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lòu kè
  • carve;engrave;enchase;remember by heart
镂刻 [lòu kè]
  • (1) [engrave; carve]∶瑑刻,在木、石、塑料等物上刻凿出所需的图案

  • 镂刻雕花床

  • (2) [remember by heart]∶牢记

  • 这个事镂刻在我心中

镂刻[lòu kè]
  1. 这番情景将永远镂刻在她的心中。

    The scene would always be engraved on her memory .

  2. 可以穿过网眼的狭窄的透孔镂刻花边。

    A narrow piece of openwork lace through which ribbon may be run .

  3. 制成或使之象一块用去除材料法镂刻的宝石或贝壳。

    To make into or like a gem or shell carved in relief .

  4. 浮雕按此种方法镂刻的技术。

    The technique of carving in this way .

  5. 嗣后专攻金石和皮影镂刻。

    Subsequently specializing carve stone and shadow .

  6. 在阳光的照射下,它的身体变得晶莹透明。透过记忆镂刻的结晶体,雨点纷纷扑向我渴望中半透明的阳光。

    Memory blocks through the crystals , I did have toward ? the long-awaited translucent sunlight .

  7. 他的专长是通过折叠和其它镂刻方式,增加了剪纸的多样性。

    His specialities are partial folding and seperated cutting methods , which enrich the variety in the design .

  8. 那舵柄是用它那宿敌的整块狭长的下颌骨精工镂刻出来的。

    and that tiller was in one mass , curiously carved from the long narrow lower jaw of her hereditary foe .

  9. 我把爱凝聚于手心,镂刻成一个笼罩苍穹的巨大投影。

    I carved the spirit of love into a huge projection which could cover the welkin , and agglomerated it into my hand .

  10. 除了古老湖床之外,某些地区表面还镂刻著致密的沟渠网络,似乎是降雨和表面迳流的杰作。

    In addition to the ancient lake beds are regions carved with dense networks of channels , seemingly created by rainfall and surface runoff .

  11. 从岭南早期的渔猎文明、稻作文明到后来的商贸文明,都镂刻着民族融合的历史痕迹。

    The of attracting and accelerating national fishing and hunting civilization and rice-planting civilization also with the commercial civilization ever since the ancient history .

  12. 忙不迭打开记忆的窗,依然可以清晰地看到你目光里的延伸,三生石上用月光为刀镂刻的誓言。

    Hastened to open the memory window can still clearly see the eyes inside your extension Sansei stone engraver to use the moon as a knife oath .

  13. 本实用新型涉及一种可以钻左旋丝孔的骨科医用左旋钻头,它是在一个金属钻杆上镂刻有左旋凹槽。

    The utility model relates to a medical orthopaedics left-hand drill bit for drilling a left-hand thread hole . A metal drill rod is carved with a left-hand groove .

  14. 她找遍了各家商店,哪儿也没有这样的东西,一条朴素的白金表链,镂刻着花纹。正如一切优质东西那样,它只以货色论长短,不以装潢来炫耀。

    There was no other like it in any of the stores , and she had turned all of them inside out . It was a platinum fob chain simple and chaste in design , properly proclaiming its value by substance alone and not by meretricious ornamentation -- as all good things should do .