
  • 网络Sale Risks
  1. 市场化背景下企业信用销售风险及其防范策略

    Credit Sale Risks of Enterprise and Its Preventive Tactics in Market-oriented Economy

  2. 笔者提出了降低或规避企业信用销售风险的创新性思路和观点对尚未建立规范信用管理制度的企业,应尽早开发适合企业自身实际的信用信息管理系统;

    Based on it , an initial point of view to reduce or prevent credit sale risks of enterprises is put forward as follows : for such enterprises that have not established standard credit management system , they should develop appropriate credit information management system as early as possible ;

  3. 面对国内竞争日益激烈的PTA市场,PTA生产企业,尤其是一些进入行业较晚的中型生产企业,如何采用合适的营销策略是这些生产企业提高经济效益、降低销售风险的关键因素。

    Facing the severe competition of domestic PTA market , as the PTA manufacturers , especially middle-sized manufacturers concerned , how to apply for a suitable marketing strategy is a key element to increase avenue and reduce sales risk .

  4. 企业销售风险控制的一种理论分析方法

    A analysis method to control the risk of Enterprise sales

  5. 销售风险管理探讨

    Discuss of Sell Risk M a n a gement

  6. 国际货物销售风险转移问题探讨

    Probe into the Issue of Passing of Risk in International Sale of Goods

  7. 由于现货市场销售风险的存在,承运商更倾向于合同市场的销售。

    Because of the uncertainty of spot market , carrier prefers to contract market .

  8. 加强应收账款的事前、事中、事后内部审计,降低、化解、减少应收账款风险,提高防范销售风险能力。

    The author shows us how to strengthen internal audit of accounts receivable to prevent sales risk .

  9. 小农可以通过垂直协作,改善农业生产投入,降低农业生产和市场销售风险,提高生产的技术水平和生产能力,最终获得较高的收入。

    How can small farmers improve agricultural production inputs and technology , reduce the risk of agricultural production and marketing , and ultimately get higher revenue , through vertical coordination .

  10. (制造,包装,销售风险日益上升的住房抵押贷款产品以及其他债务证券产品的传统业务,是华尔街在2008年遭受重创的原因。)

    ( What sunk Wall Street in 2008 was the seemingly more conventional business of the manufacture , packaging and sale of increasingly risky mortgage-backed and other debt securities . )

  11. 并且推销理念下的强力推销,使得销售风险也逐渐表露,甚至出现了误导、欺诈等有损于保险公司、甚至整个保险行业的恶性事件。

    And the strong way of sales under " marketing concept " revealed the risk of sales gradually , and there were events like misleading , fraud which were detrimental to the insurance company or even vicious the entire insurance industry .

  12. 应全面认识科学信用管理的作用,科学信用管理不仅可以防范销售风险,还可以提高现金流动速度、扩大销售、完善相关流程、提高客户满意度等。

    The effects of a scientific credit management shall be recognized completely , which not only can keep away the sales risk , but also promote cash flow , expand the sales , perfect the relative flow , and improve customers ' satisfaction etc.

  13. 第四章影响企业财务风险的内部因素,主要论述了市场销售风险、投资风险、技术创新风险、担保风险、信用风险、经营者道德风险及体制风险对企业财务风险的影响和危害。

    The fourth part is mainly about internal factors which affect firm financial risks and their effects to firm financial risks , such as market sailing risks , investment risks , technical innovation risks , guarantee risks , credit risks , manager morality risks and mechanism risks .

  14. 开放式基金当事人的风险主要体现在基金持有人的流动性风险、基金管理者的基金管理风险与基金托管人的基金代理、销售风险等。

    The persons concerned with the open - end fund have to face big risks , which may mainly fall into three parts ; the liquidity risk for the fund investors , the fund operation risk for the fund officers and the fund sale and custody risk for the custodians .

  15. 并将CRM中关于客户关系的理念应用到数据仓库中,提出了如交叉销售、风险客户、客户流失等数据模型。

    Furthermore , the concept of customer relationship in CRM is applied into data warehouse , and build the models of overlapped sales , risking customer and customer losing .

  16. 最后,本文以一个算例对评估销售渠道风险模型进行了实证研究。

    At last , a case was applied to qualify the model .

  17. 第二部分讨论真是销售与风险隔离的关系。

    The second wing is the relation between true sale and risk segregation .

  18. 电力市场化改革使电力销售面临风险。

    There are more and more risks in power marketing with the reform of power market .

  19. 持续衰退和加剧竞争正在迫使推行跨国的生产合理化和共同承担技术开发研究和市场销售的风险。

    Continuing recession and intensified competition are exerting pressures for transnational rationalization of production and for joint research and selling ventures .

  20. 里昂证券(CLSA)分析师赖惠娟(JennyLai)表示,鸿海在台式个人电脑销售上的风险敞口,给业绩造成了压力。鸿海去年台式电脑的销售占销售总额的29%。

    Jenny Lai , analyst at CLSA , says Hon Hai 's exposure to desktop PC sales , which accounted for 29 per cent of sales last year , has weighed on results .

  21. 三是加强企业进出口商品销售价格的风险管理;

    Thirdly , strengthening risk management in sale price of import-export goods ;

  22. 销售企业经营风险预警研究

    Research on Marketing Enterprise Operation Risks Warning and Forecasting

  23. 企业资金运营风险管理研究&企业销售过程的风险模拟

    Study on Risk Management of Enterprise Capital Running & Risk Simulation for Selling Process of Enterprise

  24. 这种趋势是出现在这样的背景之下:在投资者保护方面的担忧加剧,人们越来越对结构性产品感到担忧,也担心销售不当的风险。

    The trend comes amid increased concerns about investor protection , growing fears about structured products and worries about the risks of mis-selling .

  25. 在销售公约中风险的含义为价金风险,而没有采纳广义的风险含义。

    The term risk is defined as the price instead of the risk in general meaning , in the Convention on Contract International Sale of Goods .

  26. 根据分时度假的发展趋势,分析了重庆市引入分时度假的市场环境,论述了景观房产开发的市场前景及景观房产开发中的融资、销售、市场风险及其对策等诸多问题。

    Based on the developing tendency of time-sharing vacation , this paper analyzes the market environment to introduce time-sharing vacation and discusses the development of landscape real estate and problems in its development such as financing , sales , market risks and countermeasures .

  27. 在中国销售消费品的风险巨大。

    The risks of selling consumer goods in China are immense .

  28. 论包装企业销售收入审计的风险防范

    On Keep a lookout the Audit Risk of Sales Revenue

  29. 电力销售过程中的风险分析

    The Risk Analysis of Power Sales

  30. 从生产到流通和销售,这类风险可能会影响公司的整个价值链。

    It potentially affects its entire value chain , from production through to distribution and sales .