
  • 网络silk painting;painting on silk
帛画 [bó huà]
  • [painting on silk] 中国古代画在丝织物上的图画

  1. 帛画已经破碎。

    This silk painting is in tatters .

  2. 在与其相近的一座楚国墓葬中又发现了另一幅帛画。

    Another silk painting was found , also in a tomb of the Chu kingdom .

  3. 在纸出现以前,帛画不断地发展。

    Before paper was invented , paintings on silk continued to develop .

  4. 谈《人物龙凤图》帛画的艺术表现

    Talk 《 Person and Dragon Phoenix 》 the art performance of the silks painting

  5. 浪漫神奇的帛画,叙述了神秘的天国幻想与永生渴望;

    Interpreter : silk paintings with romantic themes of the Kingdom of Heaven and the craving for eternity ;

  6. 到战国时期楚墓帛画的发现,则正式确立的中国传统绘画以线造型的主体地位。

    The discovery of painting on silk from Chu Tomb in Warring states established formally the principal part of traditional Chinese painting modeled by lines .

  7. 汉画像石艺术是在借鉴彩陶、青铜器、书法、雕刻、帛画、壁画的基础上发展起来的一种新的艺术形式。

    Han figure stone art was developed on the basis of drawing lessons from ancient painted pottery , bronze ware , calligraphy , carving , painting on silk and fresco .

  8. 中国传统绘画艺术特征的形成,是在战国早期至西汉早期这段时间,这个时期的绘画主要以曾侯乙墓漆画和马王堆汉墓帛画为代表。

    Characteristics of traditional Chinese painting art form form in the early Western Han Dynasty to the early Warring States period of time , the paintings of this period are mainly Mawangdui tomb painting and silk painting .

  9. 中国很早就创造性地用线条去造型,比如原始时期的彩陶绘画,岩画,墓室帛画和壁画以及画像石和画像砖等。

    China has long been creatively used to form lines , such as painted pottery of the original period paintings , rock paintings , and murals , as well as tomb stone and brick , such as portraits .

  10. 两汉帛画、墓室壁画总体上以升仙为主题,这一主题作为秦汉之际神仙信仰的中心观念,在幻想的形式中追求突破生死大限,企盼达成长生不死的愿望。

    Paintings on silk and tomb frescoes of the West Han Dynasty are mainly centered around the subject of " becoming an immortal ", which reflects the prevailing concept of believing in the immortal in Qin and Han Dynasties when people dream to surpass their natural lives to immortal .
