
xiù bìng
  • rust;rust disease
锈病 [xiù bìng]
  • (1) [rust disease]∶ 由锈菌目的真菌所引起的各种破坏性的植物病,特征是在茎、叶或其他部分出现损害性的红褐色斑点

  • (2) [rust]∶受锈斑菌的感染

锈病[xiù bìng]
  1. 外源化学物质诱导红花对锈病的抗性研究

    Induced Resistance in Safflower Against Safflower Rust Disease by Exogenous Chemicals

  2. 海南红豆红锈病的发生与危害

    Occurrence and damage of red rust disease on Ormosia pinnata

  3. 应用Fuzzy贴近度定量预报谷子锈病的研究

    Study on Quantitative Forecast of Millet Rust by Applying Fuzzy Approach Degree

  4. 汉中地区小麦条锈病的BP神经网络预测

    Prediction of Wheat Stripe Rust in Hanzhong Area by BP Neural Network

  5. DNA分子标记在华山松疱锈病研究中的应用现状及前景

    The Application and Prospect of DNA Molecular Markers to the Study on Armandii Pine Blister Rust

  6. 亚麻抗锈病近等基因系RAPD特异指纹带的克隆分析

    Cloning of unique RAPD bands in flax ( Linumusitatissiumum ) near-isogenic lines

  7. 小麦抗条锈病基因Yr2的SSR标记

    SSR Marker of Wheat Stripe Rust Resistance Gene Yr 2

  8. 利用细胞学和RAPD技术鉴定抗条锈病小滨麦易位系

    Identification of Wheat-Leymus Translocation Line with Stripe Rust Resistance by Cytology and RAPD Analysis

  9. 另外,G蛋白可以通过诱导防卫酶活性的升高来提高小麦对叶锈病的抗性。

    In addition , G protein can increase the resistance to P. triticina through inducting the increase of defense enzymes ' activities .

  10. Rf值0.78~0.85间的酶谱与大豆锈病的发生发展有着密切关系。

    Besides there was close correlation between RF value ( 0.78 to 0.85 ) and development of soybean rust .

  11. 导入Z4抗条锈病基因春小麦后代主要农艺性状遗传分析

    Genetic analysis of the main agronomic characters of spring wheat transferred into Z_4 gene of resistance to stripe rust

  12. 由小麦叶锈菌(Pucciniatriticina)引起的小麦叶锈病(wheatleafrust)是小麦的主要病害之一。

    Leaf rust caused by Puccinia triticina is one of the main disease of wheat .

  13. 并筛选到对小麦条锈病免疫或高抗的部分变异株,表明燕麦DNA已导入到小麦中,并得到表达。

    Several new variant strains obtained immune or high resistant to wheat stripe rust . The results indicated that the exogenous DNA of oats had been introduced into the wheat .

  14. RAPD技术和聚类分析在小麦条锈病菌生理小种研究中的应用

    A study on lineage of Chinese races of yellow rust ( Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici ) with RAPD analysis

  15. 25%甲霜灵WP对油葵白锈病防效不理想。

    25 % metalaxyl WP is bad in controlling sunflower white rust .

  16. 5,对南方玉米锈病抗病基因进行AFLP分析,以寻找更加紧密连锁的AFLP标记。

    AFLP techniques were used to identify molecular markers tightly linked to the rust resistance gene .

  17. 华山松疱锈病是华山松Pinusarmandi最严重的病害之一。

    Pinus armandi blister rust is one of the most severe diseases in P. armandi forest .

  18. 应用Mapdraw软件构建了这3个AFLP分子标记和谷子抗锈病基因Rusi1的遗传连锁图谱。

    And then the three AFLP molecular markers were used to construct a genetic linkage map for millet rust resistance gene .

  19. 利用本实验室设计的308个SNP标记,对153份小麦品种的条锈病抗性进行了关联分析。

    Association analysis of the resistance against stripe rust of 153 cultivars and 308 SNP markers designed by our laboratory was conducted .

  20. 由小麦条锈菌(PucciniastriiformisWest.f.sp.tritici)引起的小麦条锈病是世界范围内的小麦重要病害。

    Wheat strip rust , caused by Puccinia striiformis West . f.sp tritici , is an important wheat disease worldwide .

  21. 通过列联表的独立性测验,在0.01的概率水平保证下,共鉴定出6个与条锈病抗性有关的SNP标记。

    Through the independence test of the contingency table analysis , six SNP markers were identified to be associated with the disease resistance at the 0.01 probability level .

  22. 由条形柄锈菌(Pucciniastriiformisf.sp.tritici)引起的小麦条锈病,是一种重要的世界性气传病害,其大面积暴发常常造成小麦产量大幅度下降,甚至绝收。

    Stripe rust , caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici , is one of the most serious air-borne diseases in wheat worldwide .

  23. 小麦叶锈病是由小麦叶锈菌(Pucciniatriticina)引起的禾谷类锈病中分布最广的小麦主要病害之一。

    Wheat leaf rust , caused by Puccinia triticina , is one of the most important and widespread diseases in wheat .

  24. 中国三种松疱锈病菌Cronartiumspp.孢子表面形态的扫描电镜观察

    Spore surface morphology of three pine blister rusts ( cronartium spp. ) of China as observed under a scanning electron microscope

  25. 本研究以兴资9104品系为材料,研究了兴资9104品系对条锈病、白粉病的抗性遗传特点,并进行了抗病基因推导和苗期抗条锈病基因的AFLP分析。

    The genetic analysis of resistance , gene postulation and AFLP analysis of Xingzi 9104 , an elite germplasm , to wheat stripe rust and powdery mildew were conducted in this paper .

  26. 由Pucciniastriiformisf.sp.tritic引起的小麦条锈病是世界范围内小麦(Triticumaestivum)生产上的重要病害。

    Stripe rust , caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. Tritici ( Pst ), is a destructive disease of wheat ( Triticum aestivum ) worldwide .

  27. 本文列出了一个适合于SHARPPC&1500袖珍计算机的工作程序,它可用于小麦条锈病、白粉病、病毒病,以及叶斑病的田间抗病性数据收集及检索。

    A computer program was developed , which was suitable to Sharp PC-1500 pocket computer . It can be used for data collection and processing for resistance to wheat stripe rust , powdery mildew , virus and leaf spot diseases in the field .

  28. 小麦叶锈菌(Pucciniatriticina)引起的小麦叶锈病是一种在小麦全生长期发生的主要病害,它的流行会造成严重的减产。

    Wheat leaf rust caused by Puccinia triticina is a major disease in most wheat-growing areas , its epidemics sometimes causing significant yield losses .

  29. 粗枝云杉叶锈病病原转主寄主为山光杜鹃RhododendronoreodoxaFranch,青海云杉叶锈病病原转主寄主为青海杜鹃Rh。

    The experiment proves that Rhododendron oreodoxa Franch is the alternative host of the leaf rust pathogen of Picea asperata Mast , and R.

  30. 结果显示:PLS反演冬小麦条锈病严重度的效果很好,与文献[4]中提出的利用高光谱指数进行反演的结果相比,精度更高;

    The results indicate that the inversion accuracy of PLS is higher than that of the method proposed in reference [ 4 ] , which used PRI ( Photochemical Reflectance Index ) to predict disease severity .