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PVP that have carbonyl groups could influence the surface composition of the platinum-group bimetallic nanoclusters and thereby their catalytic properties .
A mineralogical investigation of platinum-group metal placers from Burma was made by electron probe microanalysis ( EPMA ) .
PGE and Re-Os isotope compositions and their significances of Co-rich ferromanganese crusts
Analysis of Ore-forming Geological Conditions of Panzhihua-Xichang Area Platinum Group Element Based on GIS Study
Interference from nuclear reactions on PGE analysis were studied .
The common Os dating method can be used to date osmium minerals , and discuss the source of ore-forming materials .
Analyse of Ore-forming Geological Condition and Ore-forming Prediction of Panxi Area Platinum Group Element ( PGE ) Base on GIS
Consequently , the hidden PGE deposit could be discovered by means of geochemical exploration with Pt and Pd as direct pathfinder elements .
A preliminary study on the new mineral of platinum group & omeiite osas_2
Platinum group elements ( PGE ) geochemistry of polymetallic nodules in CC zone , east Pacific Ocean
Prospecting direction of platium group elements ore deposit in South Shangxi province , china
The effects of sulfuric and perchloric acid on extracting platinum metals by TBP
Elimination of Interference in Determination of Trace Platinum Group Elements in Environmental Samples by ICP-MS
Extraction of Thiocyanate Complexes of Platinum Group Metals Ions by MIBK
Cobalt rich ferromanganese crusts are significantly rich in platinum group elements , and the partition of platinum group elements in cobalt rich ferromanganese crusts is very similar to that of meteorite .
Exploitation , Application and Development of Fission-Generated Platinum Precious Metals ( FPs ) in Nuclear Waste
As one of the noble metals , palladium has also attracted great interests because of its extraordinary properties . It can be widely used as the primary catalyst .
The platinum-group element contents are close to those of picrite in other parts of the world , with Pt / Pd < 1 and low contents of Os and Ir .
Titanium anode called DSA , is a kind of electrode material with metallic titanium as substrate which is coated with platinum group element oxide on the surface .
Enrichment features of platinum group elements in road dust of Shanghai
In contrast to stratiform chromites , podiform chromitites commonly have lower TiO 2 concentration , and their chondrite-normalized platinum-group element ( PGE ) patterns show negative slope .
Cu-Ni sulphide deposit related to mafic-ultramafic rocks is the main type of copper , nickel , platinum group elements ( PGE ) deposits .
The platinum group elements ( Os , Ir , Pt , Ru , Rh , and Pd ) are highly siderophile and chalcophile elements , which are compatible elements and show similar geochemical behaviours .
Studies of these boundaries in China and over the world strongly suggest that they have similar features : mass extinction of many taxa of lifeforms , positive anomalies of platinum group metals , and abrupt changes of stable isotopes (δ ~ ( 13 ) C ), etc.
Previous analytical methods such as conventional ICP MS and INAA usually give low analytical precision of > 15 to 100 % for sub ppb to ppt level rock samples .
Based on geochemical characteristics of Platinum group element deposits and basalts derived from the same origin , the authors screened Pt-Pd synthesis anomalies in stream sediments , and picked out 10 favourable prospecting region of looking for PGE deposits .
Preparation and Study of Two Seamount Co-rich Crust PGEs Ultra-fine Reference Materials : MCPt-1 and MCPt-2 Internal Stress and Co Content of Pulse Electrodeposited Ni-Co Alloy Coatings
The procedure of micro fire assay with nickel sulphide was developed for the determination of platinum-group elements ( PGEs ) in small samples (≤ 1 g ) .
The ( minimum ) intake of 40 mg for most elements , and that of 20 g for platinum group elements are ( recommended ) for use .
In the K / T boundary layers at all parts of the world , not only was there tremendous iridium anomaly , but the contents of other platinum group elements were enriched multiply as well . Additionally , the distribution patterns of PGEs were essentially consistent with extraterrestrial matter .