
  1. 新加坡新市镇规划设计的探究与启示

    The Research and Revelation of Singapore New Town Planning and Design

  2. 基于城乡一体化机制的中心镇规划策略探讨

    Research on Center-town Planning Strategies Based on the Urban-rural Integration Mechanism

  3. 论小城镇规划中教育功能的体现&以重庆市云阳县红狮镇规划为例

    Embodiment of the Education Function in the Small Towns Planning

  4. 市镇规划分析:概念、方法与实践

    Town planning analysis : ideas , methodologies and practices

  5. 当前我国大城市郊区新市镇规划探索

    A Probe into the Planning of New Town in Modern City 's Suburb

  6. 上海一城九镇规划点滴谈

    On " One City , Nine Towns " Plan

  7. 城乡结合部管理与卫星镇规划建设的调研报告

    An Investigation for the Management of the Urban-rural Fringe and the Satellite Towns Planning and Construction

  8. 乡郊及新市镇规划小组委员会

    Rural and New Town Planning Committee

  9. 案例由担任过许多郊区市镇规划主导人的教职员来教授。

    Example taught by a faculty member who had been the head planner for several suburban towns .

  10. 通过对金山区朱泾镇的新市镇规划的分析,试图为上海市的新市镇规划提供一些有益的借鉴。

    Through analysis of the new town planning in Jinshan District and Zhujing Town , this paper tries to give some preference to Shanghai .

  11. 区域市政局文化博物馆发展督导委员会乡郊及新市镇规划小组委员会〔城市规划委员会〕

    Steering Committee on Development of the Regional Council Heritage Museum Rural and New Town Planning Committee [ RNTPC ] [ Town Planning Board ]

  12. 分析在移民建镇规划中应注意的问题;介绍了武汉市双柳镇护龙垸古龙村移民重建规划的具体做法和特色。

    The paper analyzes some important problems during the resettlement , and introduces the details and characters of Longwanggulong village , Shuanlie town , Wuhan .

  13. 以合肥市新市镇规划为例,通过收集、提取和分析城乡土地利用的时空数据,对合肥市新市镇发展阶段和空间拓展进行总结。

    Taking the Hefei new town for example , it carries on the summary to its development phase and the spatial development by collecting , withdrawing and analyzing the space and time data of land utilization of the city and countryside .

  14. 基于GIS技术的汶川县威州镇生态规划及灾后重建研究

    The Research on the Ecological Reconstruction of Weizhou Town in Wenchuan County Based on the GIS Technology after Earthquake

  15. 城市(镇)规划工作中的用水系统分析

    Systematic Analysis on Using Water in City ( Town ) Planning

  16. 城市工业区内科学规划小城镇&以小曹娥镇总体规划为例

    The Scientific Planning of Small Urban Towns within Urban Industrial Region

  17. 小城镇风貌设计方法探析&以武隆县江口镇建设规划为例

    Discussion and Analysis of the Small Town Appearance Design Method

  18. 《诸葛镇总体规划》的分析与评价

    Analysis and evaluation of the Comprehensive Planning of Zhuge Town

  19. 小缄镇的规划,不仅是技术性的,同时也体现一种公共政策;

    The small town planning is not only the technology but also public policy ;

  20. 云南和顺镇旅游规划中的社区参与研究

    Research on the Community Participation in Tourism Planning in Heshun Town of Yunnan Province

  21. 《城乡规划法》的颁布实施,要求我们进一步更新观念,依照法律要求制定镇的规划。

    The newly released Urban and Rural Planning Law requires making town planning according to relate .

  22. 小城镇总体规划探索&以沙县高桥镇总体规划为例

    Exploring on Town General Planning

  23. 沙湾古镇·风韵传承&广州市番禺区沙湾镇村庄规划层面的古镇保护探析沙湾镇涌口水闸纠偏加固工程的设计与施工

    Exploration of Protection of Sha Wan Town of Panyu Design and Construction of Rectification and Consolidation of Water Gate

  24. 程控隔膜压滤机在沙湾洗煤厂的应用沙湾古镇·风韵传承&广州市番禺区沙湾镇村庄规划层面的古镇保护探析

    The application of program controlled diaphragm filter press in Shawan Coal Preparation Plant Exploration of Protection of Sha Wan Town of Panyu

  25. 本文以本人参加的课题《渤海镇环境规划》为基础,根据在课题实践中遇到的各种技术问题及其解决方案,提炼成文。

    According to the various technical problems encountered in the practice and the resolution of the problem , this paper was achieved .

  26. 云南省保山市和顺镇以规划为龙头在保护框架内开发旅游资源

    Bao Shan City and Shun Gu Town of Yunnan Province : Giving Planning the Leading Role to reasonably develop and preserve tourism resources

  27. 小城镇总体规划理论实践及问题研究&江苏省如东县长沙镇总体规划剖析

    RESEARCH ON THE MASTER PLANNING PRACTICE & ISSUES FOR TOWN ── Review of Changsha town 's Master planning , Rudong county , Jiangsu province

  28. 大中城市、城镇的商业网规划及其实际建设必须符合本市、本镇总体规划的要求,实用、美观,成为百年大计的主要构成部分。

    Commercial network plans of big and middle cities and towns must meet the requirements of their own general plan both practical and beautiful .

  29. 区域一体化趋势下的镇总体规划思考&以长乐市湖南镇总体规划为例

    The Reflection for Town Comprehensive Planning Under the Trend of Regional Integration & Take the comprehensive planning in Hunan Town , Changle City for example

  30. 从分析诸葛镇总体规划的整体构思入手,提出了保护文化遗产与发展城镇建设并重的规划思想。

    Through analyzing general conception of comprehensive planning of the Zhuge Town , a planning idea of conserving cultural heritage and simultaneously developing town construction is proposed .