
  • 网络Railway communication;GSM-R;railroad communication
  1. GIS在铁路通信线路管理中的应用

    Application of GIS into Railway Communication Line Management

  2. OFDM系统资源调度与分配策略在铁路通信系统中的应用

    Resource Scheduling and Allocation of OFDM System Applied in Railway Communication System

  3. 柔性MIS思想在铁路通信资源管理系统中的应用

    Flexible MIS and Its Application in Railroad Communication Resource Management System

  4. EDGE在铁路通信中QoS的研究

    QoS of EDGE in Rail Communication

  5. 关于我国加入WTO后铁路通信走向电信市场的思考

    Thoughts on the Way Which the Railway Communications Lead to the Telecommunications Market Following China 's Entry into WTO

  6. 铁路通信信号采用UPS供电的可靠性与可用性

    Reliability and Availability of Adoption of UPS as Power Source of Railway Communication and Signalling

  7. DWDM技术及其在京九铁路通信中的应用

    Technology of DWDM and Application in Beijing-Jiulong Railway Telecommunication Engineering

  8. 中国铁建是竞标马新高铁的中国联合体成员之一,联合体由中国中铁(ChinaRailway)牵头,其他成员还包括中国铁路通信信号(ChinaRailwaySignals&Communication)以及中国交通建设(ChinaCommunicationsConstruction,中国港湾工程的母公司)。

    CRCC is part of the Chinese consortium led by freight transporter China Railway bidding for the Kuala Lumpur-Singapore line . The party also includes China Railway Signals & Communication and China Communications Construction ( the parent company of CHEC ) .

  9. 随着LTE技术的发展,LTE通信技术在铁路通信系统中应用呈现出良好的前景。

    With the development of the LTE ( Long Term Evolution ) technology , the LTE communication technologies in railway communication system present a good application prospect .

  10. 铁路通信接入网业务中的常见问题处理

    Common service problems in railway communication access network and treatment measures

  11. 铁路通信信号技术发展及经济效益的研究

    On Technical Development and Economic Benefit of Railway Communication and Signalling

  12. 甬台温铁路通信系统集成采用的两项技术方案

    Two Technical Solutions Applied in Communication System Integration of Ningbo-Taizhou-Wenzhou Railway

  13. 当前铁路通信干线光缆容量的选择

    Selection of Optical Cable Content in Communication Trunk Cable of Railway

  14. 东乌铁路通信机房环境动力监测系统浅析

    Sun Railroad Correspondence Engine Room Environment Power Observation System Brief Analysis

  15. 铁路通信网路径选择性能优化及仿真分析

    Performance Optimization and Simulation Analysis of the Railway Communication Network Route Search

  16. 浅谈铁路通信、信号类建筑的防火设计

    On Fire Protection Design for Railway Communication and Signal Buildings

  17. 中国铁路通信经营发展的探讨与建议

    Investigation and Proposal about the Development of China Railway Telecom

  18. 南昆铁路通信技术及其效益

    Communication Technology and Its Benefit on the Nanning - Kunming Railway Line

  19. 我国铁路通信设备的现状、差距和发展目标

    State-of-the-Art , Disparity and Development Goals of Railway Communication Equipments in China

  20. 对我国铁路通信信息产业化的思考

    The Think of the Industry of Communication & Information in Chinese Railway

  21. 从历史、现在和未来的角度,对中国铁路通信的发展进行了探讨。提出了建设性方案。

    The development of China Railway Communication is explored in view of history .

  22. 铁路通信网网络结构的演变趋势与发展策略

    Development Trend and Strategy of Railway Telecommunication Network Structure

  23. 关于铁路通信楼的照度标准及消防问题的探讨

    Discussion on Illumination Standard and Fire Protection for Railway Communication and Signal Tower

  24. 铁路通信电缆是传输铁路信号的主要通道。

    The railway communication cable is the main channel of transmission railway signal .

  25. 各种传输方式在铁路通信网中的适用性分析

    Applicable Analysis of Various Transportation Means in Communication Network

  26. 铁路通信接入层和汇接层完全保护方案探讨

    Discussion on Protection Scheme for Access Layer and Convergence Layer of Railway Communication

  27. 接入网在铁路通信中的应用

    Application of Optical Access Network in the Railway Communication

  28. 铁路通信网设计及向宽带拓展的设想

    The design and grade of railway telecom network

  29. 横南铁路通信工程优化设计效果

    Optimized Design Effect On Hengnan Railway Communication Project

  30. 这是铁路通信领域一直以来的研究热点。

    This is always a hot research point in the field of railway communication .