
  • 网络yangtze river delta urban agglomerations
  1. 基于模糊C均值聚类与相关性分析的长三角城市群演化探析

    Fuzzy C Means Clustering and Correlation Analysis of the Yangtze River Delta City Group Evolution

  2. ⑶基于投入产出分析测算长三角城市群的产业转移效率。

    ⑶ Analyze the industrial transfer efficiency based on input and output process .

  3. 长三角城市群内部经济关系的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis on the Internal Economic Relationship of Yangtze River Delta City Group

  4. 长三角城市群的崛起与中国和平发展

    Growing Up of Metropolitan Coordinating Region in Yangtze Delta and China 's Peaceful Development

  5. 基于城市成长能力的长三角城市群空间发展态势分析

    Urban agglomeration spatial development trend based on growth capacity in the Yangtze River Delta

  6. 从长三角城市群看上海全球城市建设

    Urban Construction of Shanghai as A Global City : Perspective from Yangtze River Delta Mega-city Region

  7. 和静风时相比,有风时长三角城市群下风控制区的热岛加剧。

    Compared with calm wind , the heat island of the leeward of the YRD city group is stronger under the wind condition .

  8. 我国经济发展要求加快其他城市群的发展,因此借鉴长三角城市群的发展经验,研究其发育机制有重要的现实意义。

    So , study how the Changjiang River Delta megalopolis could grow up to the biggest group of cities in China is necessary .

  9. 四是从实证的角度分析长三角城市群一体化机制发展的现状并提出存在的问题。

    Fourthly , describe the status quo of the urban agglomerations in Yangtze River Delta , conduct empirical research , and raise its problems .

  10. 都市化进程中长三角城市群文化的现代性转换珠三角与长三角两大城市群比较研究

    Modern Transformation of Cultures in the Yangtze River Delta The Comparison between the Urbanization Process of the Pearl River Delta and the Yangtze River Delta

  11. 长三角城市群虽然是中国最大的城市群,但是与世界级城市群相比还有一定差距。

    Although Yangtze River Delta Megalopolis has become the largest one in China , there is still a certain distance to go before it catches up with Bos-Wash .

  12. 但迄今为止,鲜有文献研究长三角城市群的利益均衡机制,及如何调解利益分配矛盾、缓解城市间的冲突,促进深度一体化。

    However , there are few literatures about equilibrium of interests and how to mediate the distribution and conflicts of interests of Megalopolis in Yangtze River Delta until now .

  13. 以长三角城市群的崛起为契机,宁波的未来发展将进入一个新阶段,一个由一般城市向区域中心城市乃至大都市升级的阶段。

    As the city cluster of the Yangtze Delta grows up , Ningbo 's future development will enter a new stage , growing from a general city into a key region city or even a metropolis .

  14. 在中部崛起的背景下以及长三角城市群的带动下,安徽省的城市化和房地产业发展潜力很大。

    In the background of the rise of central China and leading by the Yangtze River Delta city group , the level of urbanization and real estate in Anhui Province city have huge potential to develop .

  15. 长三角城市群的总体城市化与生态环境呈现较好的发展趋势,协调发展的城市不断增多,协调发展的等级也不断提高。

    Overall urbanization and the ecological environment of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration showing a favorable development trend , the amount of cities of coordinated development is increasing and the coordination level is also rising .

  16. 并对长三角城市群进行横向和纵向的比较,分析不同年份的城市化和生态环境变化以及差别的原因。

    Then , horizontal and vertical comparison of cities in the Yangtze Delta of different years is conducted . The reasons for change and difference level of diversified cities of urbanization and the ecological environment in various years are analyzed .

  17. 从而了解上述诸因素对经济活动要素在城市之间定位的影响。再次,文章还从经济和就业增长的角度,再次考察了长三角城市群产业圈层的形成。

    So we can know that all varibles above effect factors ' location among cities . Thirdly , the form of industrial hierarchy of urban agglomeration in Changjiang River Delta is thought again from the angle of economic and employment increasing .

  18. 继珠三角和长三角城市群之后,山东半岛城市群渐露雏形,城市体系不断完善,但是与成熟的城市群相比,还存在着诸如经济水平低、产业结构同构化等许多问题。

    Shandong peninsula urban agglomeration has gradually come into shape and urban systems are becoming integrated . But compared with other mature urban agglomerations , there are still some problems such as low economic level and industry isomorphism and so on .

  19. 基于轴辐式网络模型的长三角地区城市群物流配送体系规划研究

    Research of City Group Logistics Distribution System Planning in Changjiang River Delta Based on Hub-and-Spoke Network Model

  20. 基于价值工程思想的长三角地区城市群物流产业发展决策分析

    Analysis of logistics industry development in group of cities in Changjiang River Delta on the basis of value engineering idea

  21. 第二,以中原和长三角等城市群等为例,对分工交易经济进行了实证分析。

    Secondly , taking Zhongyuan Large City-region and Yangtze Delta Large City-region for example , it gives demonstration analyses to labor division and transactional economies .

  22. 对于长三角整个大城市群(YRD),城市化对夏季降水量、降水强度日峰值出现时刻以及降水强度日峰值大小无明显影响,而使得降水量日峰值减少。

    For the whole Yangtze River Delta city group , urbanization has no significant effects on the occurrence times of the summer rainfall amount and rainfall intensity daily peak , but results in a decrease of daily peak of the rainfall amount .

  23. 珠三角与长三角两大城市群比较研究

    The Comparison between the Urbanization Process of the Pearl River Delta and the Yangtze River Delta

  24. 长三角一体化进程中城市群GIS建设研究

    A Study on Building Megalopolis GIS in the Yangtze River Delta Integration

  25. 期间,杭州还要全面接轨上海融入长三角,在长三角城市群中每年完成30个以上跨行政区域的重点合作项目。

    During the " Twelve Five " period , together with Shanghai , Hangzhou will reach the full integration into the Yangtze River Delta and30 more key cooperation items in administrative regions each year .