
  • 【交】conical slope
  1. 针对U形桥台在工程实践中容易发生的病害,提出在设计和施工侧墙、锥坡及坡角裙墙的一些具体的改进意见和措施。

    Facing on the diseases which is easily occurred during practical engineering of U - abutment , the author presents some improved proposals and measures for design and construction of side wall , truncated cone banking and skirt wall of slope footing .

  2. 桥台锥坡基础曲线方程的推导及应用

    Derivation of Curve Equation and Application of Foundation of Abutment Truncated Cone Banking

  3. 锥坡挡墙的受力分析

    Internal force analysis of retaining wall of conical slope

  4. 桥台锥坡底面曲线的推导

    Derivation of Bottom Curves of Abutment Conic Slope

  5. 采用强度折减有限元法对桥头路堤注浆治理前后的锥坡稳定性和竖向应变进行有限元分析。

    The paper analyzed stability of conical slope and vertical strain of approach embankment before and after grouting by using strength reduction FEM .

  6. 扶壁式轻型桥台是由台帽、耳墙、扶壁、胸墙、群桩承台、锥坡、裙墙组成。

    The buttressed light type abutment consists of abutment cap , side wall , buttress , breast wall , group pile cap , conical slope and skirt wall .

  7. 对埋入锥坡内的桩基础桥台,采用等截面办法比采用变截面办法缩短了工期,降低了工程造价,取得了较好的技术经济效益。

    Aim at the abutment that burial prick slope , adopt constant section method can shorten time of project and reduce cost than adopt nonprismatic method , it can gain well technology and economic benefit .

  8. 在采用埋置式、桩式、柱式桥台或桥台布置不能完全挡土时,为保护桥台路基的稳定,防止冲刷,应在两侧设置锥坡。

    Also calls the cone protection slope , when the bridgehead is buried type , pile type , pillar type abutment or it cannot fully retaining soil , for protecting the stability of roadbed to Set cone both sides .