
fēng bì xìng
  • closure
封闭性[fēng bì xìng]
  1. 特别地,若v≡n,n≥2,本文得到了支撑在(-∞,∞)上的S(γ)族的卷积根的封闭性。

    Particularly , if v ≡ n , n ≥ 2 , we give the closure of S (γ) under convolution roots supported on ( - ∞,∞) .

  2. 细胞(d1,d2)-有向图语言类在集合论运算下的封闭性

    The closure of cellular ( d 1 , d 2 ) - digraph language class under set theoretic operations

  3. 最大乘积型Fuzzy自动机语言的运算封闭性

    Closure of the Operation of Max-Product Fuzzy Automation Languages

  4. Fuzzy有限自动机语言的运算封闭性

    Closure of fuzzy finite - state automaton languages

  5. 关于半连续格结构与半连续格范畴的Cartesian封闭性问题的若干结果

    On the structure of semicontinuous lattices and Cartesian closedness of categories of semicontinuous lattices

  6. 它提供了通用数据接口标准,消除了由于数据接口不兼容所带来的数控系统封闭性和不可互换性等问题,同时去除CAM繁琐的后处理系统;

    Its universal data access standards eliminate the problems of NC enclosure and uninterchangeability , and wipe off the fussy aftertreatment system of CAM ;

  7. 逆M-矩阵在Hadamard积下的封闭性

    Closure Properties of Inverse M-matrices under Hadamard Product

  8. 由于利用多媒体创作工具或开发环境制作的CAI课件之固定性、整体性和封闭性,致使课件的应用受到局限。

    The applications of courseware are limited due to the fixity , integrity and blockage of the CAI made by multimedia tools or conditions .

  9. 断层侧向封闭性与垂向封闭性关系分析断层泥比率(SGR)及其在断层侧向封闭性评价中的应用

    An analysis on relationship between lateral & vertical sealing of faults

  10. 你们怎样回应对API封闭性(API-lockin)/代码移植性方面的批评?

    How do you respond to criticisms about API-lockin / code portability ?

  11. 通过VB编程,完成非圆齿轮节曲线设计、根切校验、封闭性条件、凸性校验等计算,并输出设计结果,实现非圆齿轮节曲线的计算机辅助设计。

    Through VB programming , complete the calculation of noncircular pitch design etc and export the design results , then achieve Computer Aided Design of noncircular gear pitch .

  12. 重点阐述了溶剂过热蒸汽低温脱溶装置中A筒结构、A筒溶剂过热蒸汽的使用、风机与刹克龙的联接方式、B筒负压装置、系统的封闭性等问题的设计改进。

    The design improvement of the structure of A cylinder , the use of superheated solvent vapour , the connection way of fan and cyclone separator , the vacuum device of B cylinder and the airtightness of the system were described .

  13. 由于Profibus总线相关协议芯片的封闭性,使得底层的自主开发非常困难。

    Because of the obturation of the related chips based on Profibus protocol , it is very difficult to do some low level development .

  14. 3j符号和6j符号的对称群及其封闭性

    On the " Symmetry Group " and the Closure of the 3j and 6j Symbols

  15. 在提升CDMA用户通信质量的同时,高速铁路速度快,车厢高封闭性等独有的特点,也为构建CDMA网络提出了更高的要求。

    To improve the CDMA user communication quality at the same time , high speed railway , high compartment closed , unique characteristics , but also for the construction of CDMA network put forward higher requirements .

  16. 另外,还由于WTO体制的不完善使反倾销措施滥用现象突出。例如,诉讼成本过高、专家小组审理案件的封闭性、协议具有过大的操纵性等等。

    In addition , because of the imperfections in WTO system , the abuse of anti-dumping measures is very obvious , such as the high litigation costs , the closure in expert panel hearing , the excessive handling in the agreement and so on .

  17. In-ternet/Intranet智能岛系统的实现解决了政府机关网络不允许直接与Internet物理连接,但又要利用Internet资源的矛盾问题,确保了内部网的封闭性和安全性。

    The realization of intelligent island system resolves the problem that the network of government affair is not allowed to directly connect physically with Internet , whereas the users of the intranet want to make use of Internet . The system can ensure the closeness and security of the intranet .

  18. 研究了它的K0群及它与PF环、FPF环之间的关系,并研究了其对于直和的封闭性等其它性质。

    Its K 0 groups , connections with PF rings and FPF rings , closed properties under direct sums and other properties are studied .

  19. GMCD克服了传统设计手段的封闭性,局限性和设计能力的不完备性,减少了设计资源的重复投入。

    GMCD overcome the closed , localization and imperfection of traditional design , avoiding the repeat investment of design resources .

  20. 按照上述思想与原理,在坝区和库首区各布设了4口井,井深为100~200m,均揭露出封闭性较好的承压含水层(带)。

    According to the afore mentioned considerations , 4 wells are drilled at the dam site and 4 wells at the head of the Three Gorges Reservoir . The depths of the wells are between 100 ~ 200m , and all the wells expose well enclosed confined aquifer .

  21. 目前高中数学教学中以课件为主要形式的MCAI技术因有封闭性、整体性、固定性的缺点,难以满足不同学生的学习需求,也不能适应千变万化的教学情境。

    However MCAI , whose primacy form is courseware , is now being mainly used in mathematics teaching in high school , since it is a closed , integral and fixed technology , it can not meet different students ' learning needs , nor adapt to the ever-changing teaching situations .

  22. 断层封闭性在油气系统边界划分中的应用

    Application of fault sealing to the boundary division of petroleum systems

  23. 不同溢出类型的差异聚集作用与断层的封闭性分析

    Differential entrapment of various spilling types and sealing capacity of fault

  24. 断层封闭性可表现为侧向封闭性和垂向封闭性。

    Fault sealing is divided into lateral sealing and vertical sealing .

  25. 逆掩断层垂向封闭性定量模拟实验及评价方法

    Quantitative simulation experiment and evaluation method for vertical seal of overthrust

  26. 负二项分布类的条件概率封闭性

    The Closed Property of Conditional Probability for Negative Binomial Distribution Class

  27. 利用声波时差资料研究断层垂向封闭性的方法

    A method for analysing vertical sealing of fault by acoustilog data

  28. 三种牙体充填材料边缘封闭性的实验研究

    An comparative study on sealing marginal of three dental filling materials

  29. 断层封闭性综合评价方法探讨及其应用

    Discussion on the Evaluation Method of Fault Sealing and Its Application

  30. 紊流模式与封闭性。代数模式。传输模式。

    Turbulence Modeling and Closure . Algebraic Models . Transport Models .