
  • 网络Forged alloy;wrought alloy
  1. 等温锻造TiAl合金超塑拉伸断裂机理的研究

    Study on the Fracture of Isothermally Forged TiAl Alloys during Superplastic Tension

  2. 通过拉伸试验、X射线衍射及TEM,研究了包套锻造对合金组织性能的影响。

    By means of tensile test , X-ray and TEM , effect of capsule forging on alloy 's microstructure and properties was studied .

  3. 锻造镁合金及影响锻造成形的几个关键因素

    Wrought magnesium alloys and several key factors affecting the forging forming

  4. 单轴载荷下6063锻造铝合金的疲劳特性研究

    Research on fatigue characteristics of forged 6063 Al alloy under uniaxial loading

  5. 大变形锻造钨合金动态力学性能研究

    Dynamic behavior of tungsten alloy forged with large deformation

  6. 整体式锻造铝合金车轮及其发展

    One-piece Wrought Aluminum Alloy Wheel and Its Development

  7. 研究了6063锻造铝合金单轴拉压载荷下的疲劳特性。

    The fatigue characteristic of forged 6063 Al alloy under uniaxial loading was studied .

  8. 概述了两类常用的锻造镁合金及其塑性变形特点。

    Common used wrought magnesium alloys of two kinds and plastic forming characteristic of them are introduced .

  9. 本文研究了一种自由锻造耐热合金机匣毛坯的新方法。

    A new method to free forge the blank of case of an aircraft made of superalloy has been studied .

  10. 氢处理工艺是钛合金的一种特有的热处理方式,用于改善铸造、锻造钛合金件以及粉末冶金件的组织和性能。

    Hydrogenation is a particular technology for titanium alloy , using for refining microstructures of casting , forging and powder metallurgy articles .

  11. 但是在大型客车等对轮毂性能有更高要求的商用车领域,铸造铝合金轮毂已经不能满足要求,则需采用生产工艺复杂,成本较高的锻造铝合金轮毂。

    But forging aluminum wheels with complex production process and high cost are used in special areas such as sports car , as casting ones can no longer meet the performance requirements .

  12. 指出对热等静压态合金,可通过声速测量来评价材料中的孔隙缺陷,对热等静压+锻造态合金,超声检测的重点是夹杂物缺陷。

    It was found that the pore defect could be evaluated by the measurement of ultrasonic velocity for as-HIP alloy . The emphasis of ultrasonic inspection was placed on the inclusion defect for HIP + Forge alloy .

  13. 锻造TiAl基合金的晶粒长大及其动力学分析

    Kinetics of grain growth in a forged TiAl-based alloy

  14. 粉末锻造TiAl基合金的显微组织

    Microstructures of a pf TiAl based alloy

  15. 国产氩气雾化粉末经热等静压或再经锻造的FGH95合金也出现多种夹杂,影响力学性能稳定。

    The domestic alloy FGH95 made from argon atomized powder , then consolidated by HIP with or without forging , also contains various kinds of inclusions affecting the stability of mechanical properties .

  16. 锻造镍基合金涡轮叶片晶粒度的控制

    Quality Control of Grain Size of Wrought Ni-Base Alloy Turbo Blades

  17. 锻造中铬合金白口铸铁组织和性能研究

    Study on microstructure and properties of forged medium-chrome alloy white cast iron

  18. 锻造处理对合金硬度和导电率的影响不明显。

    The effect of forging on hardness and conductivity of alloy is unconspicuous .

  19. 锻造用铝合金在摩托车工业中的应用

    Application of Forged Aluminum Alloy to Motorcycle Industry

  20. 未锻造的金属合金粒(锌是主要成分)

    Unwrought button metal alloys ( zinc predominating )

  21. 镁铝锌合金,未锻造2214铝合金上防扭臂等温模锻工艺的研究

    Magnesium-aluminium-zinc alloys , unwrought Isothermal forging process of upper anti-torque arm of 2214 alloy

  22. 结果表明,经过多步包套锻造后,合金室温塑性大大改善,延伸率可达2.29%。

    The results show that the RT ductility of this alloy greatly increases by the multi-step canned forging .

  23. 等温锻造态TiAl基合金的超塑性研究

    Superplasticity of an isothermal forged TiAl based alloy

  24. 热处理对二次锻造高Nb-TiAl基合金组织的影响

    Effect of Heat Treatment on the Microstructure of Two-step Forging for High Nb Containing TiAl Alloy

  25. 铸造锻造技术在铝合金轮毂成形中的应用

    Application of Casting-Forging Technique in the Formation of Car Aluminum Alloy Wheel Hub

  26. 锻造、铸造铝合金必须经过热处理,以消除内应力。

    Forging or casting aluminum must be heat retreated to release internal stress .

  27. 镁铝合金(镁是其中主要成分)未锻造的2214铝合金防扭臂等温模锻工艺的研究

    Magnesium-aluminium alloy ( magnesium predominating ), unwrought Isothermal Forging Process of 2214 Alloy Anti-torque Arm