
  • 网络Rust test;corrosion test
  1. 混凝土结构中钢筋均匀锈蚀试验研究

    Study on general corrosion test of steel embedded in concrete structures

  2. 本文对砂浆中埋置钢筋的试件进行了快速锈蚀试验研究。

    An accelerated corrosion test was carried out on steel reinforcing bars in mortar .

  3. 钢球锈蚀试验(BRT)代替程序MSⅡD发动机台架试验,主要用来评价汽油机油的抗腐蚀和锈蚀能力。

    Ball rust test ( BRT ) replaces MS ⅱ D engine bench test to evaluate corrosion resistance of engine oil .

  4. 钢筋快速电化学锈蚀试验的正交设计法

    The orthogonal design method of steel fast electrochemical corrosion experiment

  5. 钢筋非均匀锈蚀试验研究

    The experimental study of the non - uniform corrosion of steel bars

  6. 钢筋电化学快速锈蚀试验控制方法

    Control method for quick electrochemical corrosion experiment of rebars

  7. 内燃机油钢球锈蚀试验区分性研究

    Differentiating Study of Engine Lub-Oil Ball Rust Test

  8. 法尔康发动机锈蚀试验

    Falcon engine rust test anticorrosion anticorrosive

  9. 在恒定压应力状态下,对钢筋混凝土柱进行了钢筋加速锈蚀试验。

    An accelerated corrosion test of steel bars in reinforced concrete columns under constant compression was conducted .

  10. 用氯化钙作矿化剂制成的水泥的15年钢筋锈蚀试验

    Study of steel corrosion in cement pastes made of clinker sintered with CaCl_2 as mineralizer for 15 years

  11. 设计了一种新的钢筋快速锈蚀试验方案,研究了钢筋非均匀锈蚀引起的混凝土保护层胀裂问题。

    A new accelerated corrosion method was designed to study the cover-cracking aroused by non-uniform corrosion of steel bars .

  12. 本文从电化学中的法拉第定律出发,推导出了钢筋电化学快速锈蚀试验的控制方程。

    Based on the Faraday 's law in electrochemistry , the control equation for quick electrochemical corrosion experiment of rebars was derived .

  13. 室外配掺快速锈蚀试验中,钢筋两端部锈蚀率较大,中间区段锈蚀率较低。

    In the experiment of outside mixed brine , the corrosion degree in the top is higher than that in the middle of steel bars .

  14. 通过对10根模型短梁的电化学加速锈蚀试验和对锈蚀后梁的加载试验,研究了钢筋锈蚀对钢筋混凝土短梁的力学性能的影响。

    To study the mechanical property of the short reinforced concrete beam , 10 beams are subjected to an accelerated galvanic corrosion process and these corroded beams are loaded to failure .

  15. 因此本文采用试验分析与数值模拟相结合的方法进行了如下研究:首先,进行了加速锈蚀试验和钢筋锈蚀的电化学监测。

    As result of above discussion , this paper was focus on following contents by the way of combing experiments and simulations . Firstly , the accelerated corrosion experiment and electrochemical monitoring of reinforcement corrosion degrees were carried out .

  16. 根据资料调查与理论分析,设计了相应的试验方案,即:裸露钢筋试验、钢筋混凝土试验、通电加速钢筋锈蚀试验,并对混凝土中钢筋锈蚀程度的检测方法作了详细的阐述。

    According to the data survey and theoretical analyses , the wrier design the corresponding testing program : calibration test , wet-dry circular test and power-to-accelerate-steel-corrosion test . This thesis is also illustrated the methods of testing the steel corrosion in concrete . 4 .

  17. 石屑混凝土的钢筋锈蚀性能试验研究

    Testing Study on Reinforcement Rust Performance of Stone Chip Concrete

  18. 钢筋混凝土锈蚀参数试验研究

    TESTING Experimental Research on Corrosion Parameters of Reinforced Concrete

  19. 再生混凝土抗碳化能力与钢筋锈蚀的试验研究

    Experimental Study on the Ability of Anti-Carbonation of Recycled Concrete and Its Steel Bar Corrosion

  20. 本项目在国内外研究的基础上,主要对再生骨料混凝土的耐久性&抗碳化性能以及钢筋锈蚀进行试验研究。

    This project , based on the research at home and abroad , conducts a pilot experiment mainly on the durability of recycled aggregate concrete & carbonation resistance , as well as steel corrosion .

  21. 介绍了该防锈保养方法的实施工艺和化学调控手段,通过酸性硫酸铜试液点滴耐锈蚀性能试验,并采用表面技术方法,分析了该防锈保养方法的防锈效果。

    The procedures and the chemical control means of this rust-preventing laying-up method are described . Through dropping test on antirusting property with acidic bluestone test solution , the rust-resisting effect of the method is analyzed by use of surface techniques .

  22. 同时结合在氯离子环境下混凝土耐久性破坏的特点,本文还进行了盐冻、氯离子侵蚀后的碳化、混凝土中钢筋快速腐蚀(海水)和电化学腐蚀加速钢筋锈蚀的试验。

    Combine with the destruct characteristics of the concrete in the chloride ion environment this paper proceeds the salty frost test , carbonization test after suffering from the chloride ion corrosion , fast corrosion of bar embedded in concrete in the seawater circumstance and electrochemical corrosion accelerating test of bar .

  23. 锈蚀钢筋性能试验研究分析

    Experimental study and Analysis on the property of corroded rebar

  24. 无锈蚀锚索的试验研究

    The experimental research on corrosion - proof anchor cable

  25. 海水浪溅下混凝土中锈蚀钢筋性能试验研究及仿真分析

    Experimental study and Simulation Analysis on corroded bars in concrete at the marine cycle

  26. 根据钢筋混凝土梁内锈蚀钢筋的试验结果,提出了锈蚀钢筋的疲劳曲线,为合理确定服役老化的混凝土桥梁的疲劳寿命提供必要的依据。

    According to the results of the tests on corrosion reinforcement in the reinforced concrete beams , this paper puts forward fatigue curve of corrosion reinforcement . These studies provide necessary basis for the determination of the fatigue life of aged existing reinforced concrete bridges .

  27. 负载钢筋混凝土梁钢筋锈蚀及使用性能试验研究

    Experimental studies on steel bar corrosion and serviceability of reinforced concrete beam under service loading

  28. 锈蚀钢筋的疲劳试验研究

    Fatigue Experimental Study on Corrosion Reinforcement

  29. 锈蚀钢筋混凝土结构试验结果表明预测的损伤位置和实际的损伤位置较一致,模态参数用于检测混凝土结构构件中的损伤,为大型结构的鉴定和评估提供了新的途径。

    Experimental results of the corrosion in reinforced concrete structures show that the predicted damage location is in agreement with the real damage location . The modal parameters are used to detect the damages in structural concrete elements , and so they are useful for structural appraisal .

  30. 介绍了评价汽油机油锈蚀保护性能的标准试验方法&球锈蚀试验法(BRT法),并借助于该试验机进行了方法的应用研究。

    Ball rust test method , which is a standard test method for evaluating the rust protection ability of gasoline engine oil , is presented . The application of this method is studied with the aid of this tester .