
shènɡ yú jià zhí lǜ
  • Rate of surplus value;ratio of residual value
  1. 在马克思的经济增长模型中,社会生产总值的增长率由资本有机构成、剩余价值率和积累率决定。

    In Marxist model , growth rate is dependent upon organic component of capital ( OCOC ), surplus value rate ( SVR ) and accumulation rate ( AR ) .

  2. 剩余价值率不变时,随着资本有机构成的不断提高,要维持经济增长率不变,必须提高剩余价值积累率。

    When the surplus value rate is invariable , with the increasing capital organic composition , the surplus value accumulation rate must be raised to maintain the economic growth rate .

  3. 资本主义经济增长与剩余价值率、剩余价值积累率呈同向变动,与资本有机构成呈反方向变动。

    The capitalist economy growth changes in the same direction with the surplus value rate and the surplus value accumulation rate , while in the reversed direction with the capital organic composition .

  4. 从时序角度分析,我国宏观税负总体水平接近广义剩余产品价值率,超过中上等收入国家税负的平均水平,一定程度上超越了我国经济发展的承受能力。

    Observing from time angle , the macroeconomic tax rate is about the same level as rate of surplus product and exceeds the average level of that in middle and high income countries .

  5. 政府只对剩余价值征税;剩余价值率保持不变;

    The government levies the surplus value only .