
zhù bì quán
  • Coinage rights;mintage;privilege of minting coins
  1. 铸币权的集中过程,也反映着中央集权的不断强化。

    This process also reflected the strengthening of centralization .

  2. 几乎所有已建立政治秩序的国家都把铸币权保留在国家手中。

    In almost all countries with established political orders coinage has been reserved to the state .

  3. 无论是法律上的独立性,还是通过铸币权为购买国债融资的能力,欧洲央行的稳定,都无疑依赖于德国大众的支持。

    Whatever its legal independence and ability to finance the purchases by creating money , the ECB depends implicitly upon support from the German public .

  4. 铸币权长期在中央和中央-地方共有之间徘徊,但最终以中央的完全垄断收尾。

    The right of coinage wandered between " central government " and " shared by central government and local authorities " for a long time , but central government won the completely monopoly in the end .