
  1. 同步辐射X射线光刻掩模镀金工艺的研究

    Research on Process of Mask Au-Plating in Synchrotron Radiation X-Ray Lithography

  2. ABS塑料镀金工艺

    A Discussion on the Gold Plating Technics of ABS Plastic

  3. 微型电机换向器(PCB)镀金工艺优化设计

    Optimization of gold plating process on PCB for micro-electric motor commutator application

  4. 微型继电器接触簧片镀金工艺研究

    Technics of gold plating on contact spring strip of microminiature relay

  5. 低氰脉冲光亮镀金工艺研究

    Study of low cyanide bright gold plating process with pulse current

  6. 不锈钢弹簧针振动镀金工艺

    Process of gold plating with vibration for stainless steel spring needles

  7. 无氰脉冲电镀金工艺及其在空腔靶中的应用

    Process of non-cyanide gold pulse electroplating and its application to cavum target

  8. 玻壳模具镀金工艺及镀层性能研究

    Gold plating Technique and Coating Performance of Glass Shell Mould

  9. 不锈钢餐具局部镀金工艺

    A Local Gold Plating Process of Stainless Steel Tableware

  10. 在金银的提炼和镀金工艺中,汞的炼制是必不可少的。

    Mercury was essential in the alchemy process to refine gold and silver .

  11. 铝硅合金铸造工艺品装饰镀金工艺

    Decorative gold plating process of Si-Al Alloy Casting artware

  12. 开发出一种低氰脉冲光亮镀金工艺。

    A low ? cyanide bright gold plating process with pulse current was developed .

  13. 无氰亚硫酸钠镀金工艺

    Technics of non-cyanide gold plating with sodium sulfite

  14. 用于制作微波器件的脉冲图形镀金工艺研究

    The Research of the Pulse Pattern Gold Electroplating Technology Used for Fabricating Microwave Devices

  15. 工程塑料表面化学镀金工艺

    Process of electroless Au plating on engineering plastics

  16. 银合金装饰品的镀金工艺

    Gold Plating Process of Silver Alloy Ornaments

  17. 为了进一步提高镀层质量,对脉冲电镀金工艺进行了研究。

    Pulse plating process was also studied .

  18. 不锈钢件直接镀金工艺探讨

    Study of Direct Gold Electroplating of Steel

  19. 电池簧片镀金工艺

    Gold Plating Technology of Battery Reeds

  20. 电连接器镀金工艺

    Gold plating process for electric coupler

  21. 一种易消除热水器不锈钢加热管结垢的镀金工艺

    Technology for Scale Elimination of Heating Tubes in Water Heater Made of Stainless Steel Via Gold Electroplating

  22. 介绍了一种无氰亚硫酸盐镀金工艺的工艺流程、工艺配方、操作条件及镀液中各组分的作用。

    The technological process , technological formulation , operating conditions and function of each bath component were introduced .

  23. 为防止连接器在空气中污染腐蚀而导致电接触失效,广泛采用表面镀金工艺。

    Gold plating is used widely on the connector surfaces to prevent corrosion , which may cause failure .

  24. 置换镀金工艺

    Imitation gold - plating

  25. 提出了对塑料表面镀金工艺还需深入研究的几个方面。

    Some aspects that need to be deeply studied on electroless gold plating for engineering plastics were put forward .

  26. 介绍了振动电镀的工作原理以及不锈钢弹簧针振动镀金工艺流程及各工序操作要点。

    The working mechanism of vibration plating and the process flow and main points of each procedure of gold plating with vibration for stainless steel spring needles were introduced .

  27. 本文介绍了镀金工艺的分类,比较了几种常用镀金工艺如金钴、金镍和金铁合金的特点及应用。

    Classification of gold plating processes was introduced , three conventionally used gold plating processes such as gold cobalt , gold nickel and gold iron were compared with each other in characteristics and applications .

  28. 化学镀镍/置换镀金工艺不需要整流器与还原剂,是一种利用天然能源的节能新工艺,可用于非导通线路的印制板和铝线键合。

    Electroless Ni / replacement Au plating is a new energy-saving process using natural source without demands for rectifiers and reducing agents , which can be applied for PCB with non-conductive circuits and aluminum lines bonding .

  29. 研究了钨表面镀前处理及预镀铬、镍,然后镀金的工艺条件;

    The paper studied the pre treatment for electroplating the surface of tungsten and technical conditions for chromate treatment , nickel and gold plating , determined the functions of cladding material .

  30. 非贵金属烤瓷冠镀金的制作工艺

    The gilt processing technique of no-noble-metal-ceramic restoration