. 双电源设备是否能够正常工作,是关系到铁路运输安全的重要因素。

    Whether the double power supply equipments can work smoothly is an important factor in relation with the safe carrying of the railway .

  29. 指出了集约型安全管理模式是一条强化中国铁路运输安全管理的现实和可行的途径。

    In a word , the Intensivism Safe Management Model is a practical and feasible way to strengthen the China Railway safe management .

  30. 热轴、切轴是危及铁路运输安全的重大事故因素之一。

    Getting hot and switched of the axles is one of factors for grave accidents which endanger the safety of transportation by railroad .