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  • reduction
  1. 已提出的图归约机的基础是Currg的合成逻辑(简称C逻辑),但是在图归约机中用C逻辑中的组合子定义作为归约规则似乎过于烦琐。

    The basis of the proposed graph reduction machine is Curry 's combinatory logic .

  2. 数据归约技术及其在IDS中的应用研究

    Research on the Data Reduction Techniques and Their Application in IDS

  3. 如果已经成功地归约了start规则(在这个例子中即file),那么可以认为解析是成功的。

    If the start rule ( in this case , file ) has successfully reduced , the parse is considered successful .

  4. 化LF(X)中任一公式为可归约形式的算法

    Algorithm of Transforming Any Formula in LF ( X ) into Reducible Form

  5. 关于Petri网归约问题

    On Reduction Problem of Petri Nets

  6. 移位/归约冲突最著名的例子是C中的“danglingelse”的歧义性。

    The most well-known example of a shift / reduce conflict is the " dangling else " ambiguity in C.

  7. Garment中的归约语义

    The reduction semantics in garment

  8. Bug质量与数据归约。

    Bug quality and data reduction .

  9. 借助ORACLE的新特性,以进程流实现对数据的逐步归约。

    With ORACLE new features , in order to process the data stream to achieve a gradual reduction .

  10. 基于非平衡模归约算法,设计了一种ECC的可配置加速器。

    Based on the method , an ECC configurable accelerator was advised .

  11. 求解TSP问题的多级归约算法

    A Multilevel Reduction Algorithm to TSP

  12. 针对高阶(k≥2)微分代数方程系统的归约问题,给出并证明了它的一类新的归约方法。

    Aimed at the problem of the differential-algebraic systems with higher index ( k ≥ 2 ), a new explicit method of its reduction is given .

  13. 因此,它能在一种sk归约机上运行。

    Hence they can be executed on a SK reduction machine .

  14. 最后还给出了哲学家用餐问题的Petri网新模型并对之进行归约。

    Finally , as an example , the petri net of the new version of the Dining philosophers problem is given and reduced .

  15. 乘法器采用改进的Booth算法,简化了部分积符号扩展,使用Wallace树结构和4-2压缩器对部分积归约。

    This multiplier used modified Booth Algorithm , Wallace tree and 4 - 2 compressor .

  16. 由于PS方案两次使用Waters身份处理函数,一次用于身份处理,另一次用于消息处理,使得方案的安全归约效率很低。

    PS scheme needs two independent Waters identity functions , one for identity and the other for message , which makes inefficient security reduction .

  17. FCC是在多处理机上实现CD-FFP2(FFP的方言)的并行图归约系统。由于FCC中的并行计算模型的基础是FFP合成逻辑,不同于其它的归约机。

    FCC is an implementation of parallel graph reduction for CD-FFP 2 ( a dialect of FFP )

  18. 当解释的论域是一个固定大小的有限集合时,一阶逻辑公式的可满足性问题可以等价地归约为SAT问题。

    When the domain of interpretation is finite and its size is a fixed positive integer , the satisfiability problem in the first-order logic can be reduced to SAT.

  19. 本部分工作展示了如何应用特征选择和实例选择技术,归约bug数据规模。

    The work in this part shows how to apply feature selection and instance selection techniques to reduce the scale of bug data .

  20. 该软件包用纯Java语言实现了类似于PVM和MPI所提供的任务调度、通信和全局归约操作等方面的功能。

    JPI utilizes pure Java language to implement task schedule , communication and reduce functionality similar to those provided by PVM and MPI .

  21. 在数据压缩的研究工作基础上,提出FRD算法,嵌入了TAG算法。FRD算法采用半联接程序,以构造一个全归约程序,最大可能地减少通讯代价。

    Based on above work , this paper also provides FRD algorithm by using TAG algorithm .

  22. 或许偶而有README文件会提及“移位/归约(shift/reduce)”冲突。

    Maybe an occasional README file refers to " shift / reduce " conflicts .

  23. 规则评分机制的设计是基于以下思想考虑的:在Chart算法的应用过程中,每次局部归约时,都要应用相应的依据,这时候就根据规则的评分函数值进行选择。

    The idea for this method is : In the course of application of Chart algorithm , when reductive each time , it should select the rule according to the function value .

  24. 他们用oracle图灵机(OTM)模型给出了图灵归约的形式定义。

    They gave the formal definition of Turing reduction in terms of oracle Turing machine ( OTM ) .

  25. 本文采用问题归约方法的思想,认为图论割集算法和AND/OR图AO搜索算法是装配顺序生成理想的通用算法。

    Based on the problem reduction method , the cut-set algorithm along with AO search algorithm is considered to be the universal algorithm for the generation of assembling sequences .

  26. 该算法利用LR(1)基本集代替LR(1)项集,对于归约状态直接标注归约转移后的状态编号。

    This algorithm uses basic sets of LR ( 1 ) instead of item sets , and directly labels the number of the reduced status .

  27. 引出了纯区间的概念后,提出了一种基于纯区间归约的数值型属性处理方法对SPRINT算法进行改进。

    This paper introduces the concept of pure interval , proposes a new splitting method based on pure interval s reduction to deal with numeric attributes for SPRINT algorithm .

  28. 详细论述了对基于有向有环图(DCG图)的工作流模型结构正确性进行验证的图归约法及其五种归约规则。

    A graph reduction method with 5 rules for the structural correctness verification of DCG based workflow models is presented in this paper .

  29. 由于FFP语言是作用式、归约式的语言,因此采用了图归约机和延迟求值技术。

    Because FFP language is applicative and reduced language the techniques of graph reductor and delayed evaluation are used in the realization .

  30. Borel归约是描述集合论中的&个基本概念,我们经常用它来比较不同等价关系的复杂度。

    Borel reducibility is a fundamental concept in Descriptive Set Theory , we often use it to compare the complexity of different equivalence relations .