
  1. 儿童特发性肺含铁血黄素沉着症的影像学分析:比较X线与CT的诊断价值

    Idiopathic Pulmonary Hemosiderosis in Children : Comparison of Radiographic and CT Findings

  2. 丁酸钠和氯高铁血红素诱导K562细胞分化的信号转导机制

    Signal transduction mechanisms of differentiation induced by sodium butyrate and Hemin in K562 cells

  3. 由上述可得到如下结论:抗坏血酸增加氯高铁血红素诱导的红细胞氧化压力与H2O2有关;

    It was concluded that H_2O_2 was involved in the oxidative stress mediated by hemin and ascorbic acid .

  4. 辛老师将段金发的第三场也是最后一场追车戏称为“最铁血(predatory)的追车戏。”

    Sigel describes Drive 's third and final chase sequence as " the most predatory . "

  5. 结果脑(脊髓)内CA在MRI的T1、T2像上,病变周围可有典型的含铁血黄素黑环征;

    Results Intra-cerebral / spinal CAs showed the typical change , hemosiderin ring surrounding the CAs , on the T1 and T2-weighted MRI images .

  6. 目的探讨正铁血红素对急性间歇性血卟啉症(AIP)的治疗作用。

    Aim To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of Panhematin for acute intermittent porphyria ( AIP ) .

  7. 不知道为什么,每次我看到这个键盘时,都会想到ArnoldSchwarzenegger的《铁血战士》。

    Everytime I see this one I think of the movie Predator with Arnold Schwarzenegger , don 't know why .

  8. 结论:水含量不是影响肝癌MR表现的主要因素,含铁血黄素是导致肝癌T1WI呈低信号的因素之一。

    Conclusion : The water content is not the primary factor for HCCs MR apperance , hemosiderin prolongs the T 1 value of HCCs on SE T 1 weighted .

  9. 目的检测含铁血红素氧合酶-1(HemeOxygenase-1,HO-1)蛋白的表达,以研究脑出血后红细胞崩解产物中含铁血红素介导的氧化应激反应。

    Objective : To assay expression of heme oxygenase-1 ( HO-1 ) protein to investigate heme-mediated oxidative stress following intracerebral hemorrhage ( ICH ) .

  10. 目的:探讨特发性肺含铁血黄素沉着症(IPH)的胸部影像特点。

    Objective : To study the imaging characteristics and pathologic findings of idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis ( IPH ) .

  11. 过氧化氢酶显著地抑制抗坏血酸增强氯高铁血红素诱导红细胞的溶血、TBARS和高铁血红蛋白的生成;

    Catalase abolished the addition hemolysis as well as TBARS and methemoglobin mediated by hemin and ascorbic acid .

  12. X线平片仍应作为IPH的主要影像检查手段,对于有不良预后因素或临床高度怀疑为继发性肺含铁血黄素沉着症的患者,可根据实际情况选择HRCT或常规CT。

    Radiography is still warranted to be the major imaging examination for the patients with IPH , while for those patients with poor prognostic factors or clinically highly suspected as secondary pulmonary hemosiderosis , HRCT or CCT is recommended .

  13. 结果:脾脏炎性假瘤的MRI表现:T1WI序列表现为低或等信号,T2WI序列为低信号,信号特点与纤维组织增生、灶性出血、凝固性坏死、含铁血黄素沉着等有关。

    Results : The MRI features of splenic inflammatory pseudotumor were as follows : hypo-or iso-intense on T_1WI and hypo-intense on T_2WI , which were correlated with fibrous tissue , focal hemorrhage , coagulation necrosis and hemosiderosis on pathology .

  14. 目的:探讨脑溢安对脑出血后含铁血红素氧合酶1(HemeOxygenase1,HO1)表达的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effects of the traditional Chinese medicine complex nao yi an granule ( NYA ) on the expression of heme oxygenase 1 ( HO 1 ) in the brains of intracerebral hemorrhagic ( ICH ) rats .

  15. 方法对PNH患者进行糖水试验,酸化血清溶血试验(Ham实验),尿含铁血黄素试验(Rous),血液常规,骨髓形态学检查,铁染色,网织红细胞计数测定和临床表现的分析。

    Methods Ham test , sucrose hemolysis test , urine Rous test , blood routine , bone marrow picture examination , iron stain , reticulocyte count determination and clinical features were assayed in 36 patients with PNH .

  16. 结论ILD是MPA肺受累早期重要表现之一,HRCT、肺功能、BALF中查找含铁血黄素细胞有助于ILD的早期诊断;

    Conclusion Our study demonstrated that ILD is an common manifestation of early MPA . HRCT , pulmonary test and hemosiderin cells in BALF can be benefit to early diagnosis of ILD of MPA . p-ANCA is more common than c-ANCA in patients with lung involvement .

  17. 细胞色素b-563可以酶蛋白及氯正铁血红素重组合,重组合细胞色素b-563在光谱上和原细胞色素完全相同。

    Cytochrome b-563 could be reconstituted from the apoprotein and its prosthetic group . The spectral characteristics of the reconstituted cytochrome b-563 was the same as those of the original pigment .

  18. 你和朝鲜铁血团没有联系?

    So you have no ties to the Korean red fellowship ?

  19. 春哥纯爷们!铁血真汉子!

    Spring brother pure man ! Blood and iron real man !

  20. 韩知赫肯定是朝鲜铁血团的成员。

    Han ji-hyuk is surely a member of the Korean red fellowship .

  21. 人体从食物中取得大量的正铁血红素。

    Our bodies derive an abundance of hematin from food .

  22. 酶法水解血红蛋白制备亚铁血红素肽

    Preparation of ferrous heme-enriched peptide by enzymatic hydrolysis of hemoglobin

  23. 顶泌汗腺囊肿伴含铁血黄素皮肤纤维瘤样基质2例

    Apocrine gland cyst with hemosiderotic dermatofibroma-like stroma : Report of two cases

  24. 你对朝鲜铁血团肯定有更多了解。

    You must know more about the Korean red fellowship .

  25. 是滴,我们是铁血兄弟,异父异母的。

    Yes , blood brothers from different father and mother .

  26. 无急性出血或者是含铁血黄素沉积。

    There can be hemosiderin pigment from hemorrhage as well .

  27. 特发性肺含铁血黄素沉着症的影像学表现及其与肺功能改变的相关性分析

    The Correlation Between Imaging Findings and Pulmonary Function Changes of Idiopathic Pulmonary Hemosiderosis

  28. 有5个病灶出现出血及含铁血黄素沉着。

    Hemorrhage and hemosiderosis occurred in 5 lesions of REP.

  29. 脾脏内有大量的含铁血黄素沉积。

    A large amount of hemosiderin deposited in spleen .

  30. 俾斯麦的铁血政策及外交活动在统一德国中的作用

    The Role of Bismarck'sIron & bloodedPolicy and His Diplomatic Activities in Unifying Germany