
fēnɡ jiàn shí dài
  • feudalistic age
  1. 全体演员的精彩表演捕捉到了那个半封建时代的声音和感觉。

    Excellent acting all down the line captures the sound and feeling of that semi-feudal age

  2. 要做到这一点,你可以插入的ID黑暗时代,封建时代,城堡时代或帝国时代此处设置的议题时,将成为可用的球员。

    To do this , you can insert the ID of Dark Age , Feudal Age , Castle Age or Imperial Age here to set when the subject will become available to the player .

  3. 封建时代英国议会的产生与发展

    On the Development of English Parliament in the Time of Feudalism

  4. 但这至少是有网络的封建时代。

    But at least it is a feudalism for the Internet age .

  5. 首席部长能解决此类争端,这有点像在封建时代。

    The assumption that the chief minister can resolve such disputes smacks of feudalism .

  6. 日本封建时代的地方自治权

    On Local Autonomy of Japanese Feudal Society

  7. 英国封建时代的农业生产力

    The English Agricultural Productivity in Feudal Period

  8. 封建时代中西城市比较的几个问题

    Some Probes about the Comparative History between the Feudal Towns of China and the West

  9. 这是封建时代杰出知识分子一种理想化的人生选择。

    This was the idealistic choice of life for the outstanding intellectuals in feudal age .

  10. 交租封建时代佃农向领主缴纳或提供的贡品、劳役或租税。

    Tribute , service , or rent paid by a feudal tenant to a lord .

  11. 在封建时代的中国,在竞争激烈的考试中名列前茅,是日后官运亨通的必要条件。

    The passing of the competitive examinations was the prerequisite to an illustrious career in officialdom .

  12. 欧美代议制度,萌芽于奴隶社会,在封建时代正式形成,又在近现代日臻完善、确立和进一步发展。

    It sprouted in slave society , shaped in feudal society and maturated in modern age .

  13. 在我国封建时代,儒家思想作为正统思想一直处于独尊的地位。

    In our country , Confucian feudal era as the orthodoxy has been in various position .

  14. 中国封建时代统治阶级的文学艺术,就是这种东西。

    Such were the literature and art of the ruling class in China 's feudal era .

  15. 封建时代的日本军事贵族。

    Feudal Japanese military aristocracy .

  16. 与此同时,世界却加快了走向中国的步伐,直至完全取得同中国交往的主动权,导致中国封建时代的世界强国沦为资本主义世界体系的附庸。

    The world expedited steps to China and compelled China as an appendage of capitalism world system .

  17. 在封建时代,有在旱灾时求雨的风俗。

    During feudal times , it was a custom to put up prayers for rain during droughts .

  18. 民本思想是封建时代的士大夫们为了统治阶级的长治久安出现的思想学说。

    People-oriented thoughts is feudal ruling class the literary intelligentsia to long-term stability of the theories of appear .

  19. 在封建时代,民族平等是相对的,而民族歧视是绝对的。

    In feudal societies , the equality of nationalities was relative and the discrimination of nationalities was absolute .

  20. 在中国封建时代,农民是一个长期受剥削、受压迫的阶级,一直处于社会底层。

    In feudal period , Chinese peasants suffered oppression and exploitation , and remains at the bottom of society .

  21. 幕府将军在300位被称为“大名(日本封建时代的大领主)”的封建领主的帮助下在全国范围内行使权力。

    And the shogun exerted his power throughout the land with the help of 300 feudal lords called daimyo .

  22. 中国封建时代的画院是一种的宫廷绘画艺术机构。

    The royal painting institute of China during her feudalistic ages was a formal painting organization for the royal court .

  23. 在封建时代的中国,被推翻的统治者在下一朝编纂的正史中往往受到不公正的评价。

    IN IMPERIAL China , overthrown rulers were ill-treated in the official histories written by the dynasty that succeeded them .

  24. 英国在历经了革命的洗礼和克伦威尔执政之后,斯图亚特王朝的复辟宣告英国封建时代进入到最后阶段。

    After the revolution and Cromwell administration , the Restored Monarchy declared England history went into the last feudal period .

  25. 封建时代虽已结束,但语言的反展是一个缓慢的过程。

    Although feudal era has already been over , but the language one is a slow course against the exhibition .

  26. 认为封建时代并不存在现代意义上的司法官,封建时代的法官是多种社会角色的糅合;马锡五审判方式下的法官扮演着案件事实侦查者的角色。

    In Feudal period , there was no judge of modern concept , the " judge " had various social roles .

  27. 在封建时代,情形便不大一样。封建时代的贵族和平民之间存在有不可逾越的鸿沟。

    Under feudalism the situation was different . At that time the gap between the nobles and the commoners was great .

  28. 俄罗斯大帝国在很多方面至今仍和封建时代的欧洲没有多大不同。

    The great empire of Russia is even now , in many respects , the scarcely modified image of feudal Europe .

  29. 笔者首先对传统法律制度下,封建时代纠问式诉讼中的法官角色和马锡五审判方式中的法官角色进行了描述。

    In traditional law system , the role of judge in Feudal period and " Ma xiwu " trial system are described .

  30. 封建时代政治格局对思想文化的深刻影响在这一变化过程中得到了清晰的体现。

    From the process , we could see clearly the profound influence of the feudalistic political pattern exerted to the ideological culture .