
  • 网络residual risk
  1. 他们因此承担了剩余风险。

    They therefore bear the residual risk .

  2. 因此有必要向承担剩余风险利益相关主体披露相关信息。(3)信号传递理论。

    Therefore , it is necessary to bear residual risk disclosure of relevant information Stakeholders . ( 3 ) Signaling Theory .

  3. 这是通过不断评估你面对的风险,并在下一次迭代中解决剩余风险中最重要的一个来实现的。

    This is done by continuously assessing what risks you are facing , and addressing the top remaining risks in the next iteration .

  4. 风险管理的基本条件是剩余风险识别与建立,管理风险,通过验收的网络保护策略。

    Fundamental to risk management is identification of residual risk with a network protection strategy in place and acceptance of that risk by management .

  5. 职工、经营者、供应商、债权人、用户和股东一样,都对企业进行了专用性投资,都承担了剩余风险。

    The same as the shareholders , staffs , managers , suppliers , creditors and clients all invest in the enterprise intentionally bearing surplus risks .

  6. 首先,按照战略分析→关键经营环节分析→剩余风险决定这一自上而下的主线来决定实质性测试的内容、时间和范围;

    First , we get hold of the content , time and confine of the materiality testing along analysing the strategic → analysing the key management tache → gaining the remanent risk .

  7. 国外对审计风险管理的研究着重在于改进和完善风险导向审计的技术与方法,把审计风险要素划分为重大错报风险和检查风险,体现战略分析经营环节分析会计报表剩余风险分析的基本观念。

    Foreign researches focus on perfecting the risk-based auditing technology and method . The modern model of audit risk makes up of material misstatement risk and check risk , which indicates the basic idea on " Strategy Analyze Business Process Analyze Surplus Risk Analysis of Accounting Statements " .

  8. 对于宜家来说,相关监管规定的变化使其中国子公司能够使用人民币而非美元进行跨境贸易结算,宜家因此得以将剩余汇率风险从其在中国内地的业务部门层面转移至集团层面。

    For IKEA , the change in regulations that enabled its Chinese subsidiaries to invoice cross-border transactions in Renminbi rather than dollars allowed the retailer to transfer the remaining currency risk from its operating companies on the mainland to the group level .

  9. 对剩余方案进行风险评估,并进行投资预算。

    The remaining proposals are compared through risk assessment and investment budget .

  10. 特别对于系统风险评估后剩余的残余风险,需要二次进行风险的分类判断。

    Especially for the residual risks of evaluated risks of system , the paper asks for the second assessment .

  11. 除了输向实体经济的“有用”贷款,过去一年中,世界最大的九家投资银行的剩余的潜在风险调整资产已经基本上损失殆尽。

    Exclude " useful " loans to the real economy , and over the past year the remaining underlying risk-adjusted assets of the nine biggest investment banks worldwide have been broadly flat .

  12. 氧化反应器第一冷凝器是PTA生产装置中的关键设备,含缺陷冷凝器的安全性能、剩余寿命和使用风险的研究对于保障装置的安全生产具有重要的意义。

    The first stage condenser of oxidation reactor system is the key pressure vessel in PTA equipment system .

  13. 受损船体剩余强度研究与风险分析及综合安全评估

    Residual strength study for damaged hull and risk analysis & formal safety assessment

  14. 在国有股东代表选聘方面,需要严格遵守市场化机制,其权利与义务也要在公司法框架下予以规范,关心并实际享有剩余索取权和剩余控制权,同时依法承担剩余风险。

    Market-based mechanism must be concerned when State shareholders select their representatives in SOEs , whose rights and obligations should be established under the framework of Company Law . The representatives should have rights of residual claim and residual control , with undertaking of residual risk meanwhile .