
  • 网络Raise the Red Lantern;Silver Lion
  1. 两人2014年在威尼斯建筑双年展上获得银狮奖;斯米尔耶·拉蒂克(SmiljanRadic)同年为伦敦蛇形画廊(SerpentineGallery)设计了年度展馆。

    They include Pedro Alonso and Hugo Palmarola , who in 2014 won the Silver Lion award at the Venice Architecture Biennale , and Smiljan Radic , who that same year designed the annual pavilion at the Serpentine Gallery in London .

  2. 1998年,这支电视广告赢得了电视电影学会(ATAS)授予的第二届年度黄金时段艾美奖之最佳广告奖,以及贝尔丁奖及戛纳银狮奖。

    In1998 the television spot won the second annual primetime Emmy Award for best commercial from the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences ( ATAS ) . The ad also won a Belding , a Silver Lion at Cannes .

  3. 北野武导演的《座头市》同时还在这个月早些时候的威尼斯电影节上获得银狮奖。

    Kitano also won a Silver Lion for directing Zatoichi at the Venice Film Festival earlier this month .

  4. 安德烈·康查洛夫斯基、阿玛特·伊斯卡拉特共同获得今年的最佳导演银狮奖,其获奖影片分别为:由俄罗斯和德国合拍的《战争天堂》、墨西哥影片《野蛮地区》。

    Andre Konchalovsky and Amat Escalante shared this year 's Silver Lion for best direction for their respective films : " Paradise " from Russia and Germany and " The Untamed " from Mexico .