
  • 网络Sales terminal;point-of-sale;Point of sale;POS;POS Point Of Sale
  1. 电子交易在经济社会中已经根深蒂固,因此电子交易卡持有者们期望销售终端会给他们带来快捷成功的交易。

    As electronic transactions have become more ingrained in economic life , so too has the expectation among cardholders that their point-of-sale swipe will lead to a rapid and successful conclusion of their transaction .

  2. 这项移动钱包技术将采用NFC,也就是利用无线电来发射数据的近场通信技术(nearfieldcommunications)。该技术已被越来越多的销售终端系统所采用。

    Apple 's mobile wallet will be based on NFC , or near field communications , a technology that uses radio communications to transmit data and that works in a growing number of point-of-sale systems .

  3. Stand与传统的销售终端系统相比如何?

    How does stand compare with more traditional point of sale systems ?

  4. VI设计在企业销售终端中的应用及拓展

    Application and Development of VI Design in Enterprise Sales Terminal

  5. 本论文的工作是为美国波音公司设计开发一个无线手持式POS(PointofSale,销售终端)系统。

    The work presented in this paper focuses on developing a wireless handheld POS ( Point of Sale ) system .

  6. 本文的项目正是在这样的背景下产生,采用先进的嵌入式技术、通信网络技术,设计了一种新型的商业销售终端,以及基于Internet的终端管理系统、增值业务系统。

    Advanced embedded technology and communication network technology are adopted into this new type of business POS terminal . Its management system and added-value business system is based on Internet .

  7. 周二,发展迅速的移动支付新创企业Square推出支架式硬件设备Stand,iPad装在Stand上,就能变成一款台面销售终端系统。

    On Tuesday , fast growing mobile payments startup square introduced stand , a hardware device that cradles an iPad , turning it into a countertop point of sale system .

  8. 金融技术公司NCR目前其最为人熟知的业务是制造自动取款机今天推出了NCRSilver,能将iPad变成一台销售终端设备。

    The financial technology company NCR currently most well-known for manufacturing ATMs today launched NCR silver , which turns an iPad into a point-of-sales device .

  9. 本文主要以国内某银行销售终端系统中的电话POS终端系统为研究课题,作者有幸参与了该系统的设计开发工作。

    This paper mainly introduced point of sale system in a domestic . The author had the honor to join in the designing and developing of the system .

  10. 第三方软件开发者使用软件平台配套的SDK即可为手机平台开发应用,APPStore模式的成功证明了智能手机已经成为软件的移动销售终端。

    And the third party software developers can develop applications with the SDK of software platform . The success of the model of App store proved that smart phones have become the mobile sale terminals of software .

  11. 尤其是包含NFC技术的iPhone会促使更多的商家升级他们的销售终端系统,从而接受iPhone以及越来越多同样配有NFC技术的安卓(Android)手机的移动支付。

    In particular , the inclusion of NFC technology in the iPhone , could encourage more merchants to upgrade their point-of-sale system so they can accept mobile payments from both iPhones and the growing number of Android phones that are also equipped with NFC .

  12. Rometty在中国发展论坛上说,IBM必须帮助中国建设自己的IT行业,而不是仅仅把中国看作销售终端和制造基地。中国发展论坛是中国政府资助的年会,该会召集企业领导人和中国政府精英参加。

    IBM must help China build its IT industry rather than viewing the country solely as a sales destination or manufacturing base , Rometty said at the China Development Forum , an annual Chinese government-sponsored conference bringing together business executives and China 's ruling elite .

  13. 体育彩票销售终端数据安全性研究

    The Research of Data Security for the Marketing Terminal of Sports Lottery

  14. 在目前的成品油销售终端的竞争中,大有得终端者得天下之势,但过高的终端开发费用使企业(尤其是两大石油集团)资本负担沉重。

    But the overhigh development expense of sales end burden the two petroleum enterprises .

  15. 目前国内采用的多是半热线系统,所以在销售终端存在很多的问题。

    As half-online system is mostly adopted , there are many questions in marketing terminal .

  16. 超市销售终端控制系统

    Supper Market Sales Terminal Control System

  17. 只要在销售终端试用我们的产品和服务,立即产生效果。

    If the Sales terminals use of our products and services , you can see the effect immediately .

  18. 通过信息化手段建设,加强烟草专卖对卷烟市场销售终端的管理服务已势在必行。

    By means of information construction , strengthen the tobacco monopoly on POS management service has be imperative .

  19. 随着经济的发展,购物中心、自选超市、专卖店等销售终端占据了零售市场的主导地位。

    With the development of economy , shopping center , customize supermarkets and shops have occupied dominant retail market .

  20. 进入21世纪后,连锁经营已经逐渐成为销售终端的主要经营方式。

    In 21st centuries , chain management is going to be the main management mode in terminal sales gradually .

  21. 本文简要介绍了有关彩票的国内外发展状况,并阐述了体育彩票销售终端安全性的研究意义。

    This article introduces the development of sports lottery and the research of the terminal data security in sports lottery .

  22. 然后为产品的销售终端建立商户信息平台,提供商户与企业的接口,同时实现在线销售的功能。

    Then for the sake of product sales , trader information platform is built to offer exchanges among enterprises and realize on-line sales .

  23. 他所想的经济优势将会是在电影销售终端的,指的正是票房收入的瓜分。

    The economic advantage he has in mind would be on the tail end , when the box office takings are divvied up .

  24. 本文在服装视觉营销的基础之上,提出家具产品在不同的销售终端中的视觉营销要素分析,同时总结归纳出不同类型产品销售终端的视觉营销设计原则。

    In this paper , on the basis of clothes visual marketing , I will analysis the visual marketing elements in different furniture sales terminals .

  25. 渠道管理主要包括生产计划与销量预测、价格管理、地区分销管理、销售终端管理以及售后服务等。

    This part includes the production planning the sales volume prediction , the price control , the local distribution management , the sales terminals management and the after-sale service , etc.

  26. 文中重点研究了产品设计与产品设计推广之间的关系,产品设计是产品设计推广的核心因素,产品所处生命周期以及产品的销售终端环境是影响产品设计推广的外部因素。

    The product design is the core factor of the product design promotion , and the product life cycle and the product sales environment are the external factors , which affect the product design promotion .

  27. 在城市化步伐快速推进的今天,城市居民对生鲜农产品的需求也日益增多,城市生鲜农产品供应体系中也有了多类型的销售终端,如农贸市场、超市甚至是经常可见的路边摊贩。

    With the rapid development of cities , urban residents demand more and more fresh-agricultural-products , and there are many types of sales terminals , such as farmers markets , supermarkets and even street vendors .

  28. 最后,药品销售终端也做同样的扫描,扫描文件上传药监网,最终完成整个药品从生产、销售、终端各个环节的流通监控。

    Finally , drug sales terminal also do the same scan , scan file upload drug safety net , finally complete the drugs from the production , sales and circulation of each link of the monitoring terminal .

  29. 销售终端为商品或服务从企业到消费者手中的最后一环,是消费者实现购买的场所或者环节,是营销渠道中最关键的神经末梢。

    Sale terminals are the last one ring for the goods or services from the enterprise to consumers , are the places consumers purchase or implementation aspect , are the most critical " nerve endings " Of marketing channels .

  30. 猪肉品牌连锁店作为一种新兴的销售终端形式,已经逐渐成为品牌猪肉企业切入商业领域、控制销售终端的利器和新的经济增长点。

    As a new form of sales terminals , brand pork chain stores have gradually become a new economic growth point and weapon for brand pork enterprises to go into the commercial areas of business and to control sales terminals .