
  • 网络The Chain Rule;rule
  1. 解析函数链式法则的两种证明方法。

    Two proving method for chain rule of analytic function .

  2. 为了把这里的p变成,我们需要利用链式法则,好,让我们使用链式法则。

    So let 's use the chain rule .

  3. 由链式法则可知,g随x,y,z的变化而改变。

    Well , the chain rule tells us g changes because x , y and z change .

  4. 如果u、v依赖于另一个变量,那么就可以用链式法则。

    If u and v themselves depended on another variable then you would continue with your chain rules .

  5. 由链式法则,这是&,如果把x和y看成t的函数的话,它是f的变化。

    OK , this guy , by the chain rule , is the rate of change of f if I take x and y to be functions of t.

  6. 这在链式法则里面看到过。

    I 've seen this one before in the chain rule .

  7. 根据链式法则,我得到θ点。

    With the chain rule , gives me a theta dot .

  8. 把链式法则用在多个变量中。

    I claim we can do chain rules with more variables .

  9. 这里我们利用链式法则。

    So , we have to use the chain rule .

  10. 我们推导链式法则的过程中有一个漏洞。

    Our derivation of the chain rule contains one flaw .

  11. 另外一种方法就是用链式法则。

    The other method is using the chain rule .

  12. 可以使用链式法则。

    Well , we can use the chain rule .

  13. 多元复合函数链式法则讲授中的难点处理

    A treatment for knotty points of the chain rules of several variables composite functions

  14. 链式法则告诉了我们什么?

    What does the chain rule tell us ?

  15. 我们当然知道答案了,因为这是链式法则的一个特例。

    Well , of course we know the answer because that 's a special case of the chain rule .

  16. 我们还学过微分的链式法则,也就是用其他量来代替这些偏导数。

    So , we 've learned about differentials and chain rules , which are a way of repackaging these partial derivatives .

  17. 我们可以用微分,就像这样,也可以用链式法则。

    Well , we could use differentials , like we did here , but we can also keep using the chain rule .

  18. 用函数的链式法则和乘积公式给出了参数函数和复合函数的高阶导数的计算公式。

    The formulas calculating higher derivatives of parametric functions and composite functions are given by the chain rule and the product formula for derivatives .

  19. 我们将假定您已经知道链式法则、点积、偏导数等概念。

    We will assume that you know what the chain rule is and what a dot product is , and a partial derivative , etc.

  20. 如果需要多次替换变量,一次使用一次链式法则。

    In fact , if you have several substitutions to do , you can always arrange to use one chain rule at a time .

  21. 这两个变成,得到一个链式法则,得到y点,等于。

    2y The two pops out , becomes2y , and then I get the chain rule , y dot , 0 and that equals zero .

  22. 这一关系只对理想气体成立,上节课我们,用链式法则推导出了这一关系。

    OK , this is only true for an ideal gas , and we went through that mathematically where the , with a chain rule .

  23. 证明链式法则的方法不是上面那样,但由于目前大家对于微分,理解得不够深刻。

    The way in which you prove the chain rule is not this way because we shouldn 't have too much trust in differentials just yet .

  24. 有一个极值问题,也有关于拉格朗日乘数法的,链式法则也会有的,约束条件下偏导数当然不会漏掉。

    Expect one about a min / max problem , something about Lagrange multipliers , something about the chain rule and something about constrained partial derivatives .

  25. 本文以多元复合函数的链式法则为例,论讨了处理高等数学中难点的一般方法。

    Following the example of the chain rules of several variables composite functions , we discuss in this paper the general method of treating knotty (?) points in advanced mathematics .

  26. 我们可以从限制条件中找到这个,我们一开始就看到的,要么用微分限制条件,要么利用链式法则。

    OK , and we can find this one from the constraints as we 've een at the beginning either by differentiating the constraint , or by using the chain rule on the constraint .

  27. 依据光学信息论中的多维随机变量的联合熵、条件熵、平均互信息之间关系和互信息的链式法则,提出了面向挤出中聚合物形态的层析图像处理方法。

    A novel method of tomography image processing is presented for polymer configuration of extrusion , according to the relation of joint entropy , condition entropy , mean mutual information and mutual information chain rule for multidimension random variable in the theory of optics information .