
  • 网络Arab style;arabesque
  1. 短暂的礼拜后,这些穆斯林开始享用阿拉伯风格的鸡饭。

    After a short prayer , the Muslims shared Arab-style chicken rice .

  2. 所以才把它建成阿拉伯风格的建筑了。

    So it was built in the Arabic style .

  3. 德彪西《阿拉伯风格曲第一首》两种演绎版本的速度比较

    The Comparison between the Speed of the Two Versions of Debussy 's Arabesque

  4. 它们类似于传统的阿拉伯风格的清真寺在世界各地。

    They are similar to the traditional Arabic style mosques everywhere in the world .

  5. 海湾航空公司巴林国际机场的头等舱休息厅中弥漫着简约的阿拉伯风格。

    A minimalist Arabian theme dominates the Gulf Air first-class lounge at Bahrain International Airport .

  6. 阿拉伯风格、好莱坞风格、宝莱坞风格,以及“水晶球”风格,都是贝迪近来的创意主题。

    Arab , Hollywood , Bollywood and a " crystal ball " are themes he has recently worked to produce .

  7. 大理的回族餐馆是很明显的,阿拉伯风格的尖塔和绿色圆屋顶的清真寺在保爱路。

    Dali 's Hui presence is obvious from the many Hui restaurants in town and the tall minarets and green domes of the Arabian-style mosque on Boal Lu .

  8. 这是一个气氛紧张的会议;但是那些早上准备拼个你死我活的冤家,到了晚上却亲吻起来&典型的阿拉伯风格。

    It was a tense meeting , but in typically Arab fashion the men who had been ready to kill one another in the morning were kissing one another in the evening .

  9. 阿拉伯纹样风格的小提琴高音旋律,以及两个异域风情段落散发出来的是神秘的东方韵味;

    The high register melody of Arabian pattern style and the two paragraphs with foreign sentiment spreads the mysterious oriental aroma ;

  10. 在我创作的每一样作品中,我都用阿拉伯的书法风格写要旨

    In every work that I create , I write messages with my style of Arabic calligraphy .

  11. 不过看看阿拉伯婚纱,你会发现它既带有阿拉伯传统的风格,也带有欧洲最流行的元素。

    But see Arabia dress , you 'll find it with both traditional style , also Arab with Europe 's most popular element .