
  • 网络ROS;Sales margins;Profit margin;return on sales;Rate of Return on Sale
  1. 我甚至对利润率和销售利润率都不太感兴趣,只是觉得如果他们有新的想法会感觉很好。

    I 'm not even that keen on profit or sales margins here , just the idea that they 'll feel good if they come up with new ideas .

  2. 在华销售价格比其它地方高出大约40%,但分析师们指出,这是税收和关税所致,他们相信,由于投资水平较高,在华销售利润率其实可能更低。

    Sale prices in China are around 40 per cent higher than other regions , but analysts point out this is due to taxes and duties , believing that sales margins in China may actually be less due to higher levels of investment .

  3. 如果Facebook保持2011年的销售利润率27%,到2023年它的销售额将需要达到610亿美元。

    If Facebook maintains its 2011 margin on sales of 27 % , its sales would need to reach $ 61 billion by 2023 .

  4. 其次,通过分析各行业资产负债率与行业销售利润率、行业销售收入之间的Pearson相关关系,检验行业生命周期与融资决策行为的关系。

    Secondly , it test the relation of industry lifecycle and financing decision-making by using Pearson correlativity method .

  5. 奥迪(Audi)上半年营业利润率为12%,而梅塞德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)的销售利润率为11%。

    Audi posted a first-half operating margin of 12 per cent while Mercedes-Benz cars achieved an 11 per cent return on sales .

  6. 故净资产收益率、销售利润率的变化同CPI、M1的变化相关性也变得较权益乘数、资产负债率差。

    So , compared with the rights multiple and the property liabilities rate , the relativity between the change of rate of earning , the sale profit , and the change of the CPI and the M_1 becomes less .

  7. 所有的分析者都会很高兴看到一个较高的销售利润率。

    All analysts are willing to see the rate higher .

  8. 但由于各项成本的增加,公司销售利润率开始出现下滑。

    However , the profit of sales is dropping due to increasing costs .

  9. 据统计,在过去的一年中,新车销售利润率明显下降。

    The status shows that the profit of new car sales declined obviously in last year .

  10. 油站很难找到作为汽油销售利润率低。

    Petrol stations are hard to find as the profit margin in selling petrol is low .

  11. 存在从集中到绩效的因果关系,企业能通过获取更多的市场份额从而提高销售利润率。

    There is causality relation from concentration to profitability , more market shares can bring enterprises more profitability .

  12. 在她任职期间,公司的主要指标均大幅提升,包括公司收入、利润、销售利润率,以及员工的士气等;于此同时,公司各方面的损耗也显著下降。

    Key measures revenues , profits , margins , morale went up , while attrition went down during her tenure .

  13. 盈利能力指标涵盖资产利润率、销售利润率和权益净利率三个指标。

    The profitability indicators cover the sales profit margin , return on assets and interests in net profit margin of three indicators .

  14. 通过上述公式,我们能够看到总资产报酬率与销售利润率和资产周转率之间的关系。

    Through the aforementioned formula , we can see the relationship of return on assets to return on net sales and assets turnover .

  15. 较高的销售利润率意味着公司能够赚取更多的利润,并相应地反映了较好的盈利能力。

    The higher rate of return on net sales means that the corporation can earn more profit , and correspondingly reflects well profitability .

  16. 反映资本使用效率的两个指标,即净资产收益率和平均销售利润率,都不同程度的得到改善;

    Net capital profit rate and average profit rate , the two indexes of capital utilization , have been improved to some degree .

  17. 由于规模的扩张并未促进销售利润率和市场份额的增长,这也部分解释了现阶段乳制品企业的大肆扩张而绩效下降的事实。

    Besides , scale spread does not advance performance and market share . That explains partly that dairy industry exist scale spread performance decline .

  18. 该公司计划今年全年的营业利润率能保持在可观的两位数,而长期销售利润率的目标为15%。

    The carmaker plans to achieve a significant double-digit operating margin this year and is targeting a long-term return on sales of 15 per cent .

  19. 随着发达市场开始再度购买电脑,和竞争对手发现自己在销售利润率较高的台式机和笔记本电脑上处于更有利的位置,联想可能也会发现自己处于不利的境地。

    Lenovo could also find itself at a disadvantage as developed markets start buying again and rivals find themselves better-positioned to sell higher-margin desktops and notebooks .

  20. 如果一个公司打算提高其资产报酬率,它就应当提高其销售利润率,或者是提高其资产报酬率。

    If a corporation is to increase the return on assets , it should increase the return on net sales , or increase the assets turnover .

  21. 企业的投标价格受到建筑企业的资信条件、技术条件等因素的影响,并且企业销售利润率直接反映了企业的投标价格水平。

    The bid price of an enterprise is affected by its qualification and technical conditions , while its sale profit directly reflects the level of bid price .

  22. 这家911跑车制造商期内的营业利润达5.28亿欧元,销售利润率为17.5%。

    The maker of the 911 sports car generated € 528m in operating profit during that period , equivalent to a 17.5 per cent return on sales .

  23. 其次是按照区际市场占有份额和经济效益原则选取了区位商和相对产品销售利润率两指标对各产业进行了分类。

    Then those industries are classified in the light of Location Quotient and Relative Industry MarketingProfit Rate which are determined in the principle of market share and beneficial result .

  24. 但其基本营业利润高达5.24亿欧元,这使其经调整后的销售利润率达到9.4%,远高于手机部门-0.5%的水平。

    But on an underlying basis its operating profit was 524m , giving it an adjusted margin of 9.4 per cent of sales , compared with minus 0.5 per cent for mobiles .

  25. 销售利润率,又称为利润边际,表达的是净收益与销售收入之间的关系,反映了单位收入能够产生多少净收益。

    The rate of return on net sales , or simply return on sales , or called profit margin , expresses the relationship of net income and sales , indicates how much net income is produced by each revenue dollar .

  26. 所选财务指标包括流动比率、速动比率、资产负债率、存货周转率、应收帐款周转率、销售利润率、总资产报酬率、资本保值增值率、社会贡献率。

    The financial indicators selected include current ratio , quick ratio , assets-liability ratio , rate of stock turnover , turnover of accounts receivable , total capital profit ra-tio , ratio of asset inflation proof and incremental value and social contribution etc.

  27. 企业总资产报酬率、资本收益率、销售利润率以及成本费用利润率是评估企业获利能力的重要指标。

    The reward rate of the enterprise total capital , the profit rate of asset , the profit margin of distribution and the profit margin of the cost and expense are the important indexes to evaluate the capability of the enterprise to profit .

  28. 品牌内部环境包括企业和消费者层面,企业层面对农产品品牌竞争力影响指标包括固定资产总值、市场占有率、资产负债率、产品销售利润率、出口创汇率、管理示范效应和技术创新能力。

    Intra-brand environment includes enterprise and consumer level . At enterprise level , the factors , including total fixed assets , market share , asset-liability ratio , product sales profit rate , exchange appreciate rates , management demonstration effect and technological innovation , influence the brand competitiveness .

  29. 但是本地银行占有信息租金的前提条件是银行之间没有信息共享。反映资本使用效率的两个指标,即净资产收益率和平均销售利润率,都不同程度的得到改善;

    If every bank obtains same information by the way of information sharing , fair competition will encourage the immergence of industrial average profit . 2 net capital profit rate and average profit rate , the two indexes of capital utilization , have been improved to some degree .

  30. 运用市场占有率、销售利润率、顾客忠诚度三个指标,从纵横两个角度对本土零售企业品牌竞争力进行评估,在此基础上,提出培育与提升中国城市零售商业企业品牌竞争力的相关对策。

    We introduce three indexes ( market share , sales profits , and customer loyalty ) to evaluate our brand competitiveness of city retail enterprises . We put forward some measures for government , society and enterprise on cultivating and promoting our brand competitiveness of city retail enterprises .