
  1. 基于Merton方法的违约模型是现代信用风险定价与管理研究中极其重要的部分,对其适用性的研究对提高我国商业银行与企业管理信用风险的能力有着十分重要的意义。

    Merton type default models are very important for modern credit risk pricing and management . Studying its applicability in China is of obvious significance to improve the credit risk management capacity of Chinese banks and firms .

  2. 银行与企业对此达成共识,企业可用应收账款作为质押向银行申请贷款。

    Bank and corporation come into being agreement with financing of receivables'impawn .

  3. 一体化:银行与企业发展的战略选择

    Integration : A Strategic Choice for the Development of Banks and Enterprises

  4. 我国商业银行与企业的关系研究

    Research into relationship between commercial banks and enterprises in China

  5. 银行与企业之间信用风险的博弈分析

    Analysis on Credit Risk Game between Banks and Enterprises

  6. 商业银行与企业信贷动态博弈分析

    The Game Study of the Commercial Banks and the Enterprises ' Credit Tendency

  7. 由于信息不对称,银行与企业的关系存在很大的不确定性。

    Because of information asymmetry , there remains uncertainty between banks and firms .

  8. 债转股&现代银行与企业双赢模式的新实践

    Debt-to-equity Swap & New Practice Mode of Double Win between Modern Banks and Enterprises

  9. 公司治理中的银行与企业的关系

    Relationship between Bank and Corporate in Corporate Governance

  10. 银行与企业之间的委托代理关系;

    Commission agent relation between bank and enterprise ;

  11. 主办投资银行与企业并购

    Main investment bank and m & a

  12. 投资银行与企业融资问题研究

    Study on Investment Bank and Enterprise Financing

  13. 税收、银行与企业融资方式

    Taxation , Banks and Enterprise Financing

  14. 在我国市场经济的体制下,银行与企业的关系的确立一直是人们比较头痛的问题。

    Under the market economy , establishment of the relation between banks and enterprises has become a rather difficult problem .

  15. 与新货币政策并行的是新的银行与企业制度的立即生效。

    Concurrent with the new monetary policy is a whole raft of new banking and corporate regulations which are to take effect immediately .

  16. 由于银行与企业之间是重复的动态博弈,履约的声誉就成为信息不对称问题的自动约束和消除装置。

    Since there is repeated dynamic game between banks and firms so the reputation of performance can be an automatic restriction and solution .

  17. 中小企业大多通过关系型贷款获取资金,其本身具有局限性,过多依赖于关系型贷款会对银行与企业产生负面影响。

    Most SMEs get loans through relationship lending , which has its own limitations and can do harm to both of SMEs and banks .

  18. 日本企业金融的特点特别是银行与企业的关系即银企关系,也随之成为学术界关注的焦点。

    The financial characteristics of Japanese enterprises , especially the relationship between banks and enterprises , became the focus of the academy in the word .

  19. 借助银行与企业之间所形成的良好的、长久的合作关系,银行的新兴金融业务有着大量的企业作为服务对象。

    Due to the stable and long term cooperation between banks and enterprises , emerging financial services still bring banks a lot customers and income .

  20. 而后通过对银行与企业的贷款供需分析,研究了市场供求状况对银行不良资产形成的影响。

    Second , analysis on the demand-supply between banks and enterprises leads to the summing-up that market situation can also impact the accumulation of problem assets .

  21. 不确定性导致融资约束,也影响到企业的筹资渠道,银行与企业之间的博弈决定了信贷水平,从而影响到企业的投资成本和投资额。

    Third , uncertainty lead to financing constraint , and gaming between banks and enterprises will decide loan amount and therefore their investment cost and capacity .

  22. 在金融信贷不区分经济成分、银行与企业处于平等地位的市场经济条件下,民营企业贷款难的主要原因在企业,包括民营企业的规范管理问题、还款来源问题和还款意愿问题。

    On the condition of market - directed economy , the main causes lying in the establishment itself include standard management , repaying source and repayment willing .

  23. 商业银行与企业的关系主要包括产权关系和交易关系两个方面,产权关系在银企关系中起决定性的作用,决定了银行与企业交易关系的类型。

    The relationship between commercial banks and enterprises includes property right and transaction and property right relation plays decisive role in the relationship between banks and enterprises .

  24. 银行与企业是构成经济系统的两大微观主体,二者的关系及其运行模式直接影响着社会资源的配置和使用效率。

    Banks and enterprises are the major department of the economic system , whose relationship and operation mode affect the allocation and utilization efficiency of social resources .

  25. 分析这些现状的直接原因是企业经营效益低下、银行与企业之间的预算约束软弱,,以及股权融资成本低于债务融资成本。

    Direct reasons are inefficient business , weak budget constraints among bank enterprises , as well as equity financing cost is lower than the cost of debt financing .

  26. 由此,应建立激励相容的微观信贷管理制度,降低信息不对称程度,改善银行与企业的博弈条件;

    Therefore , an incentive compatible micro-credit loan management system should be established to lower the extent of information dissymmetry and improve gaming terms for the bank and the enterprises ;

  27. 在企业征信体系建立过程中,银行与企业的关系在一定程度上影响企业征信体系。

    The relationship between bank and corporation produces some influences on the system of corporation credit to a certain extent in the process of the system construction for corporation credit .

  28. 本办法施行以前中国银行与企业签订的借款合同,仍按原订条款执行。

    With respect to the loan contracts signed by the Bank of China and enterprises before the entry into force of these Measures , such loan contracts shall continue to be valid .

  29. 在最后一章中,从夯实基础、选择合适的路径以及营造国有银行与企业协同发展的局面三个方面提出了促进国有银行业务国际化的对策。

    In the last chapter , the paper gives advices from the solid foundation , choose the right path and create an environment that is good for the cooperation of state-owned banks and enterprises .

  30. 在粮食市场放开后,由于银行与企业之间信息不对称,农业发展银行在粮食信贷资金供应上出现一定程度的惜贷现象是正常的。

    After the opening of grain market the phenomenon of loan shrink in some degree is normal for the asymmetry information between Agricultural Development Bank of China ( ADBC ) and the grain enterprises .