
  • 网络foundry machinery;casting machine
  1. 因此,我国铸造机械产品生产企业应积极贯彻和有效实施GB/T19000-ISO9000系列标准,以保证自己在市场竞争中取胜。

    For challenge in market competition standard of GB / T 19000-ISO9000 series should be implemented energetically and effectively in manufacturing enterprises of foundry machinery in China .

  2. 努力提高铸造机械产品质量水平

    Making Great Efforts to Improve the Quality Level of Foundry Machinery

  3. 《铸造机械化》多媒体CAI课件的研制与应用

    The development and application of CAI courseware of casting mechanization

  4. 利用仲裁检验解决铸造机械产品质量纠纷

    To Settle Disputes on Foundry Machinery Quality by Arbitration Inspection

  5. 我国铸造机械产品质量现状分析

    Up-to-date Analysis of Quality of Foundry Machinery Made in China

  6. 国外铸造机械技术水平的总印象(1)

    General Impression of Technology Level of Foreign Foundry Machinery ( Part one )

  7. 提高铸造机械产品质量的若干意见

    Proposals on Improving the Quality of Foundry Machinery Products

  8. 我国铸造机械的新进展

    New Advance of Foundry Machinery in our Country

  9. 加强铸造机械行业科技攻关,尽快满足轿车生产发展需要

    Intensely Tackling Key Problems in Foundry Machinery to Meet Requirements of Developing Car Production

  10. 机械安全标准与铸造机械安全标准

    Standards of Machinery Safety and Foundry Machinery

  11. 我国铸造机械产品的发展与结构调整

    Development and Adjustment of Chinese-built Foundry Machinery

  12. 1984年以来,我国铸造机械有了很大的新进展。

    The new advance of foundry machinery in our country since1984is introdu-ced in the article .

  13. 本文详细介绍了铝活塞下抽芯铸造机械的设计原理。

    The principle of designing casting equipment with downward core pulling was introduced in more detail .

  14. 铸造机械水平综合评价

    Comprehensive Evaluation of Foundry Machinery

  15. 铸造机械行业十五回顾与十一五展望

    Review of the 10th Five Year Plan and Expectation of the 11th One in Foundry Machinery Industry

  16. 简要阐述了我国铸造机械化的现状和旧线改造的需要。

    The present status of China foundry mechanization and the need for old production - line reform are summarized .

  17. 总结与回顾了在“八五”期间我国铸造机械行业所取得的发展与进步,亦指出了存在的问题和与世界先进水平的差距;

    Development and advance as well las problems and backwardness of China foundry machinery circle during the8th Five-YearPlan are reviewed .

  18. 方法采用轴-核帽分段铸造机械嵌合连接外用套筒冠桥体修复4例前后基牙有不同方向和不同程度倾斜的患者。

    Methods Axes-pit cap with subsection founding and engine tabling external telescope pontic was used to repair 4 inclined teeth in different directions .

  19. 通过对五家铸造机械生产厂经营战略的分析可以看出,面对市场竞争要制定正确的经营战略,提高对市场的应变能力,使企业得以不断发展。

    By analyzing each running strategy of five enterprises a continued development in market competition requires correct running strategy to enhance versatility in market competition .

  20. 大丰市亿达铸造机械有限公司是一家集设计、制造、安装调试、咨询服务于一体的的抛丸设备及砂处理设备专业生产企业。

    Is a design , manufacturing , installation , commissioning , advisory services in one of the Sand Blasting equipment and specialized processing equipment manufacturing enterprises .

  21. 从解决电机壳铸件铸造机械化的迫切性入手,介绍了气冲气推成型触头造型机制造电机壳铸型的成型过程及其实砂效果。

    Compacting process and compacting effects of air impact molding machine with formed squeeze head for combined mould of green sand of motor housing casting were introduced .

  22. 铸造机械行业发展的七五回顾与八五展望

    Reviewing on the " Seventh Five-Year " Plan Period and Forecasting on the " Eighth Five-Year " Plan Period of the Foundry Machinery Industry Development in China

  23. 通过对铸造机械产品进行监督性质量抽查以后认定,1986年我国铸造机械产品质量比上一年度有所提高,其主要原因是:对质量第一的观点认识加强了;管理水平得以提高;

    After a supervisory spot check on the quality of the foundry machinery products we now hold that in 1986 the quality be improved to some extent than last year .

  24. 根据汽车工业的发展预测,分析了21世纪汽车工业对铸件的需求趋势和我国铸造机械行业当前存在的主要弱点,并从汽车工业的角度探索了我国铸造装备工业应采取的对策。

    Tendency for demand on automotive castings and main existent weakness of China foundry machinery circle have both been analysed . The measures concerned which are suggested to be applied have been discussed from the view of automotive industry .

  25. 铸造专用机械手PLC控制系统的组态模拟设计

    Configuration Simulation Design of PLC Control System for the Special Manipulator for Casting

  26. 21世纪我国铸造生产机械化自动化技术发展的几点思考

    Review of Foundry Mechanization and Automation Technology of China in 21 Century

  27. 铸造型砂机械性能智能测试仪的研究

    An Intelligent Instrument for Testing Mechanical Property of Green Sand

  28. 公司有铸造及机械加工车间。

    Our company have own casting foundry and maching workshop .

  29. 熔模铸造用机械自动压蜡机

    An Auto-mechanical Wax Injector Special for Investment Casting

  30. 超大型铸造起重机机械结构形式的比较

    Comparison with Heavy Ladle Cranes Composition Forms