
  • 网络Financial products;bank financial products;Wealth Investment Product
  1. 金融创新带动了我国商业银行理财产品的全面发展。

    Financial innovation to drive the comprehensive development of our country commercial bank financial products .

  2. 因此银行理财产品的创新也受限于国内期货公司或者信托公司的设计水平能力。

    So the innovation of bank financial products is limited to design ability of domestic Futures Company or trust company .

  3. 第三部分分析银行理财产品创新动因。

    Part III analyzes the motivation of financial product innovation .

  4. 商业银行理财产品组合设计与风险管理研究

    Study on the Commercial Bank 's Financial Product Portfolio Design and Risk Management

  5. 我国商业银行理财产品质押制度研究

    Research About Hypothecation System For The Financial Products By Commercial Banks In China

  6. 而银行理财产品市场产品线不断丰富、期限更加灵活,投资者有更多选择的空间。

    Meanwhile , banks constantly enrich the product line which give investors more choices .

  7. 第二部分梳理商业银行理财产品创新相关文献。

    The second part sorts out documents related to commercial bank financial product innovation .

  8. 商业银行理财产品若干法律问题探讨

    Legal Problems Concerning Commercial Bank Finance Products

  9. 近年来,银行理财产品已成为推动理财市场发展的主要力量。

    Recently , bank financing products have become the main power promoting development of financing market .

  10. 在金融危机影响下,曾一度受投资者青睐的银行理财产品面临危机四伏的境遇。

    Influenced by financial crisis , bank-financing products once favored by investors are facing potential crisis .

  11. 2011年银行理财产品的一大特色就是以发行短期化产品居多。

    An obvious mark for the bank 's financing products in2011 is mainly centered on short-term investments ;

  12. 并结合具体案例,找出银行理财产品中存在的问题。

    Combined with the specific case , find out the existing problems in bank wealth management products .

  13. 第四部分为银行理财产品创新现状分析,也是本文的重点。

    The fourth part is the status analysis , which is also the focus of this article .

  14. 在各个商业银行理财产品中,人民币理财产品显然是最重要的方面。

    In various financial products of Commercial banks , the RMB products is clearly the most important aspects .

  15. 近年来,商业银行理财产品的发行规模和产品数量随着金融脱媒以及利率市场化进程的加快出现了突飞猛进的增长。

    In recent years , the processes of financial disintermediation as well as the interest rate market are speeding up .

  16. 第五部分讨论银行理财产品的创新对策及政策建议,具有现实指导意义。

    The fifth section discusses the innovative approaches and offers policy recommendations for financial products , which is of great practical significance .

  17. 无论是从发行规模,还是种类来看,我国商业银行理财产品都有了长足的发展。

    In terms of the issue size or types , wealth management products offer by our commercial banks have gained significant development .

  18. 8年来,我国商业银行理财产品市场呈现出快速增长的发展趋势,体现了许多有意思的特征。

    In the eight years , the market of domestic commercial banking financial products grows vigorously and precipitates a lot of significant characters .

  19. 然而,银行理财产品在我国发展时间相对较短,国内对银行理财产品的理论研究特别是银行理财产品运作模式的研究有限。

    However , theoretical researches on financial products , especially their mode , are quite limited , as financial products are merely emerging in China .

  20. 银行理财产品市场中,产品创新面临着客户需求变化、风险问题、新技术的变化、制度约束等方面的挑战。

    Bank financing products in the market , product innovation face customer demand change , risk , new technology changes , the system constrain challenges .

  21. 近年来,我国商业银行理财产品的发展十分迅速,已经成为我国专业化、集合化投资理财的重要力量。

    In recent years , the development of commercial financial products is very quickly , has become an specialized and collection important force in investment banking .

  22. 第二章,本章介绍了理财产品的相关概念,并对银行理财产品的现状做了一些综述。

    Chapter two : In this chapter , introduced the concept of the financial products , banks and financial products is now done with a number of summary .

  23. 随着2008年年初以来金融、商品等市场的动荡,很多个人银行理财产品出现了零收益和负收益的情况。

    Due to the fluctuation of financial and commodity markets since 2008 , some investors got no profit or even lost some principal by investing in some products .

  24. 我国个人理财市场的需求者特点、供给方特点及市场环境特点及银行理财产品同质性产生原因。

    Characteristics of environment , investors and suppliers of personal financial market in China , and the cause of homogeneity of personal financial products of commercial banks . 3 .

  25. 随着金融市场的持续发展与利率市场化进程的推进,近年来快速发展的银行理财产品也将面临转型考验。

    With the continuous development of financial markets and the promoting of market-oriented interest rates in recent years , the rapid development of financial products will also be facing a transition test .

  26. 而银行理财产品,作为中间业务的一个重要组成部分,也成为了各个银行,尤其是中小银行拓展创新的重点领域。

    The bank financial products , as an important part of the mid-business , has become the various banks , especially small and medium banks to expand in key areas of innovation .

  27. 商业银行理财产品作为商业银行的表外业务的一部分,既可以有效避免监管,还有利于增加银行收入,提高银行业绩。

    As part of the off-balance sheet activities , the emission of commercial banking financial products can not only effectively avoid the supervise , but also be propitious to increase the banking profit and performance .

  28. 同其他投资品种(如股票、基金)相比,金融危机逆境中的银行理财产品在总体上表现出较高的投资价值。

    Compared to other investment products ( such as stocks , funds ), t financial products in general showed a higher investment value , and the overall income level is much higher than deposit rates .

  29. 近年来,随着股票投资市场的持续低迷和楼市调控效果的逐渐显现,越来越多的投资者开始关注并且投资银行理财产品。

    In recent years , investing market continues its downturn tendency . Macro-control policies on property market begin to show their effects . As a result , more investors start to pay attention and buy financial products .

  30. 同时,私人银行理财产品在我国的发展趋势总体良好。其后,本文分析了我国商业银行私人银行理财产品发展存在的主要问题、面临的主要制约因素。

    Meanwhile , overall development trend of financing products of private banks is favorable in China . Fourthly , this article analyzes main problems and main restriction factors existing in development of Chinese commercial banks and private banks .