
  • 网络Continunity principle;the Principle of Continuity;Equation of continuity
  1. 根据连续性原理提出离散状态下相对连续的理论。

    Relative continuum theory has been proposed in discrete state under the principle of continuity .

  2. 在DSP上实现了基于采样率相关的目标检测算法和基于目标运动的连续性原理的多目标跟踪算法,实现了DSP与主机之间有效的通信。

    It includes the detecting algorithm based on sampling relativity and tracking algorithm based on the successional theory of moving targets . It also realize the communication of DSP and host computer .

  3. 在非线性阻尼项的影响强于力源项时,引进了修改的能量函数并结合连续性原理,证明了局部mild解可延拓为整体解。

    When the effect of the nonlinear damping term is stronger than the source term , By using modified energy function , according to continuation principle , the mild solution can be retarded the global solution .

  4. 根据电流连续性原理计算了光谱响应SR,讨论了电池结构和梯度区最大锗浓度c对光生电流JI的影响。

    According to the current continuity principle , the Spectra Response ( SR ) was calculated . The influence of solar cell structure and max concentration in gradient region on the photogenerated current has also been discussed .

  5. 对于含非线性阻尼和源项的Klein-Gordon方程,先有局部存在定理和连续性原理。

    For the Klein-Gordon equation with nonlinear damping and source terms , Our purpose is , first , to obtain the local existence theorem and the continuation principle with p ≤ 2 (( n-1 ) / ( n-2 )) .

  6. 基于视觉连续性原理给出了线状目标的自动综合模型。

    The model of line automatic generalization accords with the seeing continuity theory .

  7. 该理论以电荷守恒原理代替电流连续性原理,建立了电荷累积模型的微分方程。

    By substituting the principle of current continuity with charge conservation , the differential equation of charge accumulation model is built .

  8. 基于流体流动连续性原理,对端面流体膜密封角向摆动自激振动的产生及其半频特性的机理提出了一种简化力学的阐释。

    Based on the continuity principle of fluids flow , a mechanism of explaining the generation of AWs-EV and the reason of the half-frequency characteristic is described .

  9. TF/SF的数学原理是在电磁场理论中经常以不同形式出现的场的不连续性原理和等效原理。

    The mathematical principle of this formulation is rooted at the field discontinuity equations and the equivalence principle , which in electromagnetic theory often manifests in different forms .

  10. 针对已有聚类方法中存在的种种问题,本文根据类的定义和约束条件提出了基于数据连续性原理的聚类方法。

    Because traditional clustering methods exist in a number of problems , This paper presents a classification method based on the continuity of data under the class definition and constraints .

  11. 根据流量连续性原理,分别对其拉伸和压缩过程进行数值模拟,分析了减振器的阻尼特性,确定其主要影响因素。

    Based on the principle of flow continuity , the process of tension and compression was simulated and the process of vibration absorption was discussed . Damping characteristics and its main determining factors were analyzed .

  12. 利用一些分析技巧及k-集压缩算子的抽象连续性原理,研究一类二阶中立型泛函微分方程周期解的存在性,得到保证该类方程周期解存在的充分条件。

    In this paper , the existence of periodic solutions for a class of second order neutral functional differential equations is investigated by using some analytical techniques and the abstract continuation theory of k-set contractive operator . One sufficient condition is obtained .

  13. 方法根据中心极限定理和连续性校正原理,给出一次近似法和校正一次近似法计算总体率可信区间的公式。

    Methods Based on central limit theorem and continuity correction principal , the formula of once approximate method and its continuity correction formula were derived .

  14. 提出了以安全分区隔离和基于角色的访问控制为基础的信息安全防护体系。基于业务连续性设计原理,分析了数字化电网业务连续性需求,设计了容灾系统的总体方案。

    By zoomed defense principle and role-based access control technology , a systematic cyber security and defense architecture is induced and designed . The application continuity analysis methodology and blueprint are generalized through introducing business continuity technology into the Digital Grid framework .