
niè bì
  • nickel
镍币 [niè bì]
  • [nickel coin] 镍质的货币

  1. 1分铜币、5分镍币、1角银币和2角5分银币是美国硬币。

    Pennies , nickels , dimes , and quarters are United States coins .

  2. 分铜币、5分镍币、1角银币和2角5分银币是美国硬币

    Pennies , nickles , dimes and quarters are United States coins . 1

  3. 每次有人拿出一个一角的银币和一个五分的镍币让他从中选一个,他总是选那个镍币。

    Wherever he was offered a choice between a dime1 and a nickel2 , he always chose the nickel .

  4. 他这样挑选了好多次后,有个好心的老人告诉他,一角的银币要值两个五分的镍币,以后应该选一角的银币。

    When this had gone on many times , a kind old man told him that a dime was worth twice as much as a nickel , so he should choose the dime in the future .

  5. 傻子说:“哦,我知道它们的区别。可是,如果我选了银币,他们就不会再让我挑选了,那我就连一个五分的镍币也捞不到了。”

    The half-wit said , " oh , I know the difference , but if I choose the dime , they 'd stop offering me the choice and then I 'd never even get the nickel . "

  6. 拖马斯?杰斐逊总统的像在五分镍币的正面。

    President Thomas Jefferson is on the front of the nickel .

  7. 以前我捡过便士和镍币,可从没发现过一美元的钞票。

    Id found pennies and nickels before , but never a dollar !

  8. 766.挠痒者在绰号镍币上刺了个勾号。

    766 . The tickler pricked a tick on the nickname Nickel .

  9. 它给熊一个五分镍币,买了一个土豆。

    He gave Bear the nickel and got a potato .

  10. 赌一个镍币吧。

    T = 4 I bet you a nickel t equals four .

  11. 例如,我们的五分镍币是以镍制造的。

    Thus , our nickel is made of nickel .

  12. 一角硬币等于两个五分镍币。

    A dime is the equivalent of two nickels .

  13. 五分镍币是1美元的二十分之一。

    A nickel is worth one-twentieth of one dollar .

  14. 猪跑到熊那,用这个五分镍币从熊那买了一个土豆。

    Pig danced over to Bear and bought another potato with the nickel .

  15. 我穷得只剩下一个镍币。

    I was down to my last nickel .

  16. 这一次他得到了一枚5分镍币。

    This time a nickel was given him .

  17. 如果犹太理事会要一次付清,那就是230000其镍币。

    If the Jewish Council wishes to pay the full fine , 230000 zlotys .

  18. 一镍币值五美分。

    A nickel is worth five cents .

  19. 5C&5美分镍币:银色的大硬币,等于1美元的二十分之一。

    5C & nickel : Large silver-colored coin ; equal to one-twentieth of a dollar .

  20. 给我来袋镍币

    I 'll take a nickel bag .

  21. 在美国和加拿大,一个镍币值五分钱。

    In the United States and Canada , a nickel is a coin worth five cents .

  22. 里克发现一个纯正的镍币。

    Rick found a sure-enough nickel .

  23. 我有了一个五分镍币。我要去熊那买土豆。

    I got a nickel . I 'll run over to Bear and buy a potato .

  24. 大批的五分镍币和两角五银币,在柠檬企图同李子相配时消失得无影无踪。

    Nickels and quarters by the score could vanish as lemons tried to mate with plums .

  25. 在美国以一枚镍币可购得的最划算的东西,是打电话找到要找的人。

    America 's best buy for a nickel is a telephone call to the right man .

  26. 这一回是个看热闹的中年人,递给他一枚5分的镍币。

    One of the watchers , this time a middle-aged man , handed him a five-cent piece .

  27. 一枚脏的旧镍币

    A Dirty Old Nickle

  28. 假如你查看一个背面有牦牛像的五分镍币时,不要以为它非同平常。

    You won 't think that this is so unusual if you examine a nickel and see the buffalo on the back of it .

  29. 除了50州纪念币,造币厂还大量生产了一系列5美分纪念币(镍币),以庆祝“刘易斯和克拉克探险队”的光辉历程。

    In addition to the state quarters , the mint is rolling out a series of commemorative nickel designs celebrating the Lewis and Clark expedition .

  30. 因此我愿意和各位赌一个镍币,如果把t=4代入,该方程,那么得到的速度肯定为。

    I therefore bet you a nickel that if you substitute , in that equation , t equals four + that the velocity better be positive .