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  • 网络the military towns general
  1. 镇长艾伦肖(AlanShaw)表示,该镇将欢迎估计1300个建筑就业岗位和大约1500个全职就业岗位。

    Alan Shaw , its mayor , said the town would welcome the estimated 1,300 construction jobs and approximately 1,500 full-time jobs .

  2. 应用GPS定位取样,ASI施肥推荐等方法,对上海松江区佘山镇将凤农场规模经营的耕地土壤养分精准管理对麦子的增产效益进行研究。

    Effects of soil nutrient precision management on yield of wheat and barely in Jiang-feng Farm , Songjiang District , Shanghai were studied by using GPS for site-specific management and ASI for fertilizer recommendation .

  3. 这个市镇将为该城的战斗英雄们立个纪念碑。

    The town will erect a monument to its war heroes .

  4. 俄克拉荷马州州长宣称摩尔镇将投入重建。

    Oklahoma 's governor says the town of Moore will be rebuilt .

  5. 单宁镇将面向中国、新加坡、韩国以及印度的18-29岁的消费者。

    It is aimed at 18-29-year-olds in China , Singapore , South Korea and , eventually , India .

  6. 专业镇将是我国农村经济发展新的增长点,农村城镇化发展新的动力。

    Specialized towns will be a new starting point for economic growth in the countryside and a new motive power for urbanization of towns .

  7. 而每年的六月里,有四天的时间,该镇将迎来波纳罗音乐节。最近,该音乐节被《滚石》杂志评为美国最重要的音乐盛典。

    But for four days each June the town becomes Bonnaroo , recently named by Rolling Stone as the best music festival in America .

  8. 九广铁路公司拟建的西铁在屯门新市镇将设有两个车站,而每个车站会有公共交通接驳设施。

    The proposed West Rail by the KCRC will have two stations in Tuen Mun New Town , each with its own public transport interchange facilities .

  9. 英格兰西南部的约维尔镇将实施一项计划,要求进入酒吧和俱乐部的人员需要进行指纹扫描,留下自己相关信息。这项计划旨在清除酒吧中那些醉酒后寻衅滋事的人。

    Revellers in a British town are to have their fingerprints scanned when they enter pubs and clubs in a scheme aimed at weeding out drunken troublemakers .

  10. 而在人才培育方面,横沥镇将加强与华中科技大学、东莞理工学院的合作,吸引动漫人才来横沥就业。

    In the training of human resources , Hengli Town , will be strengthened with Huazhong University of Science , Dongguan Institute of Technology co-operation , to attract talent to Hengli animation job .

  11. 接下来,塘厦镇将每周进行一次联合行动,加大打击力度,压减“赌博电玩”生存空间,做好宣传发动,营造全民“打虎”氛围。

    Next , Tangxia the weekly joint operations , increase the strength of Yajian " gambling gaming " living space , good propaganda , and to create a national " Tiger " atmosphere .

  12. 他说,三春镇还将播种其中一些种子。

    The town will also plant some seeds , he said .

  13. 此外,三春镇还将与研究机构共同分享返回地球的树种。

    The town will share the returned seeds with research institutions .

  14. 单宁镇售价将低于李维斯其它品牌,但比本土品牌贵10%至15%。

    The Denizen brand will cost less than other Levis , but 10-15 per cent more than local brands .

  15. 但他的歌曲已被拾起,市政府官员在新西兰克赖斯特彻奇,谁计划爆破“曼蒂”镇商场将不守规矩的孩子了。

    But his songs have been picked up by city officials in Christchurch , New Zealand , who plan on blasting " Mandy " in the town mall to keep unruly kids away .

  16. 译文:如果占领它们并将炮火指向约克镇,英军将被迫投降。

    TEXT : If they 're captured and their guns turned on Yorktown , the British will be forced to surrender .

  17. 他的言语促使居民们行动起来:他们把现实带到镇广场,将其吊死。

    Affected by his words , the citizens are moved to action : They take Reality to the town square and hang him .

  18. 洲际酒店首次进驻新西兰南岛瓦卡蒂波湖皇后镇洲际酒店将于2010年开张。

    Ihg 's first intercontinental hotel on new zealand 's South Island to occupy rare Lake Waka tipu site intercontinental Queenstown to open in2010 .

  19. 到10月14日,英军仅余两座多面堡,如果占领它们并将炮火指向约克镇,英军将被迫投降。

    By October 14th , just two remain . If they 're captured and their guns turned on Yorktown , the British will be forced to surrender .

  20. 格鲁洛丝说,这些孩子已经被送到布琼布拉以东的基加特镇,并将在那里开始同家人团聚。

    Grullos says the children have been taken to the town of Gitega , east of Bujumbura , where the process to reunite them with their families would begin .

  21. 来自新西兰南部皇后镇的警方将这名男子周一企图打开当地一小酒馆的保险柜时拍下的安全监控录像视频以及显示出男子面部的照片传到了网上。

    Queenstown police in southern New Zealand posted security-camera footage and pictures showing the man 's face as he tried to break into the safe of a local tavern on Monday .

  22. 作为Melview公司卡瓦劳河瀑布站开发项目的一部分,皇后镇洲际酒店预计将于2010年竣工。该酒店地理位置优越,向北可俯瞰瓦卡蒂波湖,酒店共计221间客房。

    As part of Melview 's Kawarau Falls Station site , Queenstown 's two remaining north-facing sites overlooking Lake Wakatipu , the221-room InterContinental Queenstown is due for completion in2010 .

  23. 本镇三家银行将合并组建一个大银行

    The three bank In this town will consolidate and form a single large bank

  24. 我去镇上的时候将给詹妮选一件礼物。

    I 'll look out for a present for Jenny while I 'm in town .

  25. 接着又有些孩子说这几个失踪的孩子曾暗示过镇上人不久将“听到重大新闻”;

    Next , certain boys said the missing lads had promised that the village should " hear something " soon ;

  26. 同样的,《童话镇》第一季将迎来一位客串明星,《吸血鬼日记》中的。

    Also set to guest star on " Once Upon a Time " this season is " The Vampire Diaries ' " David Anders as a doctor who dates Snow White ( Ginnifer Goodwin ) .

  27. 她如果回去与家人同住,她在市镇的治疗事业将从此告终,因为她的病患无从与她取得联系,而让图蒂受良好教育、将来上大学念兽医的梦想也将成为泡影。

    If she goes and lives with them , it 's the end of her busi-ness as a healer in town because her patients won 't be able to reach her and you can pretty much forget about Tutti ever getting enough education to go someday to Animal Doctor Col-lege .

  28. 它对于本镇的气候和本镇的商会将有极好的影响。

    It 'd do wonders for the climate and the chamber of commerce of the town .

  29. 其次在行政管理机制方面,促进基层乡(镇)依法行政的奖惩机制没有有效建立,也是导致基层乡(镇)没有将依法行政摆在具体行政工作重要地位。

    Secondly , in the administrative management mechanism , promote grass-roots township ( town ) administrative punishment mechanism is not effective to establish , but also lead to basic level countryside ( town ) not lawfully administration placed in specific administrative work important position .