
zhuī chǐ lún
  • bevel gear;bevel wheel;angle gear
锥齿轮[zhuī chǐ lún]
  1. 直齿锥齿轮差速器CAD系统的研究

    A CAD Systen of Spur Bevel Gear Differential

  2. KЦ2-1000型减速机螺旋锥齿轮计算及参数分析

    Calculation and parameter analysis of spiral bevel gear of a reducer of K Ц _2-1000

  3. 论述了在Freeform型铣齿机上加工延伸外摆线锥齿轮的实现方式。

    The realization method of formatting extended epicycloid gears on Free-form bevel gear milling machines is also presented .

  4. MATLAB在弧齿锥齿轮轮齿接触分析中的应用

    The Application of MATLAB to the TCA of Spiral Bevel Gears

  5. 利用Matlab编制软件绘制斜齿锥齿轮副齿面接触的空间图形。

    Space figure of gears contact was drawn up by Matlab .

  6. 螺旋锥齿轮空间曲面NC加工插补误差分析

    Analysis of interpolation error of NC machining for bevel gear space curved face

  7. 基于Pro/ENGINEER的锥齿轮注塑模CAD系统的研究与开发

    Research and Development on Injection Mold CAD System for Bevel Gear Based on Pro / ENGINEER

  8. 非零传动弧齿锥齿轮CAD系统的开发与研究

    Development and Research on the New Kind of " Non-Zero " Transmission Spiral Bevel Gear CAD System

  9. ANSYS在螺旋锥齿轮数控铣床结构设计中的应用

    Application of ANSYS in Structure Design of CNC Milling Machine for Spiral Bevel Gears

  10. 介绍了SIEMENS810D系统中的R参数及高级编程在锥齿轮类零件数控编程中的应用。

    Introduces the application of R-parameter and advanced programming of SIEMENS810D system in CNC programming of parts cone gear .

  11. 基于ANSYS的四圆弧齿轮齿形优化弧齿锥齿轮精锻成形工艺的数值模拟

    Quadruple-arc Gear Optimization Based on ANSYS Numerical Simulation on Precision Forging of Spiral Bevel Gears

  12. 基于ANSYS的斜齿锥齿轮APDL参数化建模

    APDL Parametric Solid Modeling of Skew Bevel Gear Based on ANSYS

  13. 基于UG锥齿轮差速器的参数化设计及其二次开发

    Parametric Design and Second Development of Bevel Gear Differential Based on UG

  14. 基于UG的直齿锥齿轮的精确建模

    Precise Modeling of Straight Bevel Gears Based on UG

  15. 基于Free-form型锥齿轮机床的齿面制造技术

    Tooth Surface Manufacturing Technology Based on the Free-form Bevel Gear Machine

  16. PhoenixⅡ螺旋锥齿轮磨齿机加工仿真系统的研究

    Research on Machining Simulation System of Phoenix ⅱ CNC Spiral Bevel Gear Grinding Machine

  17. Free-Form机床展成延伸外摆线锥齿轮的齿面几何研究

    Geometric Parameters of Extended Epicycloid Gear Tooth Surface Generated on Free-Form Bevel Gear Milling Machines

  18. STR重型汽车主动锥齿轮局部软化工艺研究与应用

    Study and Application of Local Softening Process on Driving Bevel Gear of STR Heavy-Duty Truck

  19. 弧齿锥齿轮的TCA分析及切齿试验

    Spiral bevel gear 's TCA analysis and tooth machining experiment

  20. 基于CMM测量的长幅外摆线锥齿轮反求方法研究

    Two-lobe epitrochoidal bore Research on the Inverse Evaluation Methods of Epicycloids ' Bevel Gear Based on the CMM Measurement

  21. 按照此方法基于UG软件实现了一对21-35齿的弧齿锥齿轮副的建模。

    According to the dimensions and parameters offered by the drawing , it builds the models of a21 / 35 teeth gear pair .

  22. 格里森专家制造系统(GEMS)开创弧齿锥齿轮及双曲面齿轮数字化制造新纪元

    Gleason Expert Manufacturing System ( GEMS ) Opens a New Era for Digitized Manufacturing of Spiral Bevel and Hypoid Gears

  23. 试验结果表明,采用超音频脉动连续循环加热退火能很好地实现STR重型汽车主动锥齿轮的局部软化,且工艺和产品质量稳定。

    The results show that the optimum process of local softening treatment is pulsating continuative cyclic heating-annealing with ultrasonic frequency equipment .

  24. 与传统的摇台型锥齿轮机床相比,Free-form型锥齿轮机床具有能够更加有效地加工出性能更好的齿面的潜力。

    A free-form bevel gear machine has the potentialities to produce the point-contact tooth surfaces of better performance more effectively than a conventional cradle one .

  25. 在分析了螺旋锥齿轮数控加工原理后,采用面向对象技术和计算机辅助设计系统中的3维建模功能,提出了CNC铣齿机床、齿轮毛坯和盘铣刀3维几何模型的具体构建方法;

    After analyzing NC machining principle of spiral bevel and hypoid gears , three-dimensional modeling method for CNC machine tool , workpiece and cutter is introduced using OOP and three-dimensional modeling function in CAD system .

  26. 在章动传动减速器的总体结构设计的基础上,进一步完成了基于Solidworks系统的双圆弧螺旋锥齿轮章动传动减速器实体的三维建模和整机虚拟装配。

    On the basis of the whole construction of the reducer , the 3D modeling and virtual assembly for nutation drive have been completed in Solidworks system .

  27. 利用MATLAB与VC++混合编程,较好地解决了TCA分析过程中非线性方程的求解与啮合仿真图形的绘制问题,使螺旋锥齿轮TCA数学算法和编程过程大大简化。

    Based on mixed programming of MATLAB and VC + + , the non-line equations with relation TCA is resolved and the graphs of TCA are drawn . The algorithm and program of TCA are simplified .

  28. PCL-833卡在弧齿锥齿轮传动误差测量中的应用

    The Application of PCL-833 Card in the Transmission Error Measurement of Spiral Bevel Gears

  29. 采用弯扭耦合传递矩阵法计算具有挤压油膜阻尼器(SFD)的多转子系统在弧齿锥齿轮啮合作用下的振动特性。

    The vibration characteristic of muti-rotor system with squeeze film damper ( SFD ) and the engagement of spiral bevel gears were computed by using the transfer matrixes method of lateral / torsional coupling .

  30. 以螺旋锥齿轮减速器为例,首先在SolidWorks环境下实现各零件的三维参数化建模,并建立装配体模型,同时也为后续的结构有限元分析提供三维模型;

    One kind of helical bevel gear reducer is regarded as the researched object , the 3D models of its components are built up with the software SolidWorks realizing 3D parameterized modeling , and then the 3D assembly models are built up according to related assembling character .