
  1. 基于归纳演绎方法的电力电子技术实验教学

    Power Electronics Technology Experiments Design Based on the Induction and Deduction

  2. 课题采用归纳演绎的研究方法。

    The subject is adopted the research approach of deduce .

  3. 归纳演绎教学法在英语语法教学中的应用(英文)

    The inductive-deductive grammar teaching approach in English ;

  4. 归纳演绎法与培养创新性思维能力的研究

    Research on training innovative thinking ability by application of induction and deduction in chemistry teaching

  5. 本文采用了比较分析的方法,归纳演绎方法,个案调查法等研究方法。

    This paper uses some research methods such as comparative analysis method , induction and deduction method , case investigation method .

  6. 并开展了厚抗蚀剂曝光参数测量实验,用统计理论中的趋势面分析方法归纳演绎了曝光参数随抗蚀剂厚度和工艺条件的变化规律;

    Experiment of extracting exposure parameters was developed and varying rules of exposure parameters with resist thickness and process condition were analyzed by surface response theory ;

  7. 第三章通过归纳演绎法提炼出川渝地区生态农业观光园规划设计的相关理论,作为规划设计的依据。

    The third chapter extracted the Sichuan-Chongqing region ecological agricultural tourism park planning and design theory as a basis for planning and design by inductive deductive method .

  8. 在概率论中常用的表示方式中,已观察到的数据的表示和相应推理结果的表示通常是用点概率或是用区间概率来描述的;而推理的过程却是一个逻辑归纳演绎的过程。

    Normally , the representation of the observed data and reasoning results is described by point probability or interval probability , but the reasoning is a logical process .

  9. 在方法上它一反传统的归纳演绎代之以逻辑分析;

    So , the linguistic turn is a continuation of the traditional philosophy in logic , which discards the traditional method of induction and deduction , and adopts analysis .

  10. 本文主要围绕黑龙江省装备制造行业自主创新的路径实现问题,运用调查研究、比较、数量分析和归纳演绎等方法进行研究。

    All the major research based on the methods such as survey , comparison , quantitative analysis , interpretation and summarization around the equipment manufacturing industries ' self-innovation of Heilongjiang Province .

  11. 从原子论、整体论、归纳演绎论、分析综合论、直觉论、否证论、一直到各种非理性主义,人类思维经历了一系列的飞跃与革命。

    Human spirit has undergone a series of revolutions from atomism , holism , induction , deduction , analytical method , synthetical method , intuitionism , falsificationism up to various non-rationalism .

  12. 本章通过前四章的分析,归纳演绎出步步升旅游发展模式,并进一步总结出该模式的内涵、特点、形成的动力机制。

    Based on the analysis before , this chapter set up a " Step Up " tourism development model and further concluded the model content , features , and dynamic mechanism .

  13. 本研究采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法和归纳演绎法等研究方法,对跆拳道的起源、发展、国际化推广模式、中国武术发展及其推广过程中存在的问题进行了对比分析。

    Comparative analysis has been done between the origin , development , international promotion of the model of Teakwood and the promotion of the problems in the development process of Chinese martial arts .

  14. 在以上文献综述、历史回顾和理论分析的基础上,本文结合中国资本市场和上市公司的实际情况,通过归纳演绎与问卷调查的研究方法,构建了基于投资者视角的上市公司经营业绩评价模型。

    Considered the situation of capital market and the listed company in China , through questionnaire investigation , constructed the evaluation model of operating performance of listed company from the view of investors .

  15. 采用文献资料、比较分析、归纳演绎、现场调查等方法,就2000年以来我国22个省市自治区58个县市131个城市社区运动会现状进行了研究。

    A study on the present development of community game in 58 cities , 22 provinces in China was made by the way of literature study and investigation , comparison and analysis , induction and deduction .

  16. 本文以现行制度为研究对象,注重理论联系审判实践,综合运用了比较分析、历史分析、案例分析、归纳演绎等研究方法,对当前工伤保险法律问题进行了有益的探索。

    This writing makes useful probe by the studies methods including comparable analysis , historical analysis , case analysis and inductive deduction to the issue of law for current employment injury insurance linking practice with trail practice .

  17. 本文在研究中主要运用了社会学、行政学、政治学、公共管理等理论,采用了文献检索、社会调查、归纳演绎、生态学方法、比较研究等方法。

    The paper employs the principles of politics , sociology , administration science , and public management and adopts study methods such as document retrieval , social investigation , generalization and deduction , ecology , and comparative study .

  18. 正文从理论和实践方面对医疗行为进行研究,结合医学和法学两方面的知识,主要运用实证分析、归纳演绎等分析方法,对医疗过错进行深入的探讨。

    Text from theoretical and practical aspects of medical conduct research , combining medicine and law two aspects knowledge , mainly uses empirical analysis and induction and deductive reasoning etc , analytical method and medical treatment fault in-depth discussion .

  19. 本文将历史洪水分成若干类型,采用归纳演绎方法对未来洪水进行分类预测,针对不同类型洪水以不同调度规则进行实时调度。

    Based on historical data the floods are divided into some types , which can be predicted by using Induction Deduction method . The dispatching rules is thus be chosen according to the flood type for real time control .

  20. 主要使用了归纳演绎结合的方法,通过回顾上世纪70年代至90年代日元升值的过程,和当前的中国进行对比,在此基础上进行总结与借鉴。

    Mainly used the method of combining induction and deduction , by reviewing the last century 70s to 90s the process of appreciation of the yen , and compares the current China , concluded on this basis and reference .

  21. 本文将充分利用丰富的正史、汉赋、笔记小说等文献材料与考古资料,以马克思唯物史观为指导思想,运用归纳演绎等方法对两汉皇家园林的社会功能进行系统的研究,归纳,总结。

    This thesis will take full advantage of the rich history , novels and other literature materials and archaeological information , with Marxist historical materialism as the guiding ideology , inductively interprets the social functions of the Han royal garden .

  22. 本研究主要运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、数理统计以及归纳演绎的研究方法,通过借鉴国外职业联赛经营经验,从营销学的角度对我国职业足球竞赛门票价格进行探讨。

    This research used Literature summarize , Delphi Method , Mathematical statistics and Inductive method , Deductive method . It mainly deals with the ticket price from the marketing theory , by learning from the experience of foreign professional games .

  23. 研究方法有归纳演绎法、调查研究法、文献综合法、均衡分析法等,在研究中注重定性研究和定量研究、规范研究和实证研究的结合。

    Research methods included inductive and deductive research , survey research , literature synthesis and balanced analysis methods . In the study , I paid attention to the combination of qualitative research and quantitative research , normative and empirical research .

  24. 本文主要以信息经济学和博弈论为主要经济分析工具,通过网上查询、实地考察、案例研究、问卷调查、会议讨论等形式,运用归纳演绎方法进行理论分析和对策研究。

    This paper regards information economics and games theory as the main economic analysis tool mainly , which goes on theory analysis and countermeasure research to through online inquiry , on-the-spot investigation , research of the case , questionnaire investigation , meeting etc.

  25. 本文采用文献收集法、比较分析法、田野调查法、归纳演绎法等研究方法,对旅游目的地型森林公园经营管理问题进行了深入、系统的研究。

    The paper adopts methods of literature collection , comparison and analysis , interview and field investigation , in addition to induction and deductive method , making deep and systematic study to the operation and administration issues of tourism destination-type forest park .

  26. 笔者从中选取具有代表性的现实案例,全景展示毕业生在解约纠纷中的困兽之斗,归纳演绎出了就业协议解除僵局这一不容忽视的存在。

    I selected a representative case from actual cases , termination disputes panoramic display of graduates in the bucket in the hedge , induction and deduction out of the employment agreement termination of the existence of the impasse that can not be ignored .

  27. 本文的研究以大量的文献资料为基础,综合运用归纳演绎法、比较分析法和案例分析法等方法,在新制度经济学的视角下分析私募股权投资基金治理机制。

    Based on the large amount of references , the study of this article , from the perspective of new institutional economics , analyzes the governance mechanism of PE fund by comprehensively using the methods of induction and deduction , comparative analysis and case analysis .

  28. 本文的研究主要运用普通语言学、修辞学等理论和方法,在广泛搜集语料的基础上进行重点考察、分类研究、归纳演绎、分析比较。

    In this paper , the theory and method of general linguistics , rhetoric and so forth are mainly used , and on the basis of widely collected words methods of key inspection , classification study , induction deduction and analysis comparison are also used .

  29. 运用文献资料法、归纳演绎法对人文奥运的有关问题进行研究,探讨了人文奥运与奥林匹克的关系,分析2008年北京奥运赛场文化的重要性,提出实现2008年北京人文奥运的对策。

    Summary application cultural heritage data method , induce the deductive method to proceed the research to the relevant problem of the humanities Olympics , inquiry into the humanities Olympics and Olympic relation , analyze 2008 Peking a counterplan for cultural importance , putting forward realizing 2008 Peking humanities Olympics .

  30. 本文主要运用归纳和演绎的方法对视觉动词SEE的词义演变总趋势和演变理据进行历时研究。

    This study mainly focuses on the general trend of the semantic changes of visual verb SEE and the motivations for such changes from a diachronic perspective .