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  • triathlon;Iron Man Triathlon
  1. TalkUltra播客创建者伊恩科利斯(IanCorless)说,自己从铁人三项赛“升级”至了极限马拉松赛。

    Ian Corless , who produces the Talk Ultra podcast , says he graduated to ultra marathons from triathlons and Ironman races .

  2. 之后我听了纽约特殊外科医院(HospitalforSpecialSurgery)运动医学专家约尔丹•梅茨尔博士(JordanMetzl)讲述他在第一次参加铁人三项赛时差点晕倒的事情。

    I then heard Jordan Metzl , a sports medicine specialist at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York , describe how he had nearly crashed during his first Ironman race .

  3. 类型(短跑、半程铁人三项赛等)

    A type ( sprint , half iron man , and so on )

  4. 谁每年都参加铁人三项赛并且获胜?

    Who enters ironman triathlons every year and wins ?

  5. 铁人三项赛的游泳可以采用任何泳姿。

    Any swimming stroke can be used in triathlon .

  6. 夏威夷铁人三项赛就更艰巨了。

    The Hawaii Ironman is even more grueling .

  7. 在精英赛和参与了121个世界级的铁人三项赛,比赛展现活力。

    In elite competition and the participation of121 world-class triathlon , the race unfolds vibrant .

  8. 两位黑人兄弟冲过铁人三项赛终点后相互拥抱。

    Two brothers in black collapsing into each other 's arms at the finish of the Triathlon .

  9. 周日,墨西哥举行的一场高水平的铁人三项赛,以哥哥扶着弟弟越过终点线的方式戏剧性落幕。

    An elite triathlon race in Mexico ended dramatically Sunday with one brother helping another across the finish line .

  10. 上周他完成了布伦海姆铁人三项赛,成绩是1小时43分钟,看起来在蒙特利尔这边他累坏了。

    He completed the Blenheim triathlon last weekend in1hr43mins and looks to be suffering the after effects here in Montreal .

  11. 去年夏天,她参加了一个铁人三项赛,完成了500米距离的游泳。这个月她还准备参加一项1500米距离的游泳比赛。

    Last summer , she swam 500 meters in a triathlon and plans to swim 1,500 meters in one this month .

  12. 要达到要求非常困难:虽然布鲁曼克伦兹两次在纽约州普莱西德湖完成长距离铁人三项赛,但他不是顶尖运动员。布鲁曼克伦兹住在纽约州老布鲁克维尔。

    Qualifying was difficult : Although he had twice completed the Ironman distance race in Lake Placid , N.Y. , Mr. Blumencranz is not an elite athlete .

  13. 其中一人全副精力都用在放假在家的孩子身上,另一个迟到早退,说是要为参加铁人三项赛加强训练。

    One is preoccupied with children at home , and the other is always coming in late and leaving early to train for an iron man competition .

  14. 第一次铁人三项赛在美国西南部的圣地亚哥举行,时间是1974年。比赛很大程度上源于加利福尼亚人对慢跑的狂热。

    The first triathlon was held in the south-western United States city of San Diego in 1974 , in many ways an outgrowth of the California jogging craze .

  15. 正如许多人一样,福特原先是参加马拉松长跑,后来才转而参加铁人三项赛的&由于跟腱损伤,他买了一辆自行车,并从此热衷于铁人三项。

    Like many , Forte moved into triathlon by way of marathon running - an Achilles tendon injury led him to buy a bike and he was bitten by the bug .

  16. 铁人三项赛目前还不是奥运会和亚运会的正式项目,但是它也能很好地展现人们追求更快更强的精神。

    The Triathlon is not one of the formal competitions in Olympic Games and Asian Games at present , but it could show the spirit of becoming faster and stronger for the mankind as well .

  17. 如今,每年的极限型赛事安排得满满当当(50英里长跑、甚至100英里长跑、或是自行车大赛以及更为恐怖的铁人三项赛),新型度假方式也随之应运而生——休假期间,参赛者不远万里前去参赛。

    The calendar is filling up with outlandish events - 50-mile runs , even 100 miles , or cycle rides and triathlons of even more epic proportions - and a new type of holiday has evolved in which competitors travel across the world to tackle them .

  18. 在墨西哥科苏梅尔的铁人三项世界系列赛决赛中,处于领先位置的英国选手乔尼•布朗利(JonnyBrownlee)在比赛进行到只剩不到半英里时放慢了速度,踉踉跄跄地拐向一处补水站。

    At the final race of the World Triathlon Series in Cozumel , Mexico , Jonny Brownlee of Britain was leading with less than half a mile to go when he slowed and staggered over to a water station .

  19. 世界铁人公司是铁人三项赛的运营方。过去几年,万达一直在向核心的地产开发业务以外扩张。2012年,该公司收购了美国AMC影院公司(AMCTheatres),这是该公司进军娱乐业举措的一部分。

    Wanda has expanded outside of its core areas of property development for the past few years , and in 2012 it bought AMC Theatres in the US , part of a push into entertainment .

  20. 由于对自己走样的身材感到不满,他开始了铁人三项全能训练并在2004年的加拿大铁人三项赛上以8小时29分55秒的成绩拿下了亚军头衔。

    Unhappy that he was so out-of-shape , he started training for triathlons and finished the Ironman Canada in 2004 in 8 hours , 29 minutes , and 55 seconds & good enough for second place .