
fǎn kàng
  • revolt;resist;react;defiance;opposition;rebel;defy;mutiny;rise up;buck
反抗 [fǎn kàng]
  • [revolt;resist] 反对并抵抗

  • 反抗精神

  • 反抗敌人

  • 反抗压迫

反抗[fǎn kàng]
  1. 人民奋起反抗。

    The people rose in revolt .

  2. 因为拒绝进行公民投票,首相正面临着党内激进分子的反抗。

    The prime minister is facing a revolt by party activists over his refusal to hold a referendum

  3. 示威者几乎没有对警察进行任何反抗。

    The demonstrators offered little or no resistance to the police .

  4. 她曾反抗刻板的学校生活。

    She rebelled against the regimentation of school life .

  5. 人民最终起来反抗军事独裁。

    Finally the people revolted against the military dictatorship .

  6. 大多数青少年都有反抗意识。

    Most teenagers find something to rebel against .

  7. 她的声音里带有公然反抗的口气。

    A note of defiance entered her voice .

  8. 年轻人常常会反抗他们的父母,这很自然。

    In the nature of things , young people often rebel against their parents .

  9. 不可否认,这是一场平民百姓反抗领导人的起义。

    It was undeniably a revolt by ordinary people against their leaders

  10. 他想成为这种体制的坚定反抗者。

    He wants to be the tough rebel who bucks the system

  11. 这种形式的非暴力反抗并不是特别新的现象。

    This form of civil disobedience isn 't a particularly new phenomenon .

  12. 没有主权他们就无法组织起来反抗压迫者。

    Lacking sovereignty , they could organise no defence against their oppressors .

  13. 由于宗教信仰的原因,他们不会拿起武器进行反抗。

    Their religious convictions prevented them from taking up arms .

  14. 世人为他的勇气和反抗精神震惊不已。

    The world was electrified by his courage and resistance .

  15. 如果他们来抓她,洛特准备要反抗。

    Lotte was getting ready to fight if they came for her .

  16. 反对党威胁发动民众进行非暴力反抗运动。

    The opposition threatened a campaign of civil disobedience .

  17. 如果道格拉斯对戴尔太过严厉,他就会反抗。

    If Douglas came down hard enough on him , Dale would rebel .

  18. 当我作出反抗时,她右侧脸庞就会开始抽搐。

    When I stood up to her , her right cheek would begin to twitch

  19. 布尔人反抗英国统治,并于1880年12月30日宣布独立。

    The Boers rebelled against British rule , proclaiming their independence on 30 December 1880

  20. 桑给巴尔岛的居民于1964年反抗苏丹统治,随后时局便不断恶化。

    Zanzibar 's fortunes declined after the islanders revolted against the sultanate in 1964 .

  21. 她可能进行了顽强的反抗,试图击退袭击者。

    She may have put up a fight to try to ward off her assailant

  22. 他猛地抢走了雅各布的拐杖,而雅各布并没有反抗。

    He wrenched the crutch from Jacob , who didn 't fight him for it

  23. 我们勇敢反抗了西方强权,这是一种精神上的胜利。

    We stood up to the West , and that 's a moral victory .

  24. 他们可以直接镇压所有反抗。

    They could simply steamroller all opposition .

  25. 这是我第一次(也是最后一次)胆敢反抗我的母亲。

    This was the first ( and last ) time that I dared to defy my mother

  26. 1375年,市民奋起反抗。

    In 1375 the townspeople revolted

  27. 国民议会承诺向所有想要反抗武装压迫的人提供武装支持。

    The National Convention has promised armed support to any people who wish to rise against armed oppression .

  28. 他打了我,所以我就还手了——有生以来我第一次反抗他。

    He hit me , so I hit him back — the first time in my life I 'd stood up to him

  29. 该事件标志着殖民地人民的反抗行动获得成功。

    This event marked the successful revolt / rebellion of the colonies .

  30. 这位伟大作家用他的作品激励人们奋起反抗。

    The great writer inspired the people to resist oppression with his works .