
zhèn yā
  • repress;suppress;crush;quell;put down;execute;subjection;clamp down;rolling;squelch;keep down
镇压 [zhèn yā]
  • (1) [suppress]∶用强力压制

  • 刚出现的起义已被彻底镇压下去了

  • (2) [execute]∶处死

  • 那个杀人犯已经被镇压了

  • (3) [rolling]∶压紧播种后的垄或植株行间的土壤

镇压[zhèn yā]
  1. 军队镇压了叛乱。

    The army put down the rebellion .

  2. 上星期政府镇压了一次武装叛乱。

    The government put down an armed rebellion last week .

  3. 他指责了这个国家政府采取的镇压手段。

    He criticized the repressive methods employed by the country 's government .

  4. 数以百计的警察身披防暴装备,奋力镇压暴乱。

    Hundreds of police in riot gear struggled to control the violence .

  5. 军队被调来镇压反叛者。

    Troops were called in to subdue the rebels .

  6. 军队很快镇压了叛乱。

    The army quickly crushed the revolt .

  7. 起义遭到了残酷的镇压。

    The rebellion was brutally suppressed .

  8. 当地警察最终把他们镇压了下去。

    They were eventually pacified by officers of the local police .

  9. 第二天安全部队发起反击,镇压了骚动。

    The security forces counter-attacked the following day and quelled the unrest

  10. 这一辩解完全是在为国内的镇压活动开脱。

    This argument is only too blatantly an alibi for domestic repression .

  11. 示威遭到了残暴的镇压。

    The demonstration had been dealt with in a violent and heavy-handed way

  12. 部队将继续原地驻扎,一有骚乱迹象就立即镇压。

    The troops would stay in position to squash the first murmur of trouble .

  13. 他们可以直接镇压所有反抗。

    They could simply steamroller all opposition .

  14. 熟悉英国历史的读者会发现这与镇压修道院略有相似之处。

    Readers familiar with English history will find a vague parallel to the suppression of the monasteries

  15. 他们估计他是上司派来的刽子手,专门对工人大开杀戒,大肆镇压工会。

    They reckoned he was a hatchet man , out to shred the workforce and crush the union .

  16. 那个杀人犯已经依法镇压了。

    The murderer was executed according to law .

  17. 他继续镇压人民,为帝国主义效劳。

    He continued to suppress the people and serve the imperialists .

  18. 总督召集他的部队去镇压叛乱。

    The governor convened his troops to put down the revolt .

  19. 他们对参加罢工的工人大加镇压

    They slapped the workers who had gone on strike .

  20. 新政府迅速把叛乱镇压下去。

    The new government quickly suppressed the rebellion .

  21. 有另一个有效的方法来镇压那最为顽固、抗命不从的罪人。

    There is another efficacious method for subduing the most obstinate , contumacious sinner .

  22. 一场争取民主的起义被残酷镇压了。

    A pro-democracy uprising was brutally suppressed .

  23. 起义被残酷地镇压下去了。

    The uprising was brutally put down .

  24. 治安官们用枪来镇压他们。

    Peacekeepers were gunning them down .

  25. holddown缓解,压制士兵们被派去镇压罢工工人。

    Soldiers were sent to hold down the workers on strike .

  26. 他还读《对外政策》(ForeignPolicy)杂志上的文章,以及兰德公司(RANDCorporation)对镇压叛乱的研究,努力跟上由他肇始的恐怖主义战争的形势。

    He also read Foreign Policy magazine articles and RAND Corporation studies on counterinsurgency , trying to keep a handle on the war on terrorism he had set off .

  27. 然而,1848年欧洲大陆的武装起义被反动势力镇压后,被那一年的伦敦《泰晤士报》(Times)形容为“外国大胡子煽动家”的威胁,在资产阶级心目中渐渐变得不那么危险。

    But after reactionaries crushed the violent uprisings of 1848 in Continental Europe , the threat of what the Times of London described that year as " foreign bearded propagandists " began receding in the capitalist imagination .

  28. repressiveadj.压抑的,抑制的,镇压的人民受著凶恶而专制的军政权的压迫.

    The people are held down by a vicious and repressive military regime .

  29. 玛蒂安娜指引我参观另一家为已故的阿卜杜勒纳苏蒂安将军(GeneralAbdulNasution)而建的博物馆。纳苏蒂安在1965年的政变中幸存下来,随后领导了镇压印尼共的行动。

    Ms Mardiana directs me to another museum dedicated to the late General Abdul Nasution , who having survived the 1965 coup led the fight to suppress communism .

  30. 一首叫做“BeFreeIran,”抵抗政府镇压的歌也在年轻的伊朗示威者之间流行起来,他们通过网络互相交换信息,表示对迅速发展的抗议运动的支持。

    A song to protest the government crackdown , called " Be Free Iran , " is also gaining popularity among young Iranian demonstrators , who are exchanging it via the Internet , to express support for the burgeoning protest movement .