
  1. 他洗了澡,吃了饭,给大家一种根本就没有危险的印象。

    He bathed and had dinner , giving everyone the impression that there was no danger at all .

  2. 而我做的就是要给大家一种不一样的感觉,虽说龙这个生物在我们现实生活中不存在,但是它也给与我们一种真的存在感;

    And I do is to give you a different sense , although dragon the biological in our real life does not exist , but it also gives us a really exist sense ;

  3. 胡萝卜紧缺,于是大家都去种胡萝卜。等到来年这个时候,可想而知,胡萝卜就会过剩。

    There is a shortage of carrots . So everybody starts growing carrots . Next season , surprise , surprise , there is a glut of carrots .

  4. 与会成员代表了IEC所涉及的所有行业领域,大家怀有一种使命感,那就是协商IEC政策来满足产业的需要。

    The members represent all the IEC schemes and have the mission to determine a concerted IEC policy meeting the industry needs .

  5. Jacqueline向大家推荐一种清洁剂,可以吸附在感染了霉菌的部位,更容易清除污渍。

    Jacqueline recommends a cream cleaner as it clings to the effected areas , making it easier to remove the stains .

  6. 本文为大家提供一种使用CAXA实体设计软件快速绘制螺旋桨的方法,具体参数仅供参考。

    This article provides one kind for everybody to use the CAXA entity design software to draw up the propeller fast the method , the concrete parameter only supplies the reference .

  7. 杰夫:我先给大家介绍一种。

    Jeff : Let me tell you one of the items .

  8. 今天早上的健康节目将向大家介绍一种健康运动玩具。

    This morning on today 's fitness exercise toys for children .

  9. 今天我给大家介绍四种,

    And so today , I 'm going to show you four ,

  10. 这里和大家分享三种改进的方法。

    Here I would like to share three ways to improve it .

  11. 你出现在当地,将是对大家的一种鼓舞。

    Your presence on the spot will be an inspiration to all .

  12. 下面向大家介绍一种薄煎饼的烹饪方法,你可以试着做一做。

    Cook the other five chapattis the same way as the first one .

  13. 今天,我想给大家展示一种减少成本的新方法。

    Today , I 'd like to show you a way to cut costs .

  14. 今天给大家介绍五种站起来客服困难继续前进的方法!

    Here are five ways to get up , get over it and move on .

  15. 今天我想向大家介绍三种地震预测方法。

    Today I want to introduce you to three prediction models that have been developed .

  16. 这项工作也在研究界掀起潮流,激励大家建立一种行之有效的方法。

    The work also has sparked a flurry in research circles to build upon a proven approach .

  17. 没有任何科学记者能够回答这个问题,但是你可以让大家知道一种疾病造成的风险。

    No science journalist can answer this , but you can communicate the risk a disease poses .

  18. 本文是要向大家诠释一种现象,即音乐中所蕴含的哲学思想。

    Through this paper the author intends to convey a phenomenon , i.e. , philosophy embedded in music .

  19. 今天,想给大家介绍一种对付消极情绪的简单而又有效的方法。

    Today , let me show you a simply but effective exercise to deal with a negative emotion .

  20. 在今天的节目中,我想给大家介绍8种你可以给予他人的礼物。

    In today 's program , I would like to recommend 8 gifts that you can give of yourself .

  21. 目前大家有一种真切的感觉,即终点线已经在望,他在周一表示。

    There is a real sense we are within reach of the finish line , he said on Monday .

  22. 在本视频中,一位造型师为大家解释哪种发型最适合较长的脸型,让长脸看上去更加圆润,更加有吸引力。

    A Stylist explains which hairstyles and haircuts are best for making long faces look more oval and attractive .

  23. 文章详细论述了播放器的软件和硬件结构,为大家提供一种设计参考。

    The paper discuss detailed the software and hardware of the player , to provide a design reference for us .

  24. 作为蒙古人,作者认为把蒙古族的现状展现给大家是一种责任。

    As a Mongolian , the writer thinks that it is a responsibility to demonstrate Mongolians ' present situation to outsiders .

  25. 下面为大家揭晓4种超级食物,让你的皮肤在整个夏天都美美哒!为什么我们喜欢鳄梨

    Here we reveal four summer superfoods to keep your skin looking gorgeous throughout the season . WHY WE LOVE THE AVOCADO

  26. 现在我要为大家介绍一种获得更多光照,却能轻松降低电费的简单方法:荧光灯泡。

    Now I am going to show you a simple way to get more light and cheaper electric bills ; the fluorescent light bulb .

  27. 今天为大家介绍5种方法巧妙投诉自己的同事,达到自己想要的结果,当然,也不让自己显得是个麻烦精。

    Here are five steps to complaining about a co-worker that will help you get the results you want without looking like a problem yourself .

  28. 他表示:大家有一种合理的考虑,即大多数国家已出台了重大的刺激方案,我们需要(先)看看效果如何。

    There is legitimate concern that most countries already having initiated significant stimulus packages that we need to [ first ] see how they work , he said .

  29. 这是说话人最明显的身份鉴别,当然,说话人不可能是其他人,我说这些绝非要给大家介绍一种怀疑论的尺度。

    That is the most obvious identification of a speaker but of course the speaker could be somebody else and I 'm not introducing a measure of skepticism in saying this .

  30. 本文向大家介绍一种新型液位传感器&浮子式光纤液位传感器的传感原理及液位测量过程,同时对测量信号的处理作了详细的分析。

    The paper introduces the sensing principle and measuring procedure of a new type of liquid level sensor-fibre-optical liquid level sensor with float , and analyses in detail the process of measured signals .