
  1. 市场经济条件下商业银行资源配置的策略和方法

    Strategies and methods for commercial banks to allocate resources in market economy

  2. 银行资源分配方案风险的熵的评价

    Entropy Weighting Evaluations for the Risks of the Distribution Schemes of Bank Resources

  3. 地方银行资源优化的目标规划模型及实证研究

    The Goal Program Model of Resources Optimization in Local Commercial Banks and It 's Empirical Research

  4. 基于竞争战略效率的商业银行资源配置优化模型研究

    Research on optimization model of resources deployment based on the competition strategy efficiency of commercial banks

  5. 危机给贫困国家造成了严重的影响,导致了世界银行资源使用的扩张。

    The crisis implications for poor countries are stark , and driving expanded use of World Bank resources .

  6. “在全球普遍将注意力集中在银行资源和一揽子经济刺激计划的同时,我们不应忘记,如果发展中国家的经济形势不稳定,其贫困人口将面临更大风险,”佐利克说。

    " While much of the world is focused on bank rescues and stimulus packages , we should not forget that poor people in developing countries are far more exposed if their economies falter ," Zoellick said .

  7. 效率是衡量银行资源配置和经营成效的重要指标,效率分析可以从定量的角度评价我国国有商业银行在改革过程中的经营水平和改革成效。

    Efficiency is an important indicator to measure the bank performance in resource allocation and operation . An analysis of efficiency can value the operating level and reform achievements in the course of reform of stateowned commercial banks in a quantitative way .

  8. 基于J2EE和WEB服务构造银行计算机资源管理系统

    The Constructing of Bank Computer Resource Management System Based on J2EE and WEB Services

  9. 基于SOA的商业银行信息资源整合

    The Integration of Information Resource Based on SOA in Commercial Banks

  10. 通过比较和调查,得出GD银行人力资源配置存在的问题,并对问题存在的根源进行了分析。

    It also analyzes the problems of human resource allocation and finds out the causes of the problems .

  11. 这项创新竞赛是汇集美国国际开发署、挪威政府、比尔和梅林达·盖茨基金会(Bill&MelindaGatesFoundation)、加拿大大挑战(GrandChallengeCanada)和世界银行的资源而发起的。

    The challenge to innovate was issued using the collective resources of USAID , the government of Norway , the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation , Grand Challenges Canada and the World Bank .

  12. 中投的创立似乎也刺激了中国外管局投资理念发生部分转变。最近数月,中国外管局已收购了澳大利亚几家银行及资源型企业的大量股份,以及法国石油企业道达尔(Total)的股份。

    CIC 's founding appears to have also spurred a partial change in the investment philosophy of Safe , which has bought large tranches of shares in Australian banks and resource companies , and Total , the French oil company , in recent months .

  13. 以银行人力资源管理系统为研究背景,介绍了EJB技术的基本概念,分析了EJB组件模型的体系结构、技术特点及应用。

    In the research background of bank human resource management system , the basic concept of EJB is introduced and the component architecture , technical characteristics and application of EJB model are analysed .

  14. 本文概述了J2EE的基本架构,并结合银行计算机资源管理系统的开发,分析了J2EE的几个关键技术在系统设计实现中的具体应用。

    In this paper we firstly introduce the basic structure of J2EE , and then according to the development of the Bank Computer Resource Management System , we further analyse some key J2EE technologies used in the system .

  15. 世界银行水资源顾问VahidAlavian将出席这一会议,并将介绍世行一项关于水与气候变化的两年期研究的进展情况与初步发现。

    Vahid Alavian , World Bank water adviser , is attending the conference and will report on progress and preliminary findings of a two-year Bank study on water and climate change .

  16. 人员配置模型在商业银行人力资源管理中的应用

    Staffing Model 's Application In Human Resource Management of Commercial Bank

  17. 深圳发展银行人力资源管理机制研究

    The Research in the Human Resource Mechanism of Shenzhen Development Bank

  18. 商业银行存量资源风险转化研究

    Analyzes How to Transform the Existing Resource Risk in the Commercial Banks

  19. 国有商业银行人力资源配置现状分析。

    The status quo distribution of human resources of State-owned commercial banks .

  20. 商业银行信息资源的开发、管理与共享

    Study of Development , Management and Share for Information Resources of Commercial Bank

  21. 商业银行科技资源管理系统的研究与实现

    The Research and Realization of Resource Management Information System

  22. 完善国有商业银行人力资源管理制度的思考。

    The consideration aimedat perfecting the human resource management system of biz in China .

  23. 金融全球化下商业银行人力资源管理的对策探讨

    Countermeasures for the Human Resources Management of the Commercial Banks under the Financial Globalization

  24. 我国商业银行人力资源管理的内部营销模式研究

    A Study on Mode of Internal-Marketing Based on Human Resource Management in Chinese Commercial Banks

  25. 基于战略与控制视角的外资银行人力资源资本化管理研究

    The Research on Management of Foreign Bank 's Human Resource Capitalized in Strategy and Control Mechanism

  26. 效率水平反映了商业银行的资源配置能力、市场竞争力和可持续发展能力。

    Efficiency of commercial banks reflects the ability of resource allocation , market competitiveness and sustainable development .

  27. 同时,国有商业银行人力资源使用效率低下的问题也严重影响了企业的市场竞争力。

    The low use efficiency of the State-owned commercial banks human resources has weakened its market competitive capacity .

  28. 因此,调整和优化国有商业银行资本资源的配置,是国有商业银行改革的重要环节。

    Therefore , adjustment and optimization of capital resources are an important aspect of state-owned banks ' reform .

  29. 商业银行人力资源管理部门有必要对人力资源管理工作的计划与实施情况进行检查,以作为持续改善的依据。

    It is necessary to the human resources department of commercial bank to check the performance of the HRM .

  30. 商业银行是资源配置的重要主体,同时商业银行对资源的配置又是有风险的。

    Commercial bank is playing important role in distributing resource , but it must take a risk when distributing resource .