
  1. 德州联通以主会场作为本地会议电视网的核心部分,区县会场高清会议电视终端经4×E1专线接入德州联通主会场的MCU,构成地市到县的备用会议电视系统模式。

    Its main venues is the central part of local conference network , with other HD the TV terminal in counties accessing MCU by 4 x E1 line , which constitutes the main supply to county spare meeting TV system model .

  2. 会议电视网最小费用路由选择

    Minimal Cost Routing for PSTN / ISDN Based Video Conference Networks

  3. 江苏省会议电视网

    The Videoconference Network in Jiangsu Province

  4. 会议电视网的网络支持

    Network support for video conferencing network

  5. 铁道部会议电视网

    Video Conference Network of MOR

  6. 上海本地会议电视网

    Shanghai Local Video Conference Network

  7. 本文通过对安徽省会议电视网的现状进行说明和分析,介绍了安徽省会议电视网络组网方案和设计思路,描述其网络功能。

    This article has discussed the network scheme and the design idea of the video conference network of Anhui Province , by though introducing and analysis of present network status , described the function and some features .

  8. 针对常见的几种通信网络,提出了相应会议电视网的网络支持方案及其特点,并对电力系统会议电视网的网络支持方案提出一些应注意的问题。

    To count several familiar communication networks , this article presents the suggestion and feature of network support for video conferencing network , and bring some problems that are noticed about network support for power video conferencing network .

  9. 多点会议电视通信网系统的级联和扩展

    Extension of Cascaded Networks for Multipoint Teleconferencing

  10. 我国公用会议电视骨干网

    China Common Video Conference Backbone Network

  11. 卫星会议电视系统及网控技术

    Satellite teleconference system and network controlling technology

  12. 这是1996年上海科技论坛中的一篇报告,概述会议电视发展简况、系统组成、主要应用和上海本地会议电视网布局。

    As a report issued in ' 96 Shanghai Sci tech Forum , the paper describes the evolution , structure and applications on video conference system . Furthermore , the configuration of Shanghai local video conference network is introduced .