
  • 网络surplus;Residual
  1. 分析计算面源污染物的存在下的纳污能力剩余量变化情况,指出水功能区污染物总量控制与管理中应对此给予重视。

    Analysing and reckoning the variation about surplus of pollution receiving capacity when it relates to non-point sources pollution and pointing out to pay attention to it in controlling and managing the pollution .

  2. 为避免薄膜过度收缩而导致烟包(条)变形,给出了包装剩余量检验标准。

    The inspection standards for packing surplus were proposed to avoid pack deformation due to excess shrinking of the film .

  3. 利用Excel进行推进剂剩余量的分析与计算

    Residual Propellant Analysis and Calculation by Using Excel

  4. 然后,他们进行PET扫描和CT扫描去测量棕色脂肪的位置和代谢活动后的剩余量。

    Then they underwent PET scans and CT scans to measure the location and metabolic activity of brown fat deposits .

  5. 在插值多项式的基础上导出矩阵-向量相乘的快速算法,并构造有效的预处理算子。因此,可以用诸如剩余量校正(RC)等预处理迭代方法,快速地解出积分方程。

    Thus , the integral equations can be solved efficiently by preconditioned iterative methods such as the residual correction ( RC ) scheme .

  6. 测量代码(Instrumentedcode)能收集完整的应用轨迹,帮助我们计算剩余量(Latency)和生产量(Throughput)的状态,执行应用诊断等。

    The instrumented code can collect complete application traces , enabling us to compute statistics for latency and throughput and to perform application diagnostics .

  7. L(fsp-)肥料和土壤N损失量与作物从耕层土壤有效N中吸收的N量总和:T(n+1)肥料残留N量与季后耕层土壤有效N剩余量之和(kg/hm~2);

    Lfsp ( kg / hm2 ) - the summation of the loss amount of fertilizer and soil nitrogen and the amount of nitrogen that crop absorbs active nitrogen in the cultivation layer ;

  8. 使得用户可以通过动力锂电池SOC动态管理系统内置GPS模块与GPRS无线通信网将位置、锂电池电池剩余量(SOC)数据等发送到后台的电动汽车应急指挥中心。

    Emergency Command Center allows users to power lithium battery SOC dynamic management system built-in GPS module with GPRS wireless communication network position , the remaining amount of the lithium battery ( SOC ) data sent to the background electric vehicles .

  9. 类胡萝卜素在抑制脂质氧化过程中,本身逐渐损失消耗,4h后在试验所用浓度下最高剩余量不超过20%。

    The consumption of carotenoids was accompanied by the proceeding of the oxidation . The maximum residual amounts of carotenoids at the concentrations used were less than 20 % after 4 hours .

  10. 区域农业用地营养盐剩余量的长期变化研究

    Long-term Changes of the Nutrient Surpluses in Regional Agricultural Land

  11. 劳动力剩余量也继续增加。

    And the amount of excess labour continues to increase .

  12. 低重力下预报推进剂剩余量的探索

    Research on propellant remaining estimation in low - gravity

  13. 不同牙体剩余量对石英纤维桩冠抗折性能的影响

    Effects of Different Amount of Residual Tooth on Fracture Resistance Ability in Quartz-Fiber Post Crown

  14. 介绍了气体注入压力激励方法测量卫星液体推进剂剩余量地面模拟试验;

    The ground simulation test for gauging liquid propellant remaining on a satellite is introduced .

  15. 推进剂剩余量的均匀设计建模

    Uniform Design Modeling of Propellant Remainder

  16. 国外空间液体剩余量测量技术

    Technologies of liquid gauging in space

  17. 其次在评价函数的选择上,采用了材料剩余量最小的全局最优评价函数来保证进化收敛到最优解;

    Second it constructs an efficient evaluation function based on the stock-lost to get the global solution .

  18. 农村劳动力转移水平普遍较低,地域分异明显,农村劳动力剩余量较大。

    The level of rural labor force shift is very low commonly , and regional difference is very ordinary .

  19. 目的:比较上颌第一磨牙不同程度牙体缺损桩核冠修复后牙本质应力分布情况,探讨牙体剩余量与牙本质应力分布之间的关系。

    Objective : To compare the stress of residue dentin in different defected posterior restored with post and core crown .

  20. 定期检查这些液体的剩余量能够让您的爱车保持良好运转状态。

    Regularly checking these levels may not change your car ′ s appearance but is a rejuvenating experience for your vehicle .

  21. 残根牙体剩余量对纤维桩核全冠修复体力学性能的影响

    Effects of the amount of residual tooth on the anti-fracture property under lateral loading in fiber post-core and full crown system

  22. 评价不同牙体剩余量对石英纤维桩复合树脂核全冠修复下颌前磨牙抗折性能的影响。

    To evaluate the effects of the different amount of residual tooth on the fracture resistance ability of lower premolars restored with fiber quartz-fiber post-core and full crown .

  23. 结论:心包造影有助于研究心脏受压程度,指导抽液和判断积液剩余量,有助于观察心包厚度、钙化和局部粘连情况。

    Conclusion : Pericardiography has beneficial effects on showing the degree of pressed heart , the pericardial thickness , calcification and local adherence and guiding aspiration of effusion , judging the remaining pericardial effusion .

  24. 首先对于关中农业产出量与剩余量进行了计算,指出关中地区的可供消费的正常剩余量式是1000万到1300万石左右。

    First produced the output and the residual regarding the Guanzhong agriculture has carried on the computation , pointed out that the Guanzhong area might supply the expense the normal residual type is about 10,000,000 to 13,000,000 stones .

  25. 根据气体注入压力激励测量方法,研制了动态、高精度测量卫星液体推进剂剩余量原理样机,该样机以通信卫星双组元推进系统为测量对象。

    A principle simulative equipment applicable to gauge liquid propellant residual on satellite is introduced briefly . This equipment is developed by a dynamic accurate measurement method named pressure stimulated by gas injection ( PSGI ) to simulate the propulsion subsystem of DFH 3 satellite .

  26. 本文在文献[3]的基础上,运用组合数学原理构造方案树,提出最大可能剩余量概念,导出计算公式,并以此作为方案值控制树的生长,进而利用回溯算法搜索有利方案。

    Based on Reference [ 3 ] , this paper builds a scheme tree and presents the concept the maximum possible residual amount , generating a scheme value to control the growth of the tree , so that the favorable scheme can be searched by the backdating algorithm .

  27. 量油尺是用来探查引擎中的剩余油量的。

    A dipstick is used to measure how much oil is left in an engine .

  28. 基于节点位置与剩余电池量的adhoc网络多路路由研究

    Research of multi-path route in Ad hoc based on node position and surplus energy

  29. 剩余尿量不能作为评价BPH患者逼尿肌功能和治疗预后的可靠指标。

    Residual urine volume cannot be regard as a reliable index for detrusor function or therapeutic prognosis in BPH .

  30. 目的:探讨前列腺增生症(BPH)所致膀胱出口梗阻(BOO)类型对膀胱排空及剩余尿量的影响。

    Purpose : To investigate the effect of obstructive type on residual urine volume in BPH .