- 名Cesium atomic clock;cesium clock

In this paper , the system structure of an optically pumped cesium beam atomic clock computer model is introduced . This cesium atomic clock computer model included program modules of cesium oven , pumping laser , detecting laser , Ramsey microwave cavity , C field , fluorescence detecting system .
Study on the Influence of External Electromagnetic Field on Performance of Cesium Atomic Clock
An Optically Pumped Cesium Atomic Clock Computer Model
Numerical model of cesium atomic clock velocity distribution
Experimental results show that the slow cesium atomic clock time a very small unit .
A movable cesium atomic clock
And an ytterbium clock has the potential to be even more accurate and stable than the cesium chronometer .
National Institute of Standards and Technology researchers are developing atomic clocks based on the element ytterbium that could outclass cesium atomic clocks , which currently set the standard .
Based on a numerical model cesium atomic clock designed before , the influence of atomic velocity distribution consisting of two peaks and three peaks has been studied respectively .
Precise comparisons of optical resonance frequencies of atomic hydrogen and other atoms with the microwave frequency of a cesium atomic clock are establishing sensitive limits for possible slow variations of fundamental constants .
In the experimental system of the small cesium beam frequency standard with sharp angle incident laser light pumping and sharp angle incident laser light probing , the light frequency shift ( mainly caused by AC Stark effect ) caused by fluorescence from pumping region was calculated theoretically .
A Time and Frequency Primary Standard of New Generation : NIM4 # Laser Cooling-Cesium Atomic Fountain Clock
The power fluctuation of horizontal counter optical has greatly influence on the fountain efficiency of NIM4 # Cs fountain clock .
The realization of 74 cm fountain of atomic clouds , obtaining fluorescence signal of time of flight with S / N ~ 200 , on NIM4 # laser cooling - Cs atomic fountain clock is described .
NIM 4 ~ # Laser Cooling-Cesium Atomic Fountain Clock : A New Generation of Time and Frequency Primary Standard
In the best cesium fountains the largest source of error are so-called cold collisions , Gibble explained . In spite of its huge size , Big Ben is a very good timekeeper and almost never gets more than a second off time .
NIM4 # Cold Cesium Atomic Fountain Clock a Time and Frequency Primary Standard of New Generation
The Research of Electronic Measurement and Control System for NIM4 # Cold Cesium Atomic Fountain Clock