
  1. 当前重要目标反爆炸袭击的主要防护措施

    Main Protection Measures of the Important Aims for Preventing Bomb Attack

  2. 反恐怖袭击医学救援机制及行动对策研究

    Countermeasure Medical Rescue Mechanism and Action in Anti - terrorism

  3. 伊拉克人发誓,只要美英联军不撤军,反美袭击就不会停止,战后重建将是一个长期的艰难过程。

    Therefore , the post-war reconstruction will be a long and arduous process .

  4. 没错,从反恐怖袭击的角度来说的确更安全了。

    Certainly , it is safer against terrorist attacks .

  5. 这只是911事件之后反恐怖袭击的公共安全系列产品之一。

    It is among a series of public security products to counter terrorist attacks following the9 / 11 attack in the US .

  6. 方法:依据反恐怖袭击医学救援的特点,在文献调研和专家访谈的基础上,运用专家咨询法,着重构建及阐述了反恐怖袭击医学救援机制。

    Methods : In accordance with characteristics of medical rescue in anti-terrorism attack , on base of investigating literature and consulting experts , construct and illustrate medical rescue mechanism in anti-terrorism attack by AHP method .

  7. 钓鱼网页更新速度是很快的,所以在进行反钓鱼袭击的工作中,除了要考虑钓鱼检测方法的优劣外,还需要考虑特征库的构建问题。

    Generally , the update speed of the phishing webpage is very fast . Therefore , it is not enough to consider the phishing detecting method only , the method of constructing feature library is also greatly needed .

  8. 城市反化学恐怖袭击中的医学防护

    The Medical Defense Against Chemical Terror Attack in City

  9. 和居住在希腊的其他几百名外国人一样,Hafeez遭遇在雅典街头游荡的反移民暴徒的袭击。

    Like hundreds of other foreigners living in Greece , Hafeez was recently targeted by anti-immigrant mobs ing the streets of Athens .

  10. 如果索马里政府不停止对于反政府活动分子的袭击,他们将采取对付它的有针对性的措施。

    It threatens targeted measures against the Syrian government if it does not stop its attacks on anti-government activists .

  11. 反恐怖,主要是反袭击、反劫持、反爆炸。

    Combating terrorism chiefly means performing anti-attack , anti-hijacking and anti-explosion tasks .