
  • 网络oil generating quantity
  1. 模拟结果表明:辽河盆地生油量为700.8×108t,生气量为59.6×1011m3;

    The simulation result shows : the oil generating amount in Liaohe Basin is 700.8 × 10 8 t , and its gas generating amount is 59.6 × 10 11 m 3 ;

  2. 苏北盆地盐城凹陷生油量计算及参数处理方法

    Calculating the Amount of Oil Formed and Processing Parameters in Yancheng Depression , Northern Jiangsu Basin

  3. 通过模拟生油量与估算生油量对比,认为本区含油气远景是乐观的。

    The comparison between the simulated results and the estimated value has shown a promising hydrocarbon potential .

  4. 通过对苏北盆地盐城凹陷的研究,根据干酪根热降解成油学说,建立了计算生油量的数学模型,探讨了各参数的定义和取值方法。

    Based on the theory that oil is generated by kerogen , the formula of calculating amount of oil formed has been presented and the concepts of some parameters in the formula have been discussed .

  5. 本文还用实验模拟、热重、热谱等方法测定了干酪根的生油潜量,并与蒂索确定的生油潜量进行了比较研究。

    By using simulation experiments , TGA method and Rock-Eval analysis , the potential of kerogen for oil generation was measured and compared with that determined by Tissot .

  6. 应用化学动力学计算生油岩生烃量

    Calculating hydrocarbon generation quantity of source rock using chemical kinetic modeling

  7. 渭北地区18年生油松林生物量为71.410t/ha,其中乔木层生物量为67.124t/ha。

    Standing crop of 18-year-old Pinus tabulaeformis plantation in Wei-bei region was 7l . 410t / ha , in which the biomass of arbor layer amounted to 67.124 t / ha .

  8. 应用该模型测算了江汉盆地JJ、QQ、XX凹陷潜江组未熟烃源岩在现今的累积生油强度和生油量。

    By using this model , the current cumulative oil generating intensity and amount for immature source rocks of Qianjiang formation were calculated in JJ , QQ , XX Depressions , the Jianghan Basin .

  9. 本文还结合干酪根有机碳的质量系数法,定量评价了襄9井生油岩油气生成量和生油气潜量。

    Well of Xiangyang oilfield were calculated with the formula , and the amounts of oil and gas generated from these source rocks were evaluated by the kerogen quality parameter method .