
  • 网络Long-term plans;LTP;LRP;Long-term Planning;long term planning
  1. 问:公司的长期计划是什么?

    Q. What are your long-term plans for the company ?

  2. 我们需要可预见和持久的资源,以便使国家能够作出长期计划。

    We need resources which are predictable and sustained to allow countries to make long-term plans .

  3. 扎克伯克:我们也有一系列的长期计划,它代表了在我们看来,Facebook应该在移动平台上扮演的角色。

    Zuckerberg : we also had a series of longer-term projects , which was what we thought Facebook should be on mobile .

  4. 力拓董事长保罗斯金纳(paulskinner)表示,中铝目前尚未清楚说明持有力拓股权的长期计划。

    Paul Skinner , Rio chairman , said Chinalco had not yet spelled out its long-term plan for its holding .

  5. 随着本月ResearchKit的推出,医疗研究人员获得一种将iPhone变成临床研究工具的途径,苹果的更长期计划变得明晰起来。

    Apple 's longer-term plans became clearer with the launch earlier this month of ResearchKit , a way for medical researchers to transform the iPhone into a tool for conducting clinical research .

  6. AMD的长期计划是整合其CPU和显卡技术,因此,AMD认为现在是放弃ATI品牌的时候。

    AMD however has long term plans to integrate their CPUs with graphics processing technology and fells that right now is the best time to drop the ATI brand .

  7. 它标志着使JXTA节点更具可管理性和更容易管理这一长期计划的开始。

    It marks the beginning of a long-term plan to make JXTA peers more manageable and easier to administer .

  8. 我们提出并实施了一项长期计划(名为规划纽约(PlaNYC)),以应对人口的增加。

    We developed and implemented a long-term plan ( PlaNYC ) to accommodate population growth .

  9. 此外,如果大家相信长期计划,目前Uber是唯一一家业务规模(按地理覆盖范围和数据衡量)足以成功进行大批量本地递送的按需运输服务公司。

    Plus , if you believe the long-term plan , it is the only on-demand ride company out there that currently has a large enough footprint ( in terms of both geography and data ) to pull off local delivery on a mass scale .

  10. 财会系统是企业有效经营管理的重要组成部分,健全、高效的财会系统能够为企业构建整体策略与长期计划;

    Accounting system is an important part of effective business administration .

  11. 他同样认为在经营方阵规划中需要有长期计划。

    He also believes in a long-term approach to business planning .

  12. 若没有精心的方案设计长期计划将付出昂贵的代价。

    Long-term commitments can become very expensive without careful program design .

  13. 麦当劳的高管承认,这将是一个长期计划。

    Company executives admit this will be a long-term project .

  14. 在这阶段内避免旅行或任何长期计划。

    Avoid travel or any long-term planning under this transit .

  15. 如果必要的话,制定一个长期计划。

    Make it a long-term plan if you have to .

  16. 那时我没在作长期计划。

    At that time I was making no long-range plans .

  17. 基于长期计划的动态给水管网优化设计模型

    Dynamic Water-supply Pipeline 's Optimum Design Model Based on the Long-term Planning

  18. 然而,一份成功的商业计划应该包括长期计划。

    However a successful business plan includes long-range plans .

  19. 能源保存和多样化是全球能源安全的长期计划。

    Energy conservation and diversification is a long-range plan for global energy security .

  20. 1946年中国一份发展科学的长期计划

    A Long-term Chinese Science Development Plan in 1946

  21. 做职业发展计划应该从长期计划开始想,要倒着来做。

    Planning a career should start from Long Term thinking and work in reverse .

  22. 等级森严的权力机构,控制范围,长期计划,预算。

    Hierarchies of authority , spans of control , long-range plans , and budgets .

  23. 不寻常的是,主权的改变是在一个长期计划之前。

    Unusually , the change of sovereignty was preceded by a long planning period .

  24. 世界天气观测长期计划

    Long-term Plan for the World Weather Watch

  25. 这就是我们的长期计划重点所在

    Thats what our long-term plan is about

  26. 关于残疾人的措施的长期计划

    Long-term Plan for Measures for Disabled Persons

  27. 由于我国长期计划经济导致的经济结构僵化,生产大量重复,不能形成有效的供给,加重了供需失衡。

    Because of the fixed planned economy for long time , the economic structure is rigid .

  28. 用于创建和命名软件开发项目的长期计划,例如五年计划。

    Your long-term plan , such as five-year , for creating and naming software development projects .

  29. 纳尔逊-曼德拉的身体状况使得奥巴马长期计划的非洲之行蒙上阴影。

    The health of the ailing Nelson Mandela has overshadowed Obama 's long-planned visit to the continent .

  30. 为了在这个国家取得成功,你需要作出长期计划。

    In order to succeed in this country , you need to plan for the long term .