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  • 网络Preece;Michael Price
  1. 普里斯表示,这个数字基本上包括了所有的零售订单。

    That figure included virtually all retail orders , Mr Preece said .

  2. 这些基金是纽约大学捐赠资金中的一部分,最初来自投资者迈克尔•普里斯(MichaelPrice)180万美元的捐赠。

    The funds are part of the NYU endowment and were started with a $ 1.8m gift from Michael Price , the investor .

  3. 普里斯,诸神的神圣侍从,使用他的神圣魔法以抵制并防御魔法来。

    A holy man of the Gods , Purist applies his holy spells to support and defensive spells .

  4. 自普里斯提纳宣布独立起三年之后,塞尔维亚与科索沃将举行首次高层会谈。

    Serbia and Kosovo are due to hold their first high-level talks since Pristina declared independence three years ago .

  5. 普里斯表示:我们所看到的失业率上升可能源于服务业的低收入工作。

    The rise in unemployment we are seeing is probably being seen in low-paid service sector jobs , Mr Price said .

  6. 斯科尔斯在场上比别人高出一截,托尼。普里斯也同意这点。

    Scholes had been the best player on the pitch by a country mile , a point graciously accepted by Tony Pulis .

  7. 普里斯认为,一旦男性拥有家庭后,会更加重视个体标准,如他们的成就或地位。

    Price believes that men instead value more individualistic criteria , such as their achievements or status , once they have a family .

  8. 斯托克经理托尼。普里斯说他“在场上明显比别人厉害”。技术统计也支持他的观点。

    Tony Pulis , the Stoke manager , described him as " the best player on the pitch by a country mile " and the statistics supported the assertion .

  9. 普里斯是20世纪初的一位牙医,他痴迷于研究传统饮食和后工业饮食对牙齿健康的影响,后来发展为研究这两种饮食法对身体健康的整体影响。

    Dr. Price was an early-20th-century dentist who became preoccupied by the effects of traditional diets and postindustrial diets on dental health , and later on health in general .

  10. 自2000年3月创建以来,迈克尔•普里斯的基金群已累计获得55.6%的收益率,而该行业基准为31.8%。

    Since inception in March 2000 , the Michael Price family of funds earned a cumulative return of 55.6 per cent , compared with 31.8 per cent for the industry benchmark .