
xiānɡ qiàn xì ɡōnɡ
  • mosaic;inlaid work
  1. 因为两种完全差异的成份是不能达到这情况的,这是象镶嵌细工表面上粘在一块罢了。这样的粘合在自然领域和经验领域中没有前例。

    a state not to be attained in the case of such totally disparate elements , but as an entirely superficial mosaic conglutination , such as is totally unprecedented in the domain of nature and experience .

  2. 该工作室创立于2000年,创始人是一对已婚夫妇——乔布·斯密茨(JobSmeets)和妮科·塔娜杰(NynkeTynagel)。StudioJob的作品包括:饰有巴伐利亚民俗风情镶嵌细工的家具、一台形似建筑起重机的电灯和几座眼睛能发光的青铜猫雕像。

    Founded in 2000 by Job Smeets and Nynke Tynagel , a married couple , Studio Job has produced furniture dense with Bavarian-folk-themed marquetry , a lamp shaped like a construction crane and bronze cat sculptures with eyes that literally glow .

  3. 他们经常来与马赛克镶嵌细工并且是相当耐久和美丽的。

    They often come with mosaic inlays and are quite durable and beautiful .

  4. 她的讲座上将有幻灯片演示,是关于带镶嵌细工的古代家具。

    Her lecture will include a slide-show of historic pieces of furniture decorated with marquetry .

  5. 科林斯写了一篇小论文,指出镶嵌细工的原件不如照片那么好看。

    Collins made notes for a little thesis pointing out the inferiority of the original mosaics to their photographs .

  6. 家具范围广泛,从简单松木箱或乡村枝条背椅到最精致的镶嵌细工橱柜或镀金壁台桌。

    It ranges from the simple pine chest or country chair to the elaborate marquetry-work cabinet or gilded console table .