
  1. 财富联合集团的传媒业,以资本推动中国文化发展,打造熠熠银河星光舰队。

    Fortune combining its media industry , and promoting the development of Chinese culture with capital , has built up shiny fleet in the galaxy .

  2. 银河一片星光,照到深黑的海上。

    The Milky Way was an expanse of bright stars , illuminating the deep dark seas .

  3. 深夜里,天空如一块大黑布,银河系里星光熠熠地闪耀着。它的整个重量就这么落在了拱门国家公园里的平衡岩上,像跷跷板一样摇摇晃晃。

    The mighty weight of the entire Milky Way teeters precariously on Balanced Rock in Arches National Park .

  4. 这张美丽的多波段的图片拍摄的是银河系M82的星光,恒星们发出的可见光在照片显示为黄绿色,让我们看到了一个很普通的银河系星盘。

    In this beautiful multiwavelength view of the starburst galaxy M82 , optical light from stars , pictured in yellow-green , reveals the disk of an apparently normal galaxy .