
  • 网络attack strategy;Offensive Strategy
  1. 基于高涨的原材料价格和低迷的销售价格,XR公司拟采取防御型而不是进攻型战略,应花更大的精力致力于新产品的开发储备和横向一体化。

    Because of the rising prices of the materials and the falling prices of sale price , the company intends to adopt defensive strategies rather than offensive ones , devoted to development and stocking of the new products and horizontalization .

  2. 在论述了企业专利战略的概念及其重要作用的基础上,从进攻型战略、防御型战略及虚实相间战略三个方面概述了专利战略的类型。

    Based on discussing the concept and its important impact of patent strategies , this paper summarizes types of patent strategies from three following aspects : attack strategies , defense strategies , false-and-true strategies , and then brings forward four suggestions .

  3. 衰退产业创新有三种基本战略,即进攻型创新战略、防御型创新战略和模仿与依赖型创新战略。

    The paper discusses three basic strategies for enterprise to innovate in declining industry , that is offensive innovation strategy , defensive innovation strategy , imitation and dependent innovation strategy , which focus on analyzing the conditions , advantages and disadvantages , polices for enterprise to implement these strategies .

  4. 在垄断竞争的市场结构条件下,企业集团由于规模经济的优势适宜采用进攻型技术创新战略;

    By scale economy vantage , enterprise-group applying to adopt attack type technology innovation stratagem when market structure appears monopoly compete .