
  • 网络Arabian Africa
  1. 郑和的远航曾一度到达波斯、阿拉伯和非洲。

    The Zheng He expeditions even reached Persia , Arabia and East Africa .

  2. 阿拉伯-非洲技术援助基金管理委员会

    CADE Administrative Council of Arab-African Technical Assistance Fund

  3. 阿拉伯国家非洲电信发展会议

    African Telecommunication Development Conference for the Arab States

  4. 阿拉伯-非洲国际银行

    Arab African International Bank

  5. 同时该省也是通向欧洲、阿拉伯、非洲的丝绸之路的起点。

    It is also the starting point of the Silk Road which leads to Europe , Asia and Africa .

  6. 这个中心曾主办过2010年阿拉伯和非洲联盟峰会,现在看上去这座建筑已被炮火和子弹打得墙上千疮百孔,玻璃破损。

    The center , which hosted the2010 Arab and African Union summits , appeared to have pocked walls and shattered windows from shell-fire and shoot-outs .

  7. 阿拉伯和非洲很多国家主张,互联网公司应该向在其他国家承载其流量的通信网络提供更多收入分成。

    A number of countries in the Arab world and in Africa have argued that Internet companies should hand over more of their revenues to the communications networks that carry their traffic in other countries .

  8. Hosni声称获得了阿拉伯联盟和非洲联盟的支持,他去年卷入了一场关于所谓的做出反犹太人言论的言词之争。

    Hosni , who claims the support of the Arab League and African Union , is embroiled in a war of words over allegedly anti-Jewish comments made last year .

  9. 我们把阿拉伯国家从非洲和亚洲单独分出来,

    and we take off the Arab states there , coming both from Africa and from Asia , and we put them separately ,

  10. 1955年的托里特兵变点燃了南北战争的烈火,也是阿拉伯主义与非洲主义对抗的开始。

    The Torit mutiny in 1955 ignited the fires of the war , and also was the antagonism of the South and the North .

  11. 她承诺,会议之后将有实地旅行,访问埃及和其他阿拉伯国家和非洲的地点。

    There will be post-conference field trips organised to sites within Egypt and other parts of the Arab world and Africa , she promised .

  12. 在阿拉伯商人终于遍布非洲的香蕉。

    The Arabic merchants finally spread the bananas all over Africa .

  13. 西方世界能容忍中国在他们已经占了一个世纪的卧榻旁边酣睡吗?阿拉伯战争之后,非洲是美国的下一个目标。

    Can Western worlds tolerate China to snore next to their bed which they slept for the past century ? After the Arabic war , Africa is next for USA.

  14. .第七届中国—阿拉伯国家企业家大会暨第五届投资研讨会于周三召开,会上来自中国、阿拉伯国家以及非洲的17个国际组织签署了12项协议和备忘录以促进各国合作。

    At the 7th China-Arab Business Conference and 5th Investment Seminar on Wednesday , 17 international organizations from China , Arab States and Africa signed 12 agreements and Memorandums of Understanding to invigorate cooperation among these countries .