
  • 网络ni-mh;nickel metal hydride;nimh;nih
  1. 纳米β-Ni(OH)2二次造粒制备高功率镍氢电池正极材料

    Granulation of nano-scale β - Ni ( OH ) _2 cathode materials for high power Ni-MH batteries

  2. 外掺Y2O3对镍氢电池正极高温性能的影响

    Effect of Y_2O_3 as Additives on the High-Temperature Properties of Ni-MH Batteries

  3. 正极含Y2O3的D型镍氢电池的温度特性

    The temperature character of D type MH-Ni batteries with Y_2O_3 as addictive

  4. 镍氢电池管理系统及其SOC预测方法研究

    Study on Battery Management System of MH / NI Batteries and Estimation of SOC

  5. 表明纳米Ni(OH)2二次造粒是制备高功率镍氢电池正极材料的有效方法。

    The granulated nano-scale β Ni ( OH ) 2 is a promising cathode active material for high power Ni-MH batteries .

  6. 基于FLUENT电动汽车镍氢电池风冷流场的研究

    Research on the Flow Field of Electric Vehicle MH / Ni Battery Based on FLUENT

  7. 复合添加Lu2O3和Er2O3对镍氢电池Ni(OH)2正极高温性能的影响

    Effect of Lu_2O_3 and Er_2O_3 as Additives on Properties of Ni ( OH ) _2 Positive Electrode at High Temperature

  8. 该电路可广泛应用于CMOS镍氢/镍镉电池充电控制器中。

    So this circuit can be used in the CMOS nickel cadmium or nickel metal hydride batteries charging controller .

  9. HEV用镍氢动力电池系统研究进展

    Advances of Ni-MH power battery Systems for HEV

  10. 基于CFD的混合动力车用镍氢电池散热系统研究

    A Study on the Cooling System of Ni / MH Batteries for Hybrid Electric Vehicle Based on CFD Analysis

  11. CoO负极添加剂对镍氢电池性能的影响

    Influence of the CoO in MH Electrode on the Performance of Battery

  12. 根据所选用的单体镍氢电池的特点,以及荷电状态SOC均衡方法来确定电池包参数测量点的数量。

    According to feature of individual battery and equalization method for state of charge ( SOC ), the number of measuring points is determined .

  13. 论文以研制SC型镍氢动力电池为主要内容,制定了研制目标、开发方案及验证条件。

    The mainly contents in this paper are the preparation of Sub-C type Ni-MH power batteries . The aim , exploitation project and the conditions were all given .

  14. 公司从镍氢可充电电池的专业研发起步,产品已覆盖从AAAA到F型的所有镍氢类别产品。

    From Ni-MH rechargeable battery start the professional R & D , product has Coverage from AAAA to F-type nickel-metal hydride all categories of products .

  15. 讨论了燃料电池电动轿车电气系统的结构,即整车控制及能量流管理系统、燃料电池发动机、DC/DC变换器、镍氢电池包、电机驱动系统等。

    It discusses the structure of electrical system in the fuel cell electric vehicle , which is mainly composed of vehicles control and power flow management system , fuel cell engine , NIH battery package , drive system , etc.

  16. 首先分析镍氢电池的工作特性、影响剩余容量的因素,比较了几种估算电池荷电状态(SOC)的方法。

    First the characteristic of the NI-MH batteries and the factors influenced on the state-of-charge ( SOC ) have been analyzed , and different kinds of SOC measuring methods have been compared .

  17. 简述了镍氢电池负极材料ab5型贮氢合金a侧、b侧各元素对其电化学性能的影响。

    The effects on the electrochemical properties of AB5-type hydrogen storage alloys for Ni-MH batteries of adding elements to the A-side and the B-side are described .

  18. 基于镍氢电池性能实验结果,分析了轻度HEV用镍氢电池在不同SOC情况下不同充电电流的最高温度、温差变化趋势。

    Based on the result of NiMH battery performance experiments , changing trend of maximal temperature and difference in temperature of HEV NiMH battery in different SOC and different charging current is analyzed .

  19. 在分析动力电池在混合动力汽车行驶时的充放电工作过程的基础上,建立了一种镍氢动力电池等效电路及其动力电池的参数模型,提出了基于稳态开路电压和状态空间的SOC动态估算方法。

    Moreover , on the basis of the analyzing the charging and discharging process of traction battery in running electric vehicles , a equivalent electric circuit of Ni-MH battery and its parameter model are proposed in detail .

  20. 中国要求松下出售其生产混合动力电动汽车镍氢电池的工厂,并将它在与丰田公司(Toyota)的镍氢电池合资企业中的股份从40%减少至19.5%。

    China demanded that Panasonic sell its division that makes Ni-MH batteries for hybrid electric vehicles and reduce its stake in a Ni-MH battery joint venture with Toyota from 40 per cent to 19.5 per cent .

  21. 随着电子技术的发展,镍镉和镍氢等充电电池的使用愈来愈多,购买和使用充电电池时,电池容量(Ah)成为人们关注的指标。

    Along with the electronic technology development , rechargeable batteries such as nickel cadmium and nickel hydrogen are more and more used , and the battery capacity ( Ah ) becomes a common concern when the clients purchase them .

  22. 在比较了几种电动车常用的蓄电池的基础上,文中重点分析了混合动力用高比功率镍氢电池的一些特性,并介绍了一种用于高比功率镍氢电池的剩余容量(SOC)的估计方法。

    On the basis of comparing the several kinds of commonly battery used in electric vehicles , the characteristics of MH-Ni battery and the estimation method of the state-of-charge ( SOC ) of it is analysis especially in the article .

  23. 本文对镍氢(MH/Ni)碱性二次电池中所普遍使用的正极活性物质Ni(OH)2的制备和电化学行为进行了研究,对于进一步研制和开发综合性能优良的镍电极具有一定的实际意义。

    The preparation and electrochemical performance of nickel hydroxide as a positive active material for the high capacity MH / Ni alkaline rechargeable batteries were studied . The research result in this paper has some significance for the further development of nickel electrode with good properties .

  24. 研究了一种镍氢电池负极&金属氢化物电极新型粘合剂SBS,测定了以SBS为粘合剂的电极性能,并与PTFE和HPMC两种粘合剂进行了对比。

    A new binder SBS for metal hydride electrode ( MH electrode ) is studied , the performances of the electrode using SBS as binder are examined and compared with those of the binders of PTFE and HPMC .

  25. 主要研究成果如下:首先分析了镍氢(MH-Ni)电池的基本工作原理和充放电特性。

    The research achievements and innovations in this paper are as follows : Firstly , the basic work principle and charging-discharging characteristics of MH-Ni batteries have been analyzed .

  26. 以2Ba0·Fe2O3为正极材料、GP镍氢和镍铬二次商业电池的阴极材料为负极,135molKOH溶液为电解液,在隔膜电解池中电化学合成高铁酸钡。

    The electrochemical synthesis of barium ferrate was carried out in membrane cell with 2BaO · Fe_2O_3as anode and materials from GP commercial rechargeable batteries as cathode , in electrolysis of 13.5M KOH solution .

  27. 认为J-43碱性电池密封剂(简称J-43胶)用于镍镉电池、镍氢电池和碱锰电池等碱性电池的防漏密封是可以信赖的。

    It is trusted that J-43 alkaline battery sealant is used to seal alkaline batteries ( Ni-Cd , Ni-MH , etc. ) .

  28. 通过对镍氢电池进行恒流充放电实验和NEDC、FUDS、DST工况循环实验,研究长时间运行时电流传感器的测量误差对安时法估计SOC的影响。

    Through constant current charge-discharge experiments and NEDC , FUDS , DST conditions cycle experiment on nickel-hydrogen batteries , the impact of accumulated measurement error of current sensor on Ampere-hour method is studied .

  29. 采用联邦城市行驶工况(FUDS)对电池组进行充放电试验,建立了单变量的镍氢电池组的状态空间模型。

    The FUDS is used to charge and discharge the Ni / MH battery pack and the battery 's state space model with single state is built .

  30. 对于制备镍氢电池负极材料的AB5型储氢合金,制备储氢合金的原材料混合稀土主体元素和杂质元素的分析方法进行了较为详尽的研究。

    Preparation and Electrochemical Performance of Nickel Hydroxide for Ni / MH Battery The analytical method of major elements and trace elements in AB_5 type hydrogen storage alloys and mischmetal was researched deeply .